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Batman Recreation Evaluation.

Describe 1 problem you had during the filming process and how you
overcame it?

1 problem I had whilst filming Batman Begins was the scene where the
Batarang hits the light and drops to the floor the way I overcame this is by
pointing the camera toward the light and then drooped the Batarang on the
floor also. Counting with the same problem is the sound which the Batarang
makes when it hits the floor.

Describe 1 problem you had during the editing process and how you
overcame it?

1 problem I had whilst editing was the part where the person hands the box to
the person who is standing up the stage. The way I overcame this problem is by
the person standing up on the chairs to represent the stage.

Did you have a favourite shot to film? Why is this?

My favourite shot to film is the part where the person gets pulled into the
darkroom. This is because it was one of the funniest parts to filmed the reason
why is just 1 movement that way it was my favourite shot to film.

Is there anything you would do differently if you were to do the

sequence again?

If I had to anything differently it will be the part where the person hands the
box to the person on the stage. The way I would do that differently is instead of
using chairs use a stage.

. Explain your role within your group? What did you do?

My role within the group was the of the crooks and the person who pull another person into
a dark room. I had the most scene to be in this is because the crook was in most of the scene
which my grouped filmed.

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