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P.NO. 8700867342


 Introduction
 Matter around us is present in the form of elements, compounds and mixtures.
 Element are substances containing atom of only one type. E.g., Na, Mg, Au etc.
 There are 118 elements known to us. All these have different properties and out of these 98 naturally
 Need for Periodic Classification
 To make the study of these elements easy, these elements have been divided into few groups in such
a way that elements in the same group have similar properties. Now study of large number of
elements is reduced to a few groups of elements.
 The earliest attempt to classify the elements resulted in grouping the then known elements as metals
and non-metals. Later classification were tried out as our knowledge of elements and their properties
 Dobereiner’s Traids :
 30 elements had been discovered till 1817.
 Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner, a German scientist divided some of these elements into group of 3
elements and the name the group is “Traids”.
 Arrange the elements in the order of increasing atomic masses.
 Elements in his traid have almost same physical and chemical properties.
 Roughly Arithmetic mean of atomic mass of first and third element is equal to atomic mass of second
 Examples :-
Group A Group B Group C
Elements Atomic Mass Elements Atomic Mass Elements Atomic Mass
Lithium (Li) 7 Calcium (Ca) 40.1 Chlorine (Cl) 35.5
Sodium (Na) 23 Strontium(Sr) 87.6 Bromine (Br) 79.9
Potassium(K) 39 Barium (Ba) 137.3 Iodine (I) 126.9
 Limitation
But he could form only 3 traids so he could arrange only 9 elements out of 30 in groups.
 Newland’s Law of Octaves :
 In 1866, 56 elements had been discovered.
 John Newland is an English Scientist discovered a law named Newland’s Law of Octaves/Law of
 This law states that if elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic masses, the property of
every eighth element repeats.
 He started with the element having lowest atomic mass (hydrogen) and ended at thorium which was
56th element.
 The properties of lithium and sodium were found to be same. Sodium is the eighth element after
lithium. Similarly, beryllium and magnesium resemble each other.

 Limitations :
 It was applicable upto calcium ( for lighter elements only).
 Properties of new discovered elements did not fit into law of octaves.
 To fit elements into his table, Newlands put even two elements together in one slot and that too in the column
of unlike elements having very different properties.
 Cobalt and nickel are in the same slot and these are placed in the same column as fluorine, chlorine and
bromine which have very different properties than these elements.
 Iron, which resembles cobalt and nickel in properties, has been placed far away from these elements.
 Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
 In 1869, 63 elements had been discovered.
 Mendeleev’s was a Russian chemist discovered a periodic table of element called Mendeleev’s
periodic table.
 When elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic masses, the element with similar
properties occur at regular intervals. The properties of elements are a periodic function of their
atomic masses.
 Mendeleev’s periodic table is based on the chemical properties of elements.
 It contains 7 periods (horizontal rows) and 8 groups (vertical column).
 Mendeleev’s was nominated for noble Prize in 1906, But he died in 1907 before the ceremony.
 He selected hydrogen and oxygen as they are very reactive and formed compounds formed with most
 The formulae of the hydrides and oxides formed by an element were treated as one of the basic
properties of an elements for its classification. Letter “R” is used to represent hydrides and oxides.
Examples :-
The hydrides of carbon , CH4 , is written as RH4 and oxides of CO2, as RO2.
 Merits of Mendeleev’s classification
 Some gaps were left for the undiscovered elements like gallium (Ga) , Scandium (Sc) and Germanium
 Predict properties of elements on the basis of their positions in the periodic table.
 Accommodate noble gases like helium (He), neon (Ne) and argon (Ar) when they were discovered
without disturbing the original arrangement. These gases were discovered very late because they are
very inert and present in extremely low concentrations in our atmosphere.
 Limitations of Mendeleev’s classification
 Position of isotopes could not be explained.
 No fixed position for hydrogen.
 Wrong order of atomic masses of some elements could not be explained.

 Modern Periodic Table
 In 1913, Henry Moseley showed that atomic numbers is better base for arranging elements in table.
 Then after Henry Moseley and Neil Bohr and some other scientist who modified the Mendeleev’s
periodic table in the form of modern periodic table.
 Based on increasing atomic number.
 It has 18 vertical column called groups and it has 7 horizontal rows are called periods.

 Metalloids show properties of both metals and non-metals.
 Atomic number of an element is a more fundamental property than its atomic mass.
 All the anomalies of Mendeleev’s classification disappear.

 Explanation of the Anomalies by Modern Periodic Table
 Explanation for the position of isotopes (same atomic numbers put at one place in the same group).
 Cobalt with atomic no.27 came first and nickel 28 should come later.
 Unlike atomic masses, atomic number is always a whole number, so there is no elements between
hydrogen and helium.
 Atomic Number : It is denoted by Z and equal to the number of proton in the nucleus of an atom.
 Element with same number of valence electrons are placed in the same groups.
 Examples :-
Li 2,1
Na 2,8,1
K 2,8,8,1
Outermost or valence shell in all the three contain 1 electrons. These elements have been placed in
the same group.
 Number of shell increases as we go down in the group.
 Elements with same number of occupied shells are placed in same period.
For examples :-
Li (2,1) , Be (2,2), B(2,3), C(2,4) N(2,5). These elements same number of shell (two).
 Each period marks a new electronic shell getting filled.
 Number of element placed in a particular period depends upon the facts that how electrons are filled
into various shell.
 Maximum number of electron that can be filled in a shell is given 2n2 where n is the number of shell.
For example :-
K shell n=1 or 2n2 =2(1)2=2 (First period has 2 element)
L shell n=2 or 2n2 = 2(2)2=8 (second period has 8 element)
 Position of an element in the periodic table tells us its chemical reactivity.
 Valence electron determine the kind and the number of bonds formed by the element.
 Trends in the Modern Periodic Table
 Valency :
 Valency is the combining power of an element with other atoms when it forms a chemical
 Valency is equal to number of electron gained or lost or shared to complete valence etcoctet ort
 Number of valence electrons present in the outermost shell of its atom.
 On moving from left to right in each period, the valency of elements increases from 1 to 4 and then
decreases to 0.

Third period elements Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Valency 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0
Note: Valency remains the same down in a group.
 Atomic Size :
 Atomic size refers to the radius of an atom. It may be visualized as the distance between the centre
of the nucleus and the outermost shell.
 Atomic size or radius of an atom decreases as we move from left to right in a period because due to
large +ve charge on the nucleus, the electrons are pulled in more close to the nucleus and size
Example :-

Third period elements Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
Atomic radii (Pm) 186 160 143 118 110 104 99
 Atomic size increases as we move down the group because new shells are being added and this
increases the distance between nucleus and outermost electron.
 Group I Lithium Li 152
Sodium Na 186 Atomic radii (Pm)
Potassium K 231
Rubidium Rb 244
Casium Cs 262
Franscium Fr 270
 Metallic Character
 Metallic character means the tendency of an atom to lose electron.
 Metals occupy the left hand side of the periodic table.
 On moving left to right in a period, the metallic character of an element decreases because the
effective nuclear charge increases. It means tendency to lose electron decreases.
 Metals are electropositive as they tend to lose electrons while forming bonds.
 Metallic character increases as we go down a group as the effective nuclear charge is decreasing.
 Non-metallic Character
 Non-metals are electronegative as they tend to form bonds by gaining electrons.
 Non-metals occupies the right side of the periodic table.
 Non-metallic character increases across a period because due to increases in effective nuclear charge
that means tendency to gain electron increases.
 Non-metallic character decreases as we move down a group due to decrease in effective nuclear
charge experienced by the valence electron thus the tendency to gain electron decreases.
 In the middle of periodic table we have semi-metals or metalloid because they exhibit some
properties of metals and non-metals
 Oxides of metal are basic in nature while oxides of non-metals are acidic in nature.

Property Variation Reason Variation Reason

across periods along
1. Atomic size Decreases Due to increase in Increases Due to addition of new
nuclear charge, or shells, the distance
resulting in stronger between outermost
force of attraction electron and nucleus
which causes shrinking. increases.
2. Metallic Decreases Due to increases in Increases Decrease in effective
character effective nuclear nuclear charge
charge, tendency to experienced by valence
lose valence electrons electrons. Tendency to
decreases. lose electrons increases.
3. Non- Increases Due to increase in Decreases Due to decrease in
metallic effective nuclear effective nuclear charge
character charge, tendency to experienced by valence
gain electrons electron (due to
increases. addition of new shells)
tendency to gain
electrons decreases.


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