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Lesson 1, Classification of elements

A) Mendeleev's periodic table:

He arranged (67) elements of similar properties in vertical columns (groups), in an
ascending order according to their atomic weights

* Advantages of Mendeleev’s table.

1-Mendeleev predicted the ability of discovering new elements. So he left spaces
(empty cells) in his table. GR
2-he corrected the wrong estimated atomic weights of some elements.
Disadvantages of Mendeleev’s table
1-He had to make a disturbance in the ascending order of atomic weights for some
elements, GR
Due to putting them in groups which suit their properties.
2-he also would have to deal with the isotopes of one element as different elements. GR
Decause they are different in their atomic weights.
B) Moseley's periodic table:
1- He arranged elements in according to their atomic numbers.
2- He added (0) group which includes inert (noble) gases.
4- He specified a place below the table for lanthanides and actinides elements.
Bohr: discovered the main 7 energy levels of the atom.
C) Modern periodic table:
no. of elements = 118 (92 in nature) , the rest of the elements are prepared artificially.
- Elements are classified in the Modern periodic table according to:
1- Atomic number. 2- The way of filling the energy sublevels with electrons.
It consists of 7 horizontal periods and 18 vertical groups.
- The number of elements till now is (118).

Rutherford discovered that the nucleus of atom contains positively charged protons.

*Elements of (A) groups lie on the left and right of the table.
* The elements of (B) groups lie in the middle of the table.
⚓The polar compound is a covalent compound, the electronegativity difference between its
elements is relatively high.
⚓Semimetals (Metalloids).
They are the elements which have the properties of both metals and nonmetals.
* Metallic property of the same group increases by the increase of the atomic number
as we go from up to down (as in group 1A) due to the increase of the atomic size.

Give reason for:

1)Mendeleev left gaps (empty cells) in his periodic table.
Because he predicted the discovery of new elements.

2)Mendeleev had to put more than one element in one cell.

To put these elements according to similarity in their properties

4)Element of the same groups have similar properties.

Because their atoms have the same number of electrons in the outermost energy level.

Lesson 2
.Graduation of the properties of elements in modern periodic table
Atomic size – 1

In period -1 In group -2

The atomic size of the same group

The atomic size of the same period
increases by the increase of their atomic
decreases by the increase of their atomic

Due to The increase of the attraction Due to the increase of the number of
force between positive nucleus and the the energy levels in the atoms
electrons in the outermost energy level

Electronegativity – 2
In period -1 In group -2

By increasing the atomic number the It decreases in the same group.

electronegativity of elements of the same The electronegativity of fluorine element is
period increases the highest value and equals 4

:Metallic and non- metallic property – 3

:Elements classified into four main kinds
.Metals 2 – Nonmetal 3 – metalloids (semimetals) 4 – Nobel gases -1
Metals Nonmetals
Their outermost shells contain less than (4) Theiroutermost shells contain more than
electrons (4) electrons and less than(8)

tend to lose these electrons during the tend to gain electrons during the
chemical reaction To reach the nearest chemical reaction. To reach the nearest
inert gas preceding them in the periodic inert gas after them in the periodic table,
table, forming positive ions. forming negative ions

: Graduation of metallic and nonmetallic property

* Metallic property of the same group increases by the increase of the atomic number as we go from up to
down (as in group 1A) due to the increase of the atomic size, while nonmetallic property decreases (as in
group 7A) due to the decrease of electronegativity values.

* The period starts with strong metal, as the atomic number increases in the same
period the metallic property decreases gradually until we reach semimetals and then
nonmetals start appear and as the atomic number increases, the nonmetallic
property increases until we reach the strongest nonmetal in group 7A.

Chemical properties of metals

1 – Reaction of metal with dilute acids:

Mg + HCL MgCl2 + H2 ↑ Hydrogen evolved

2 – Reaction of metal with Oxygen:

2Mg + O2 ∆ 2MgO Magnesium oxide

MgO + H 2O Mg(OH)2 Magnesium hydroxide

( Basic oxide )
Basic oxides
They are metallic oxides; some of them dissolve in water forming alkaline solutions.
3 – Reaction of metal with water:

Metals Reaction with water

K and Na React instantly
Ca and Mg React very slowly
Zn and Fe React with hot water
Cu and Ag Don't react .

⚓ Chemical activity series:

It is a series in which metals are arranged in a descending order according to their chemical

Cu + HCl dilute No Reaction.

2Na + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2

Chemical properties of nonmetals

1 – Reaction of nonmetal with dilute acids:
Nonmetals don't react with dilute acids like sulpher and carbon.

2 – Reaction of nonmetal with Oxygen:

C + O2 CO2 ( Carbon dioxide )
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 ( Carbonic aicd )
( Acidic oxide )
Acidic oxide
They are nonmetallic oxides which dissolve in water forming acidic solutions.
Basic oxides Acidic oxides
Metal oxide Non metal oxide
Reaction of metal with oxygen Reaction of nonmetal with oxygen
Some react with water forming alkalis react with water forming acids change
change the color of litmus into blue the color of litmus into red
Example : Na2O , MgO Example : CO2 , SO2

Give reason for: Al2O3 is an amphoteric oxide

1)The atomic size decreases in periods by increasing the atomic number.

Because the attraction force between the positive Nucleus and the outermost electrons
increases through the period by increasing the atomic number.
2)The atomic size of (11Na) is greater than that of (3Li)
Due to the increase of the number of energy levels through the group by increasing the
atomic number, Lithium has two energy levels but sodium has three energy levels.
3)Water molecule is from the polar molecules.
Because the difference in electronegativity between its elements is relatively high.
The electronegativity between O & H = 3.5 - 2.1 = 1.4
4)During the chemical reactions, sodium (11Na) atom tends to form positive ions.
Because sodium atom loses the outermost electron to make its outer level filled with

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