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Peanut butter lips film review

Honestly I didn't know what to make of the short film Peanut butter lips when I first watched
it. To me it just sounded a bit odd when I first heard of it. However I thought that the way the
short film was edited was quite clever. There was a range of different camera shots used in
this short film displaying close up shots which made the facial expressions of the actors
quite clear which helps the audience understand what their emotions were in different parts
of the short film. When the boy offers his jam sandwich to the girl we can really see her
disgust which immediately tells the audience that she is not a fan of jam sandwiches and we
can also see the disappointment in the boy's face when she rejects the first sandwich.

When the boy first gets rejected he then goes off and makes multiple sandwiches. This
scene is accompanied by montage This scene includes quick paced editing and jump cut
changes which were mainly close up shots so the audience can see the contents of each
sandwich and the different kinds of sandwiches being made. There was always a close up of
the sandwich when it was being made so it is clear to the audience what is in the sandwich.
This scene also shows the audience how determined the boy is to receive a kiss from the girl
as he keeps making different sandwiches to try and win the girl's affection. No matter how
many times the boy was rejected he kept trying. The short film is set in a playground of a
school as well as a kitchen of the boys house. The costumes are school uniforms. In the
scenes with the girl in it can be seen that she is always holding a book. Furthermore the
music was quite upbeat which further interests the audience more as the music is positive.
Eventually the boy makes a peanut butter sandwich the camera cuts to a coles up as the
boy tries the peanut butter and when he brings it to the girl we can see that the boy does
not look pleased as he thinks he is going to get rejected again. This is supported when we
see the boy's expression as his expression when he sits down does not look very positive.
When the boy first sits on the bench the girl looks up from her book and starts to sniff the air
which is an indication that the outcome of this sandwich could perhaps be different from the
previous attempts.then the girl tries to take the sandwich but then the boy moves it away
from her. Then the girl moves closer to the boy which is a close up shot then the boy is
shocked because he is not closer than ever to getting what he wants. However the boy is
then tricked as the girl takes the sandwich without his knowledge. We are then able to see
the disappointment on the boy's face as he realises that he has been tricked. Then the
camera moves to a close up shot as the boy finally gets what he wants then after that his
disappointed expression is replaced by a happier one. This is because the boy has finally
got what he wanted.

Overall I thought this concept was a bit strange and when watching this I couldn't help but
cringe. However for a short film I thought the acting was good and the camera work in the
short film was done quite well. Finally I would rate this short film a 2 out of 5

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