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some girl rolls up like she's walking by as I'm like walking past and she's wearing

same kind of like retarded obviously fake fucking bling as I am she's carrying like
a tall boy of paps blue ribbon and she looks at me she's like who and she's like
who are you
I go I'm Jeff Allen she's like oh she's like she's like looking at me like some
kind of
like rotisserie chicken or something and she goes she goes what do you do in that
like like just like that I'll go ahead she's like she's like what do you do in that
I go well allow me to show you like boom and I start dragging her off I'm like
dragging her
back to the van as I'm dragging her back to the van I look at her I'm like wow this
chick's actually
hot so I'm like makeup makeup we get to the van I'm like literally like unlocking
it this other
chick rolls up like dressed similarly also carrying a tall boy of pbr it's like
willy what the fuck are
you doing and she's like I made a new friend this is my friend Jeff and she's like
she looks at me
she's like looks at the van she's like oh hell no she's like no get away from she's
like come here
she's like get away from this motherfucking van and like drags the chick off and
I'm just sitting
there like what the fuck like just laughing and that to me illustrates the game
it's like from
having some weird emotional freak out to making out and about to fuck and then
dragged off all
in a span of like five minutes okay I know I've got all other situations where I'd
like had you
know got super butt hurt and then I went back and I got laid the thing is you never
know which set
you're going to pull it could be the set at 2 15 if you're living in San Francisco
it could be the
set at you know 6 30 in the morning walking down Collins you never know so it's a
sprint it's on a
marathon I remember on new year's eve recently we're at this party and dude me and
my buddy evil
stiffler he's called evil stiffler um my my attorney's younger brother and he um
this guy
he's fucked like 600 girls he's just an he's a natural he's just a complete scumbag
like his
game his game is very simple he's just he goes up and he just scum scums hard and
uh he's just
right so uh he's like hey girl like this is approach hey girl love your coat love
your face
come here girl and he just like starts fingering it like I'm like what the fuck
like this guy but
the thing is he's so he's so comfortable with it right like it's funny I might show
you a little
video later on this 13 inch screen because you don't have a projector but which is
cool that
it's a little bit intimate um and you and you see us like beasting on these hoes in
the middle of
the day and he's like doing this fingering shit I'm like escalating but I'm kind of
trying to be
more smooth and I've been doing this deep right you know a long time and I think my
is pretty good but compared to his it looks stiff and robotic it looks but he's
just like
when when I see him get alone with a girl or creep hard on the girl it's like
watching like
a mouse dropped into like the tarantula tank or something or like the snake
aquarium it's like
like immediately just like fluid anyway that's neither here nor there so we're
we're at this
new year's party and uh you know it goes to like 6 a.m. it's about four so we start
up you are
amazing I love you you are amazing I love you make out you are amazing and they'll
make out
then they like run away giggling right so after about like 30 of these blowouts I'm
like dude
this is getting a little disheartening man I like turn to him and he turns to me
he's like hey he's
like what's that shit you say be in the get the present yeah because he hates all
this shit like
he hates self-explanation this guy's a scumbag like he he don't want to hear about
fucking being a
better person he don't want to hear about making money he doesn't want to hear
about shit all he
wants to hear about is getting laid this guy his entire life is structured around
fucking that's
it he's not successful he is not respected he doesn't want to be respected in the
he doesn't want people to like him he does not give a fuck he just wants to fuck as
much as
humanly possible and I'm not saying that this is to be emulated but there are
lessons to be learned
from this guy and and one of those lessons is social momentum this kid he came out
of the womb
beasting and he and he's been beasting every day since for the past consecutive 27
and I know that sounds like a joke everyone laughs when I say that it ain't a joke
the kid like he's a he's a he's a legitimate beast like and he just goes and so you
he goes to sleep he wakes up first thing beast mode it's on motherfucker where you
at like dirt
I'm like

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