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James Bond Casino Royale Poison Scene Recreation

1. Describe 1 problem you had during the filming process and how you overcame it?

A problem which I find out whilst during the filming is the scene of the villain looking at
James bond when he leaves to go to the bathroom. The way I overcome it is by rewatching
the video to see what happens in that scene to work out why the villain was looking at Bond
to see if the poison work or not.

2. Describe 1 problem you had during the editing process and how you overcame it?

A problem which I find out whilst during the editing is the part where the two people are at
the bar and they are looking at Mr Bond going to the bathroom. The way I overcome this
whilst editing was by removing the scene because my group didn’t have the right amount of
people to do that scene. Another problem I had also is there was a part where I had a part of
the original scene in it.

3. Did you have a favourite shot to film? Why is this?

My favourite shot of the film is where Mr bond throws the poker chip on the table and
leaves to go to the bathroom. The reason why I like this scene is because the way Mr Bond
just throws thee chips on the table and just walks off to sort out the poison which the villain
has put in bond’s drink which he didn’t know it had been poison he only know it was poison
is when he took a quick look at the martini glass and notice that there was a piece of lemon
peel in his glass but not in the villain glass.

4. Is there anything you would do differently if you were to do the sequence again?

The one part I would change or differently next time is the scene where bond puts the salt
into the glass which he took of a table whilst walking to the bathroom, the reason why I
would do this differently is by using a different type of glass instead of the same glass which I
used for the martini shot scene.

5. Explain your role within your group? What did you do?

My role in this is the part of James Bond as Bond I had the most scene with a total of 9
shots. I did have to film one scene which I wasn’t in. because there was no reason for me to
been in the scene where was had some who had be doing the filming.

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