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Types of Business Letters

Purposive Communication
Sta. Rosa Jerome P. - BSIE 1-2
Every letter you send needs to:
● Establish good understanding with the reader
● Protect and promote your company's image
● Continue or increase business, relationships and opportunities
To communicate with your audience effectively, you have to determine:

● What to say
● How to say it
● Where to say it
Types of Business Letters
Inquiry Letters
an inquiry letter asks for information about a product, service or
Cover Letters
a cover letter accompanies a document like a proposal, a report, a
portfolio that you send to your reader
Sales Letters
A sales letter is written to persuade the reader to buy a product, try
a service, support some cause, or participate in some activity
Letters of Recommendation
A letter of recommendation is written on behalf of another
professional to verify their qualifications and work ethic.
Letters of Commendation
Letters of commendation are a form of employee appreciation, and
companies send them out to the entire staff to congratulate an
employee for a job well done.
Letters of Resignation
A letter of resignation informs your employer of your intent to resign.
Thank you Letters
A professional thank you letter is an important way to let colleagues,
employers, or other business contacts know you value their time or
Complaint Letters
Complaint letters are usually sent by consumers to businesses when
they're unhappy with a service or product.
Apology Letters
An apology letter is an important tool in the workplace that
acknowledges a mistake, expresses regret and asks for the letter
recipient's forgiveness or patience.
Office Memorandum
An office memorandum or business memo is a short yet formal
document used for communication between the business and its
Request Letters
A request letter is a way to formally ask for something in the
Termination Letters
A termination letter is a respectful yet effective way to dismiss an
employee from their current job.
memorandum/memo = “ it must be remembered “
written in a powerful manner so that the readers will be convinced to
act upon reading it.
Minutes of the Meeting
a written documentation regarding a previously held business
meetings or gatherings

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