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Heat capacity of water and sand

- organism living in ocean have heat capacity 5x greater than organism living in
the sand

Human genome project

- gene have been overestimated

Hammer and feather drop - relationship btw kinetic energy of hammer and feather
before hit the surface of the moon ?
- hammer has more kinetic energy than feather because it has more mass

Natural selection
- survive in environment and productivity produce more offspring

Artificial selection
- human imposed

Scitific measurement used to measure length of fly larvae?

- milimetre

Graph represented by info about fruit fly

- substance x increases, length y (graph)

Chimpanzee and bonabo most shared common ancestors

- chimpanzee and bonaboo most shared common ancestors

Knee pad test - probability of force failure in 145 or greater?

- 25%

Vitamin c intake - conclude from chart?

- both men and women consume supplement meet the recommended daily
vitamin c intake

- tri-ll help chromosome separated

Range in solution - best range

- 140000-160000

Roller coaster diagram position 1 to 2

- gravitational potential energy decrease, total energy remain the same

Variable that effect to glacial expansion

- is winter temperature because temperature in the past is very lower than the
present Ans: Variable that effect to Glacial expansion is "Winter temperature " because
temperature in the past is very lower than in the present
Limiting reagent
- limiting reagent is the substance that totally consumed after reaction

Salt, water experiment - factor change in order to make a valid conclusion?

- the mass of ice cube and initial temperature should be the same

Carbonated soft drink / carbonation

- bottle 1 highest carbonation = low temp, high pressure and sealed

Earth age - main idea of this passage

- radioactive atom help dating earth age

Climate change milankovich / human acitivy

- 1. The main temp increase
- 2. Use anthropological model to demonstrate

Chemical equation
- H2O + energy is the reactant

Balance chemical
- 4S , 3H2O

Viral infection over 2 months period

- birth rate (y), death rate increase, survived remain the same, birth rate

Best explain apple from graph?

- apple - 2nd to cranberry

Conclusion on Algae grow faster than coral

- temp and CO2 intensify increase, zooxanthelae decreases

- same element, same no. of protons but differ no. in neutrons and atomic mass

Isotope in chart
- isotope have same number of protons and electrons

Non native species

- amount of worm (y), year (x) when shrubs remove - decreases, no. worm -

Nuclear fusion and star luminosity - conclusion

- people on earth can see because there’s a lot of energy

5 steps experiment
- 1. Identify study site
- 2. Collect mass and plant
- 3,4. Choose one that doesn’t say identify
3. Plant
4. Choose one that doesn't say identify
- 5. Analysis data and measure the mean of pH level change

Average women shoe size in year 2040?

- add the all numbers divided by n

Why does H2 obtain more energy than He does?

- because H2 has shorter wavelength or He has longer wavelength

Conclusion H2 obtain more energy than He?

- longer wavelength will release lower energy

Research of Sommer and O’Brain about cheetah

- Sommer was more valid examine gene, Obrain only skin thrift

Endothermic reaction
- absorb heat

Exothermic energy
- release heat

- less expensive, renewable, clean-burning fuel
Ans: No modifications are required, and the results is a less expensive,renewable,clean-burning fuel
Structure of battery
- phosporus - magnetic - borax

Microbial fuel cell

- bacteria create energy and use as electricity with process by oxygen free

Apple drop
- G; decrease
- K; increase

Air resistance
- drop / throw rock

Blood group
- AB 25%

- sex cells only

- body cell only

Biological diagram
- to show flow of energy in ecosystem
Light bulbs
- parent 46, daughter 23

- Dis (y), Force (x), negative correlation xxxxx

Slide object to the floor

- kinetic increase, mechanical remain the same

Hydro structure
- protein in the middle, neutron in the middle, electron on the line

Solubility of solid
- temp increase, sugar increase

Mussel life cycle

- adult, larvae, host, juvenile, sub-adult

- age 25-29 use triclosan product most

Magnetic field
- magnetic field decrease in every year because earth rotation

Four limbs Que: What makes catfish different from frog?

- catfish and frog Ans: Four limbs

- 6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H1206 + 6O2
- CO2 from air, H2O absorb from roots, O2 release to air, sugar on leaf

- R = highest amplitude

Brothernal Que: Which one is evidence support that Biothermal is renewable energy, but fossilization is not?
Ans: Fossilization takes longer time, biothermal takes less time and is made from corn.
- A - process of fossilization of plant, animal take longer time

Medicine kinetic energy

- B = 326000 ks

Earthquake 5
- 1 out of 10, percentage = 70%, 1 and 2 = 12%

Independent variable
- clowbar length = input

- 2 contradict 1 because opposing about how it spread
Breathing rate
- repeat measurement for each animal
- 1. Record size
- 2. Record…..
- 3. Record breathing rate

- 1. Identify size / study
- 2. Identify species
- 3. Identify pH
- 4.collect data and pH in site
- 5. Compare

Reducing reaction
- lower oxidation state of one or more substance

Group B 2 times
- rat hard water and soft water

Main idea of soft water

- A = soft water removing calcium

Saturn ring
- B = large ice, small carbon rocks , large amount of ice, small amount of rock.

Rip current
- C = cannot navigate

- C = hypothesis support = mutualism
Que: Which is evidence support hypothesis "yeti crab"use bacteria as source of food?"
Yeti crab Ans: Ans: Deep-sea shrimp and others found a bacteria at arms like yeti crab.
- yeti crab use bacteria as food source ( methane gas )

Soulbility increase graph

- soulibility increase and temp increase

- 3, 6

Boxide enzyme
- temp increase, percent of enzyme (y) decrease

Cornstalk erosion error Coastline Erosion ( Error)

- 5 beaches Should test at least 5 water samples.

Independent different rock

- D = wheter rocks in the chamber

Median 10 car
- 178

PV = nRT
- D = lower air pressure at higher altitude


Hydro power
- larger funnel

5 steps of the scientific method

- 1. Observe a phenomenon ( an event or problem ) or formulate a question
- 2. Collect data
- 3. From a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess
- 4. Test the hypothesis by an experiment
- 5. Draw a conclusion. Was the hypothesis right or wrong ?

Dependent variable
- the variable you are studying in an experiment. If you are studying the effects
of sunlight on the growth of tomato plants, the dependent variable is the
different size of the plants

Independent variable
- a factor that can change what you are studying. If you are studying the effect of
sunlight on the growth of tomato plants, an independent variable is sunlight

List the five steps of the scientific method in the following experiment;
Support you have a garden of tomato plants, and you notice that some are larger and
bushier than the others. You study the garden and notice that the larger plants have
more sunlight, while the smaller plants have more shade from a tree. You think that
the amount of sunlight might be what causes the different sizes of plants. You then
transplant the shaded plants into the sunnier area. You predict that these plants will
grow larger than those left in the shade.
- 1. Observe a phenomenon or ask a question; why are some plants larger than
- 2. Collect data; measure the plants and different amounts of sunlight
- 3. From a hypothesis; you make an educated guess that the amount of sunlight
may be making the difference of growth
- Test the hypothesis with an experiment; you transplant the smaller plants
- 5. Draw a conclusion; if the smaller, transplanted tomato plants grow larger in
the sun, you hypothesis was correct

In the tomato experiment above, what is the dependent variable?

- the dependent variable is the one that you are interested in studying. Here is is
the different sizes of the plants

What is the independent variable in the experiment above ?

- the independent variable is what is causing the change in what you are
studying. Here, you suspect that different amounts of sunlight may be causing
the different sizes of plants.

Que: Vinegar and baking soda

—> Vinegar + baking soda > carbon dioxide + water + sodium acetate
CH3COOH + NaHCO3 > CO2 + H2O+ Na (CH3COO)
If adds 5 g of baking soda, rather than the 10 g that was used in the first trial, the change in the
experiment will?
Ans: decreases the reaction time, and the bubble will stop in less than 30 seconds.

Que: What tool is used when measuring chemical weathering in rock?

(A) Precision Pro Kitchen Scale
(B) Protractor
(C) Celestron Laboratory Biological Microscope
(D) Owsoo Waterproof Stopwatch Digital Handheld LCD Timer Chronograph Sports Counter with
Strap for Swimming Running Football Training
Ans: (C) Biological Microscope

Quail Egg Experiment

Que: Independent variable? Dependent variable?
Ans: Independent :

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