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That’s English – Module 8 “grazhy13@gmail.

com” (Pupil) Grazhy & Marzhe - 10

"El que conoce el arte de vivir consigo mismo ignora el aburrimiento."

(Erasmo de Rotterdam)


On Tuesday, 13th January, this afternoon, I was at Villamayor and I

called you (Mr.) because I wanted to have a coffee with you but you were
busy...No problem my friend... I have learned a fantastic way to be happy in
life for me, it is be myself... Every body have a special fear with number
thirteen and Tuesday I don’t believe superstition I only believe at the
moment “present Moment” I have no got any problem with this matter I
have very fear one priest that this causality at the time

So, I went to buy a special light to put at hall at my house, then I

went to refuge at Villamayor...I saw every things from my uncle, my uncle
Agustin died and I was his hair (heredero) I brought at Villamayor refuge a
lot of things from village now I think that he thought that he did never
will die I have a special sensation with his regard, I cannot understand why
people don’t think about this matter the death is a surprise in life another
day...I like living at moment, because life is small...

I am sorry my friend but this is my way to think...It makes happy my

life... I don’t want to be happy tomorrow I want to be happy today...

To night I spoke with my son for ten minutes I love to my son but I
have to show him special rules in life, he does not think about as life is and
I have a storm pain at my head but I cannot be fragile person with him,
because he could be a useless person.

Diary life is complicate in general I think that it is very important be

oneself (genuine person) nowadays in general people is false, cynical and
envy it is a big social problem in this city, I imagine it is similar problem in
another cities, don’t American country.

(Teacher) Mr. Jesús Laborda Page 1 of 3

That’s English – Module 8 “” (Pupil) Grazhy & Marzhe - 10

On Wednesday 14th January, this morning was different another

mornings, I went to body shop Carbajosa, Angel is his manager and he has a
special relationship with I.T.V. worker and I decided Angel went to pass
inspection with my car… Then when I was coming back at my home I met
Lady Margaret, she is a special woman, she is Paxhi´s mother and we had
coffee we spend botch for 40 minutes speaking about our sons

On Saturday 17th January, it is 09:00 p.m. yesterday was a bad day

for my mind...In the evening I met community owner nº 9 Saint Square,
then I picked up to my wife...Danger...!!! We had storm discussion because
my son broken the light hall...Oh yeah!! ...Last Tuesday we bought a new
equipment light, my wife put the light over stairs and when my son was
downing stairs he fell the light with his foot and the glass broke...

This morning my dear dog is worse

with his illness I went to veterinary
clinical and the veterinary sold me a new
medicament for Puppy Einstein, if with
this new medicament he don’t
improvement he could died, because his
illness is a problem with his health...

His health is bad; if he can not lie

down (echarse) it will be that he cannot
beater (respirar, tomar aire) and he could
die asphyxiate.

So...It is 02:00 a.m. I have come

back from cinema, I watched a fantastic
American movie “RESISTENCIA”
(DEFIANCE) The Director is same
“Diamantes de Sangre” and “El Último
Samuray”... The movie is based in real
history, it is a regard about Judies people
in Second Mundial Ward... The main actor
is Daniel Craig; he is main actor in serial
“Agent 007” actuality.

(Teacher) Mr. Jesús Laborda Page 2 of 3

That’s English – Module 8 “” (Pupil) Grazhy & Marzhe - 10

I don’t know who is the problem but it is 05:00 a.m. and I have been
to get up because I don’t have sleep, I think that I am unable (desvelado =
unable to sleep) I am going to back to sleep again, now I will be for 30
minutes waiting to sleep nearly.

On Sunday morning… I am a lucky man… Oh

yeah…!!!! This morning my dear friend MrTonino
visited me…He knows Puppy’s problem and Mr.
Tonino is very interesting about his health
because Toni has a special taste by my dogs…

Finally, Tonino put light at

hall and I helped him…Then Toni
gave to me a special present, it
was an electric grill… I like cook
at the cellar but I am (lose – lost
– lost – losing) losing several
hopes up (ilusiones) in general.

It is 03:00 o’clock and I am going to print this schoolwork I like to

do test over paper…

So…My friend…It is midnight my holidays time is already finished,

tomorrow I am going to the office, I wait will have any problem because I
have my “axe of war” in my pocket. This is all at the moment.

Tomorrow in the afternoon I am going to met you Greeting Graci

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