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1.Self identity is an awareness of one unique features and abilities.

It shows who you are, what you are

and what you’re capable of

Self-identity is a way how we interacts with other people. It also shows how we are able to utilize our
social skills and how confident are we in talking to other people.

2.My 5 most important parts about my identity would be Gender,Nationality ,Race,Generation and
I think the most important one would be Gender.

3.I think the reason the parts of your identities are crucial in your social life is that those parts describes
what you are and who you are it perfectly describes one ability and capability. It’s also perfect for
finding relationships since most identity parts relates to personality. Those parts can also show how
capable are you at talking to people in groups.

4.The place I live in perfectly describes thunderstorms. It’s chaotic, noisy loud but I think I just got used
to it. Boys are named manly words which means for example Jack can’t be named to a girl but at the
same time womanly names can not be named to boys for example Christina can’t be named to a girl.
The names are basically ways to define yourself. My name was given to me because it is said that I will
be the one to eradicate the shadows like the moon. One of my tarot master or fortune teller gave me
the name.

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