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Study Guide: Thirteen English Colonies

Focus question: How does where we live affect how we live?
Statement of Inquiry: Environments play a major role in how people live and work.

Vocab quiz ____________ Map quiz _______________ Unit test _______________


Representative government established in Jamestown in 1619

1. House of Burgesses
Gov’t in which people choose leaders (representatives) to make
2. representative gov’t
decisions for them
Person who agreed to work without pay for a period of time in
3. indentured servant
exchange for passage to the colonies
Large self-sufficient farm used for growing cash crops such as tobacco or
4. plantation
Voyage made by slaves from Africa to the Americas
5. Middle Passage
Person held as someone else’s property; forced to work for no pay
6. slave
Democratic government established for the Plymouth colony in 1620
7. Mayflower Compact
Willingness to allow others to believe as they wish
8. toleration
Dutch colony that would later became English colonies of New York
9. New Netherland
and New Jersey
Original Dutch settlement in New Netherland; later became New York
10. New Amsterdam
Crops that are sold for profit
11. cash crops
Belief that colonies should benefit the Mother Country. (In other words,
12. Mercantilism
England should strictly control colonial trade so England will get wealthy)
A trade route named because the three “legs” of the trip formed a
13. Triangle trade
triangle between the Americas, Africa and Europe
Nickname given to the New England region of colonies because of the
14. “Colonial Workshop”
large amount of manufacturing
Nickname given to the Middle region of colonies because of their large
15. “Colonial Breadbasket”
grain production
Nickname given to the Southern region of colonies because of their
16. “Colonial Greenhouse”
warm, humid climate and large amount of farming

Governor of Roanoke colony; found colony abandoned after returning from

1. John White
Early leader of Jamestown colony
2. John Smith
Chief of Powhatan Native Americans; father of Pocahontas
3. Powhatan (leader)
Daughter of Powhatan; befriended John Smith and helped Jamestown colony
4. Pocahontas
Native American who helped teach Pilgrims how to survive in America
5. Squanto
Leader of Puritans and founder of Massachusetts colony
6. John Winthrop
Woman who was banished from Massachusetts colony for criticizing Puritan
7. Anne Hutchinson
Founder of Rhode Island
8. Roger Williams
Founder of Connecticut
9. Thomas Hooker
English explorer who sailed for England and the Netherlands in search of a
10. Henry Hudson
water route to Asia
Harsh Dutch leader of New Netherland in mid-1600’s
11. Peter Stuyvesant
Religious group that believed all people were equal in God’s eyes
12. Quakers
Quaker who founded Pennsylvania colony for religious freedom
13. William Penn

Topics to Review
All topics below should be reviewed by reviewing class notes and handouts and writing
about each topic on a separated sheet of looseleaf paper.

Southern Colonies: “Colonial Greenhouse”

1. What happened when England tried to set up a colony at Roanoke?

2. When, where, and why was Jamestown established?

3. What problems did the early Jamestown settlers face? How did Native Americans help them

become successful?
4. How was the Jamestown (Virginia) colony governed?

5. How did geography affect how the people of the Southern colonies lived?

6. Describe what slaves experienced during the Middle Passage.

New England Colonies: “Colonial Workshop”

7. When, where, and why was Plymouth established?

8. What problems did the early Plymouth settlers face? How did Native Americans help them?

9. How was the Plymouth colony governed?

10. How did geography affect how the New England colonists lived?

Middle Colonies: “Colonial Breadbasket”

11. Why did the Dutch (people from the Netherlands) establish the colony of New Netherland?

12. Why did William Penn set up the colony of Pennsylvania?

How did the Middle Colonies’ culture differ from the other regions?

13. How did geography affect how the people of the Middle Colonies lived?
Locations to know: Map of the Thirteen Colonies

Historians have categorized the thirteen colonies into three distinct regions based on geography. The
regions are: New England, Middle and Southern. You must be able to identify each of the thirteen
colonies and the region it belongs to.
Review: Map of Thirteen Colonies
Directions: Match the number on the map with the name of the colony listed on the right. Then
complete the table below by listing the colonies in each of the three regions

____ New York

7 ____ New Jersey
10 2 ____ Connecticut
6 3 ____ Pennsylvania
1 ____ Massachusetts

12 11 ____ New Hampshire

____ South Carolina

____ Maryland

____ Virginia
____ Georgia

____ Rhode Island

___ North Carolina
13 ___ Delaware

New England colonies: Middle colonies: Southern colonies:

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