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Introduction to Agricultural Extension (RDAE 242)

A Group Assignment [20%]

SN Name of Group Members IDNO Signature


➢ The two types of measuring extension targets’ attitudinal change towards an introduced
innovation were elaborated in the 5th Unit of your course. Revisit this Unit and reflect on the
4 guiding questions presented below. You may also use this checklist page as a cover page to
your completed assignment.

• Think of any hypothetical innovation relevant to improve the livelihoods (assets, activities,
capabilities) of a farming community in Ethiopia. Prepare/develop/ 5 attitude statements
about your selected innovation. Then, select two of your classmates/friends from whom you
can get their attitude about the innovation. Finally, evaluate their attitude towards the
innovation using the Likert-Scale. Use the following questions to guide you through same.

1. What is the Innovation? Describe the features of the technology briefly.

2. Write 5 Attitude Statements: Statements must fit with features of innovation.

3. Compute the attitude of Friend A & Friend B: Show relevant procedures.

4. Compare/contrast the two individuals’ attitude: Make a judgment.

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