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A lot of people say they don’t have free time, I don’t have much time either but the

free time that I have I like to spend it doing productive things.

I like spend time with the people I love like my family and my friends, I also like spend
my free time doing sport, I love playing soccer, football, running and lots of more
I also love in my free time travelling with my family, to spend time the for of us
When I meet my friends we go to restaurants, cinema, to play soccer…
In summer I have free time all time so I go to my apartment in Salou, there I spend lot
of time with my family and friends. I go every morning to the beach and at afternoon I
go to the sweeming pool, then at night before going to my apartment I hang with my

The best way to spend my free time is being productive and doing things all the time
and with the people love.

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