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Asteroid Acadamy: Trouble in Paradise.

An original radio drama by Logan Parker

Production Script
January 22nd, 2024
© 2024 Logan Parker
All Rights reserved
Asteroid Acadamy: Trouble in Paradise.


Archibald: Holographic/robot weapons master student

Voice: Harry Nicholson
Anthony: Assassin student
Voice: Rupert Francis
Ali: Team leader/Boss student
Voice: Sophie Thorpe
Max: Hacker student
Voice: Brandon Edwards
Asteroid Acadamy: Trouble in Paradise.

 SCENE ONE: INT. space craft pod- morning

(Ali, Archibald, Anthony, Max)
SOUND Whoosh of Airlock doors opening and
closing. Footsteps of Ali and hum of Archibald's hologram.
Ali: How are we doin’ I-
Sound Twang of a dagger that is
thrown and a crackle from Archibald’s Hologram.
Archibald: How many times have I asked you NOT to
play with the daggers Anthony?!
Anthony:  Oh Lighten up little brother, thanks (as
dagger is given back to him), it's not
like I killed you or anything.
Archibald:  Anthony! You are trained to kill! If
mother knew you threw a dagger at me
again, she would disown you!
Anthony:   I never even killed you, Archibald!
That was your stupidity that got you killed not
me! Why does Mother insist that it was my
fault I wasn't even there!

Archibald: Thats the point! You were not there! The

one-person who is supposed to protect me!
You left me to die, I was 14 for crying
out loud Anthony! And my name is Archie!
Anthony:  Mother and Father named you Archibald so
that's what I will call you! Also, I was
only 15, how was I supposed to know that
after I left you in the room where all
your equipment is that you would fall on a
Katana! Your fault for leaving it on the
Ali: Archie! Tony! Stop agurin’! You are
scarin’ poor Max. Right, we all know
how Archie died, let's stop fightin’ and
concentrate on today's task to win
best team!
Anthony: My name is Anthony not Ant not Tony
Anthony, I would kill you, but I will
let it slide as you are my friend.
Max: (breaths start to slow back to normal)
Right I have figured out what the other
team are planning to do. Look I've managed
to hack into their system. It was
relatively easy. Their hacker is
terrible. All I had to do was hack into
their systems mainframe to take off
password lock and then to access the
documents the firewall needed to be shut
down. Now, I got to hand it to them this
is some pretty good programming, but it
was missing one thing that would make it
Anthony: Okay, Max I think we got the idea. So,
what are they planning to do? Thats what
we need to find before they sabotage us.
Ali: Right before we continue has anyone heard
or seen Archie?
Anthony: What do you mean? He was just here, wasn't
Max: Yeah, Ali’s right, it seems that the
lights projecting him have shut down.
SOUND Shut down computer noises happen as
the entire system in the pod shut down and the main door is heard
Max: Oh damnit!

 SCENE TWO: INT. space craft pod. Lights out and systems down-
(Ali, Archibald, Anthony, Max)
Anthony: oh well we better figure out what is going
SOUND Static electricity crackle is heard as Anthony
removes the memory stick from the computer.
Ali: Anthony what are we goin’ to do with him
Anthony: Look I do not know. We will just need to
figure something out.
Max: Hey! Look what I found.
SOUND Squeaking wheels.
Max: We can plug Archie in here. I don't think
it will give him a virus.
Anthony: What do you mean, you think?
Max: Well I've not had time to test it so....
Anthony: Max, is it or is it not safe for my
brother to be plugged into it. I need
a straight answer as we are running out
of options.
Max: Yes, yes, it is safe.
Anthony: You better be right Max, or you will be
explaining to your aunt why one of her
students has a computer virus and
explaining that to my parents too.
SOUND Power up sound as Archibald's system powers up.
Archibald: To whomever unplugged me, please never
pull the memory stick out again without
pressing eject as it hurts so bad!
Anthony: That would have been me, my dear brother.
Archibald: You know better. You also know that there
is a button on the memory stick that
allows for an emergency ejection.
Ali: Hold on, if you are your own system and
connected to the mainframe of the whole
spaceship how were you the first thin’ to
go out when the power went down?
Anthony: Yes, I am curious too.
Archibald and Max: Well, its becau-
Max: Would you like to explain to them? It is
your life form, after all, Archie.
Archibald: Yes, thank you Max. Well, the reason why I
stopped being projected is because there is
one laser being split forming two
coordinated beams of light therefore
projecting me throughout the ship.
Anthony: Yes, I understand that now. But back to
what Ali was asking is why haven't the
beams projecting you just projected you in
another part of the ship?
Archibald: Well-. I actually do not know. Max? Any
Max: Not a clue.
Ali: Right let us split up and look for any
signs that could lead to the systems bein’
shut down. Me and Max will take the left
side of the pod while, Archie and Anthony,
that leaves you with the right side. If we
find somethin,’ we will come and find you
and if you find somethin’ you find us?
Sound good?
Anthony: I have several points to make.
Archibald: Uh hu. Here we go.
Anthony: First point: Its Max and I, we do not get
a basic education to mess up basic
English, Ali. And secondly Why am I
with Archibald?! He is so annoying and even
more so now as he is in this stupid
piece of metal.
SOUND Throughout the middle of Anthonys last
lines fading footsteps heard as Ali and Max walk off
Archibald: Look they have disappeared because they
find you annoying now come on let us go.

 SCENE THREE INT. Spaceship- Corridor

SOUND Footsteps of Anthony and creaking of the
metal and clunky footsteps from Archibald.
(Anthony and Archibald)
Anthony: So, how does it feel to be a physical form
Archibald: Seriously, that is what you want to know
right now and not why all of our pod's
systems are down?! And for the record I
was a physical form as a hologram, I can
pick things up remember. Anyway, we should
start looking instead of chatting.

SOUND Footsteps of Anthony and creaking of the

metal and clunky footsteps from Archibald.
Anthony: What's that? It looks like a wire.
Archibald: It does but with no plug. Look there is
another. oh my gosh, there is loads of
Anthony: Yes there is, that is really odd. We
should go and tell the others.
Archibald: Yes, lets go now.
SOUND Footsteps of Anthony and creaking of the
metal and clunky footsteps from Archibald.
Archibald: Hold on. don't you think we should count
them to tell Ali?
Anthony: Thats a good shout, I suppose we should.
Ugh that means we have to walk all the way
Archibald: Calm down its not that far. Only just
around this corner-
Anthony: Hold up, Ali were you not working in the
left with Max?
Archibald: Err, Anthony?
Anthony: What?!
Archibald: Max is here too.
SOUND Just the hum of the ship and faint groans from
Ali and Max
Anthony: Oh god! They are shifters! Run!
SOUND Anthony starts running
Archibald: The hell?
SOUND Archibald starts running to catch up his metal
body creaking loudly.
Archibald: How did you come to that conclusion?!
Anthony: Did you not see?! Their nails were curled
over both hands and feet like claws. They
still had fangs! Like they have not
properly shifted. Also, can you run
any quieter? Look, they can hear your
clanking feet!
Archibald: Left in here!

 SCENE FOUR INT. Spaceship-Room in pod

(Anthony and Archibald)
SOUND They stop running, groans and scraping of claws
along the floor and walls can be heard.
Archibald: No I could not! You try running in a tin
suit! See how quietly you can run!
Anthony: Always an excuse with this one. It is not
like it is going to stop you from dying.
Oh-. Ah-

Archibald: What?! First you have a go and then stop!

What's with you Anthony?!
Anthony: Look!
Archibald: Ah, I see. So, what is the plan?
Anthony: So now when something happens, I am in
charge again? Typical.
Archibald: Just tell me what to do!
Anthony: Go find the others and tell them we have
some crappy shifters messing up the wires!
I will sort these two out.
Archibald: Okay!

 SCENE FIVE INT. Spaceship- corridor

(Archibald, Ali, and Max)
SOUND Creaking of Archibald running. Groans and claw
scraping from shifters.
Archibald: Hey, Ali, Max! Quick Anthony and I worked
out what is happening. There are shifters
inside the pod!
Ali: Well done rich boy number 2. At least we
know we can get rid of this Archie and
that max.
Archibald: wow no need to be annoyed, just relaying
information. And What do you mean that
SOUND Groans of shifter Archibald as he is stabbed
with the dagger that Ali has. Twang of the dagger being thrown and
hitting the Shifter Max that followed Archibald, narrowly missing
Archibald's head.
Archibald: Whoa!And to think Anthony is the assassin. You
would make a whole lot better one.
Ali: Thanks, oh and sorry for the whole rich boy
thin.’ I was a little stressed with the
shifters and Max.
Max: (Heavy Breathing and Panting) How
did they ... d-did they g-get in. I m-made the
pods security system a-a-and I maintain it. I-I-I-it was fine this morning...
Archibald: I do not know bud. Anthony is dealing with the
shifter of Ali currently. You think you can get
it all back online?
Max: I don't know. I think I can.
Ali: Well I don't know is goin’ to have to be a yes
as we need our systems.

 SCENE SIX INT. Spaceship

(Archibald, Ali, and Max)
SOUND Creaking of Archibald and rapid typing from Max
Max: Archie!? Can you stop clanking around. I have
the emergency screen up meaning we will be back
online in a couple of moments.
Archibald: Okay, I am just nervous.
Max: Well no need to be nervous now. Because I am
SOUND Button begin pressed and power up sounds as systems
resume power.
Ali: Well done, Max. We knew you could do it.
Archibald: Yes, well done. Now plug me back into the
Max: Yes(ha ha) of course.
SOUND Power down as the memory stick is removed from the
robot and hum is resumed as Archibald appears in the middle of the
room via hologram.
Archibald: Ahhhh, that feels so much better!
Ali: Right we better tell Headmistress what
happened. We know there were two that took
Maxes form and one of you, Archie.
Archibald: Yes, there was also one of you, Ali, did you
also mention seeing Anthony as one?
Max: Yeah we did speaking of Anthony....where is
Archibald and Ali: Oh my god!
SOUND The three of them running


(Archibald, Ali, and Max)
Max: Anthony!
Archibald: Anthony come on. They are gone you can come
Ali: Anthony!
Archibald: Anthony! Please!

 SCENE EIGHT INT. Room in pod

Ali: Oh my god!
Max: What?
SOUND Thump of Max walking into Ali
Max: Did you find him? Oh My God
SOUND Archibald walking into room
Archibald: What did you find him? No. No, no no. Please
come on wake up (Starts to cry) Please please
Anthony. I need you.
SOUND. Loud hum as a thud
Archibald: Please! Why did not you take me I am already
dead let me go with him please! Pleas......
(fades off in tears)
Ali: Come on let's go.
Max: Wait.
Ali: Max!
Max: No! I have an idea, why don't we bring Anthony
back like we did like Archie?
Archibald: (through sobs) No that would not work it is the
one thing he never wanted, to be trapped
in technology.
Max: But we want him back wouldn't that be a
sacrifice that would have to be made?
Archibald: (through sobs) If only it was that easy. You
have to have recordings of him. His algorithm
has not been filled like mine. it is impossible
to ever bring him back.
SOUND Crackle of recorder
Archibald: Does this thing work? Okay it is recording
right (SIGH) It is strange without you here
Anthony. Quiet one may say, lonely even. You
were there when I needed you. My big brother,
yes always annoying but always there for me
when I fell. You were always there to help me
back up even if we argued about it later. We
had some good times but also some bad. I still
do not forgive you for throwing a dagger
through one of my books. Anyway, I chose to let
you rest, you deserved it for all the times you
were there for me. Ali and Max begged for
me to bring you back saying there must be a way
round all the information needed. Mother and
Father accepted my decision. They decided that as
I was the only family member there when you
died, I was to decide what to do for you. I knew
you always wanted to be free of technology and
never bound to it. Like me. You were right it
is difficult, but it is actually quite
calming knowing you cannot die. I miss your big
brother, we all do. Rest in peace Anthony, you
deserve it.
SOUND Crackle of recorder turning off

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