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The Inkbender

A 5e Class Weaving Magic Through Arcane Tattoos

As a side note
This class is not finalized and is posted here on Unearthed Arcana for the sake of playtesting only. Any issues with
balance should be referred back to the reddit account "u/Smilesy_" so they can be adjusted and sent back to you for future
A stout halfling peeks around the corner of the crumbling
building, just in time to see a bolt of magical fire fly towards
him. He instinctively pulls up a hand, blocking the bolt with a
vortex of inky blackness. The vortex pulses for a moment
with a hot orange energy as a tattoo of a fire inscribes itself
upon his forearm. He grins, pointing the arm at the wizard
and releasing the firebolt back in his direction.
An air genasi runs through the middle of an open
battlefield, raising her exposed arm to meet a scimitar
sweeping in her direction. The blade reflects off of her skin
like armor, bouncing back towards the confused hobgoblin
that wields it. In that moment of confusion, she forms a
dripping black rapier in her hand and focuses as the weapon
begins to flow with a crackling blue energy. In a forward
thrust, she pierces his chest with the blade. It pulses for a
moment before the ink of the blade twists to form a giant
lightning bolt that ravages the hobgoblin hordes in a line
A half-elven gentleman lays asleep at a table in a backwater
pub. A snickering observer approaches the man and kicks his
chair out from under him, splaying the half-elf across the
floor. He lays there for a moment, calmly looking up at the
observer. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he mutters to
himself as he gets off of the ground and smiles wildly. The
observer's confused look quickly turns to one of sheer terror
as a hulking minotaur drawn with ink emerges from the half-
elf's back. The minotaur crouches down to fit in the room
with its full height, a giant axe in hand. It slowly looks down
and makes a loud huff, causing the observer to freeze in
place, permeated with fear.
Manipulators of Magic
Practitioners of a lost arcane art, inkbenders are covered
with tattoos of great power. While all inkbenders have the
innate ability to assimilate the spells they find along their
travels, some specialize even further in the manipulation of
their arcane art. Some inkbenders learn to use their power to
create weapons and armor, while imbuing their armorments
with found magics. Others can use their ablities to create
companions to walk and fight alongside them.
The strange source of their magic does not allow them to
acquire spells in the traditional sense, providing no magical
power on its own. Inkbenders instead take magic from others
and contain it on thier bodies as tattoos that can be used to
cast spells of any nature or origin.
Outsiders of the Arcane
Due to the unusual nature of the inkbender's form of magic, it
is not uncommon for an inkbender to be a novelty among
magic users. Some enjoy the great attention that their rare
gift brings them, while others prefer to isolate themselves
from casters to avoid the great attention that follows them to
all corners of magic based civilization. The gift of inkbending
could latch to a person in any number of ways, but none of
them are fully understood by scholars. It is very rare to see an
inkbender as the creation of the tattoos that drive their power
was an art lost to time centuries ago.

The Inkbender
The Inkbender
Proficiency Inkbending Spell Temporary Spell Permanent Spell Permanent Cantrip
Level Bonus Features Points Level Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos
1st +2 Inkbending, Vortex 1 ─ ─ ─ ─
2nd +2 Temporary Spell Tattoos, 2 1 3 ─ ─
Writing is Power
3rd +2 Permanent Spell Tattoos, 3 1 3 2 2
Inking Style
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 3 2 2
5th +3 Inking Style Improvement 5 2 3 3 2
6th +3 Spell Scroll Scribing 6 2 4 3 3
7th +3 Inking Style Improvement 7 3 4 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 3 4 4 3
9th +4 Fortified Vortex 9 3 4 5 4
10th +4 Versatile Reading 10 4 4 5 4
11th +4 Inking Style Improvement 11 4 5 6 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12 4 5 6 4
13th +5 ─ 13 5 5 7 5
14th +5 Voracious Vortex 14 5 5 7 5
15th +5 ─ 15 5 5 8 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 16 6 6 8 5
17th +6 Inking Style Improvement 17 6 6 9 6
18th +6 ─ 18 6 6 9 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 7 6 10 6
20th +6 Prolonged Ink 20 7 6 10 6

Creating an Inkbender Class Features

When making an inkbender, consider how your character As an inkbender, you gain the following class features.
came into possession of this arcane art. Did you find an
ancient arcane tome containing the long forgotten secrets of Hit Points
inkbending? Perhaps the gift was given to you by someone
else who knew the secrets of ink. Whatever the case, as an Hit Dice: 1d8 per level
inkbender you have the power to shape magic you find along Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
your travels to your will and make it your own. Hit Points at Higer Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
Think about why you struck out adventuring in the first modifier per inkbender level after 1st
place. Did your town dissaprove of your gifts and kick you Proficiencies
out? Did you get acceptance to a prominant school of magic?
Maybe you left your monotonous life in search of adventure Armor: Light armor
and found the power of ink instead. There is a diverse Weapons: Simple Weapons
conglomeration of ways to become an inkbender. Tools: Calligrapher's supplies, Painter's supplies
Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
Quick Build Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Arcana,
You can make an inkbender quickly by following these Deception, History, Investigation, Perception, and Survival
suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability
score, followed by Wisdom if you want to pursue the conjuror
inking style or Strength or Dexterity based on what weapon
tattoos you want to choose for the martial inking style.
Second, choose the soldier background.

The Inkbender
Equipment The spell tattoos chosen to be permanent can be cast
You start with the following equiptment, In addition to the without dissappearing from your body. After a permanent
equiptment granted by your background: spell tattoo is used, the spell is cast as if it were your own and
your tattoo of that spell becomes dull. You cannot use a dull
(a) calligrapher's supplies or (b) painter's supplies spell tattoo again until the tattoo has been recharged.
(a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) explorer's back As permanent spell tattoos draw greatly on your magical
Leather Armor and any simple weapon energies, only a certain number can be recharged at a time.
The levels at which your maximum threshold increases are
Spell Tattoos listed below in the Maximum Charged Permanent Spell
Unlike other spellcasters, inkbenders do not cast spells of Tattoo table .
their own. Spell tattoos are created by absorbing magic using Maximum Charged Permanent Tattoo Table
either the Vortex or Writing is Power abilities. As an Level Number of Charged Tattoos
inkbender, you can absorb any spell from any class and
assimilate it into your own repertoire. Once a spell has been 3rd 1
absorbed, a tattoo of the spell's effect appears on your body. 6th 2
In addition, absorbed spells with larger levels create larger
and more intricate tattoos. 9th 3
Spells that would normally require a verbal component do 12th 4
not when cast by an inkbender, as the spells released from 15th 5
your tattoos are already powered by the appropriate magical
verses. Unless the spell specifies a material component 18th 6
required for casting, the power of your tattoos serve as an
arcane focus and cover the material component costs. On top of the maximum number of permanent spell
There are two types of spell tattoos which dictate the tattoos, you can also make 2 temporary cantrip tattoos
amount of time you can wait to cast an absorbed spell: permanent by the same methods. These can be used three
temporary and permanent. times per long rest before they are dulled and are recharged
the same way as normal permanent spell tattoos. In addition,
Temperary Spell Tattoos you can keep all of your permanent cantrip tattoos charged at
Starting at 2nd level, temporary spell tattoos can be added to once without counting against the maximum charged
your body by one of two abilities. Spells absorbed by the permanent spell tattoo total listed in the table above. If a
Vortex or Writing is Power abilities can be retained for up to temporary cantrip tattoo you have made permanent
72 hours or for three long rests as a temporary tattoo. After ordinarily increases in power as the class the cantrip came
this time period elapses or you have taken three long rests, from levels up, it also does so when you level up. The total
the tattoo disappears from your body along with the magic of number of permanent cantrip tattoos you can have is listed in
the tattoo. The number of temporary spell tattoos you can the inkbender table.
have at any one time is listed in the inkbender table. After a long rest, you can recharge up to your maximum
Temporary cantrip tattoos do count towards the total number number of charged permanent spell tattoos. In addition, you
of temporary spell tattoos you can have at any one time and may also choose to dull some charged permanent spell
can be obtained starting at 2nd level. tattoos and charge the permanent spell tattoos of your choice
You can use a temporary spell tattoo at any time while you at this time.
have it, casting the spell as if it were your own. In addition,
temporary spell tattoos are cast at the level of the spell that Spellcasting Ability
was absorbed. Once the spell has been cast the tattoo Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your inkbender
dissappears from your body and you can no longer use it spells, so regardless of the origin of the absorbed spell use
again. Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
Using the Vortex and Writing is Power abilities when you In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the
have the maximum number of temporary spell tattoos for saving throw DC for a spell tattoo you use to cast and when
your level will expend the relevant amount of inkbending making an attack roll with one.
points, but will not give you a new tattoo. Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier
Permanent Spell Tattoos Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Starting at 3rd level, temporary spell tattoos can made Charisma modifier
permanent. During a short or long rest, a single temporary
spell tattoo of your choice can be merged permanently with Inkbending
your person. Permanent spell tattoos have no time limit on Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to manipulate all
how long you can retain them, however they cannot be kinds of magic through the use of your arcane ink. As a mark
removed once created. The number of permanent spell of your talents, a set of arcane sigels are tattooed on your
tattoos you can have is listed in the inkbender table. body and soul. These marks serve as the source of your
If a temporary spell tattoo is made permanent, the level of powers, giving you the ability to assimilate magic into your
the spell is modified. As your inkbender level increases, all tattoos.
permanent spell tattoos are cast at your maximum spell level
indicated on the inkbender table.

The Inkbender
The amount of inkbending you are able to do in a day is Writing is Power
represented by your inkbending points. You regain all of your
inkbending points after you complete a long rest, and the Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to pull magical
total number of inkbending points you have each day is listed power from written texts and use that power for your own
on the inkbender table. purposes. If you find a sample of writing in ink that is imbued
with magical power (such as a spell scroll or spellbook), you
Vortex can spend 2 inkbending points to use this ability. Once used,
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to conjure a vortex of this ability allows you to absorb the ink and the magic
ink to protect yourself and absorb magical energies. As a contained within it to create a temporary spell tattoo on your
reaction, you can spend 1 inkbending point to use this ability body. After this ability is used, the writing that used to contain
and release a vortex of ink to defend yourself against spell the spell disappears. This leaves the surface it was written, in
effects. When you do so, you can reduce the damage to you most cases paper, blank but in tact.
from a targeted or area of effect spell by 1d8 + your Charisma To create a temporary spell tattoo from the writing, the
modifier + your inkbender level. If the spell does not do spell must be of a level that you can cast. If the spell you are
damage but requires a saving throw from you, this ability trying to absorb is higher than a level you can cast, the
adds your proficiency modifier to that saving throw on top of writing is left untouched by your inkbending. In this situation,
all other modifiers you have. If the spell touched by your the inkbending points used to activate this ability are still
vortex ability does not do damage or require a saving throw, it spent.
provides no defensive bonus but still allows you to absorb the Inking Style
properties of that spell.
Starting at 2nd level, if a spell is touched by this ability, you Starting at 3rd level, you can choose an inking style which
can choose to absorb the properties of that spell and imprint descibes the kind of tattoos you possess. The two styles
it on your body as a temporary spell tattoo. outlined at the end of this class description are the Martial
Style and the Conjuror Style.
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at
5th, 7th, 11th, and 17th level.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.
Spell Scroll Scribing
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to save spell tattoos
in the form of spell scrolls for a price. If you have a temporary
spell tattoo that you wish to preserve for longer than the 72
hour limit or a permenant spell tattoo that you want to share
with others, you can do so by creating a spell scroll. A spell
scroll created with a temporary spell tattoo consumes the
tattoo upon completion of the scroll. At the time a permanent
spell tattoo is used to create a spell scroll that tattoo is dulled.
Temporary spell tattoos in the process of being transcibed
cannot be cast, but are also halted in the degredation
process. For example, if a temporary tattoo of higher levels
such as 5th, 6th, or 7th level is being transcribed, the tattoo
will not dissappear before you complete the scroll. If you are
using a permanenet spell tattoo to create a spell scroll, that
tattoo must be one of your charged permanent spell tattoos
during the whole process of transcription. However, that
tattoo cannot be used to cast its spell until the scroll is
As your spells are already imbued into ink, the creation of
scrolls takes a significantly shorter amount of time and costs
much less than it would by traditional methods. Time and
monetary costs can be found below in the Spell Scroll
Scribing Table.

The Inkbender
Spell Scroll Scribing Table A spellcaster that you choose within 10 feet of you when
Spell Level Time Cost
you must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
the target loses a single spell slot, giving you a temporary
Cantrip 30 minutes 2 gp spell tattoo of a random spell of the absorbed level from
1 1 hour 5 gp thier list. If you spend 1 inkbending point, you can absorb
a spell of 3rd level or lower using this ability, or you can
2 6 hours 50 gp choose to spend more inkbending points to increase the
3 12 hours 100 gp level of spell you can absorb. For each inkbending point
4 1 day 500 gp
spent above the first, you increase the level of spell slot
you can absorb by one. If you spend a high enough
5 3 days 1,000 gp number of inkbending points that the targeted spellcaster
6 1 workweek 3,000 gp has no spell slots of the level available to absorb, you
instead absorb the next highest level spell slot they have.
7 2 workweeks 5,000 gp On a successful save, the spellcaster is untouched by this
ability and the inkbending points are spent as normal.
Fortified Vortex If a creature within 30 feet of you begins to cast a spell
Starting at 9th level, your Vortex can become more adept at before the start of your next turn, you can choose nullify
blocking the effects of incoming spells. When you use your its effects by absorbing the magic of the spell into your
reaction to activate the Vortex ability, you can spend a total of vortex before it is cast. Using this feature works similarly
2 inkbending points to increase the potency. When you use to the spell Counterspell, but differs slightly. For 1
this ability, your vortex blocks 2d8 + your Charisma modifier inkbending point, if the creature is casting a spell of 3rd
+ your inkbender level of damage from targeted or area of level or lower, its spell ends and has no effect. You can
effect spells. If the spell does not do damage but requires a choose to spend more inkbending points when you
saving throw from you, this ability adds 2 + your proficiency activate this ability, and for each inkbending point spent
modifier to that saving throw on top of all other modifiers you above the first you can increase the level of spell you can
have. nullify by one. If the targeted creature is casting a spell
higher in level than you can nullify with the amount of
Versatile Reading inkbending points you spent, you must make an ablity
check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 +
Starting at 10th level, you improve upon the Writing is Power the spell's level - the level of spell you can counter. On a
ability by learning to pull magical power from any written success, the spell fails and has no effect. On a failure, the
text. Texts or runes imbued with a spell inscribed by any spell is cast as normal.
medium, on any surface, can now be absorbed using this
ability. This ability does not, however, allow you to drain the
enchantments from magic items. Prolonged Ink
The temporary spell tattoo formed from the absorbed Once you reach level 20, you gain the ability to hold onto
magic must be of a level you can cast. If the spell you are spells for more than one use. All temporary and permanent
trying to absorb is of a level higher than you can cast, this spell tattoos now have two uses before they fade or dull and
ability fails, the magic in the text is left untouched, and the permanent cantrip tattoos now have four uses before they
inkbending points are spent. dull.
For the low low price of 3 inkbending points, you can
absorb a sufficiently long text written in a language you do
not know to assimilate it for a short time. Absorbing a Inking Style
language in this way allows you to read, speak, understand, With the large canvas of the world, inkbenders shape their
and write that language for 1 week before it fades from your powers to represent many different styles of art and of
knowledge. Once a text has been absorbed using this ability, fighting. Although many variations of the inkbender art exist,
all of the writing disappears, leaving nothing but blank space. two styles are listed here: the Martial style and the Conjuror
Voracious Vortex
Starting at 14th level, when you spend your inkbending Martial Style
points to activate your Vortex or Fortified Vortex abilities, you Inkbenders who practice the Martial Inking Style are people
can also choose to perform one of the following: who seek to engage in combat with a perfect balance
between the skill of a master fighter and the power of a
studied wizard. They are masters of martial fighting who use
their gifts to embolden their strikes and fortify their physical
defence. It is not uncommon for practitioners of the martial
style to have been soldiers or mercenaries in their past, but at
the introduction of their inkbending gifts their prowess in
battle exponentially improves.

The Inkbender
Weapon Tattoos If you are wearing medium armor or heavy armor with this
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the power to create a diverse ability, they are considered to cover your armor tattoos and
range of weaponry from weapon tattoos on your body. When negate the bonus the tattoos would add. Sheilds are
you choose the martial style, you focus your power towards considered to add no bonuses to your armor class when you
the assimilation of physical weaponry in addition to spells. possess armor tattoos as they provide roughly the same
When first choosing the martial style you gain 2 weapon protection as the tattoos they would be covering. Your armor
tattoos of any simple or martial weapon, creating a small class while wearing medium or heavy armor is calculated
tattoo of each of the weapons on your forarm(s). The two using the normal modifiers listed on page 145 of the Player's
weapons you chose are now considered your ink weapons Handbook and this ability does nothing. If you are wearing
and never leave your side. light armor with this ability, your armor class is calculated
When an ink weapon is formed from your tattoo, it creates using the modifiers on page 145 + your Charisma modifier.
a structure similar to the weapon it is modeled after, but the For instance, if you are wearing leather armor with this
colors and shape are flexable based on how the weapon ability your armor class is 11 + your Dexterity modifer + your
tattoo was designed. Using a bonus action, you can spend 1 Charisma modifer.
inkbending point to form one or both of your ink weapons in
the hand of the arm that your weapon tattoo is on. However, Tattoo Imbuement
to have both weapons active one of them cannot be a two- Starting at 11th level, you gain the ability to combine the
handed weapon such as a shortbow. The weapon(s) can be magic of your weapon tattoos with the magic of your spell
reverted back into a tattoo by using another bonus action. If tattoos. Both of your ink weapons are now considered to be
you want to switch an active ink weapon with an inactive +1 magical weapons, as you have learned to channel more
weapon tattoo, you may do so with a single bonus action. power into them when they are formed. In addition, you now
Inkbenders gain automatic proficiency with their ink have the ability to imbue a spell tattoo into an active ink
weapons, regardless of whether they have trained with the weapon.
weapon it was modeled after as the magic of your tattoo As a reaction, you can spend 1 inkbending point to choose
imbues you with a rudimentary knowledge of how to use your a single spell tattoo that you can cast and instead imbue it
ink weapon. Ink weapons are also considered magical for the into your active ink weapon. When you do so, your ink
sense of overcoming resistances. weapon pulses with the energy of the spell previously locked
Ranged ink weapons that would ordinarily require ammo in one of your spell tattoos. Upon being infused into one of
(bows, crossbows) form the ammo from the body of your ink your ink weapons, the relevant spell tattoo fades or dulls as if
weapon every time you attack, eliminating the need to it were cast.
purchase ammunition. The ammnition functions to damage The imbued spell must normally cause damage to a
things like its mundane counterpart, but dissolves from its targeted creature or in an area of effect to be imbued into
shape into a pool of ink after 1 minute. Thrown ink weapons your active ink weapon. A weapon imbued with a damaging
such as javelins are created in a similar way to the spell bolster's the weapon's damage and causes your ink
ammunition which requires no type of extra action on top of weapon to take on the visual appearance of the elemental
your attack. However, they can be formed without the need damage for the spell imbued into it, changing the color of the
for your other ink weapon to be active, and can only be ink in your weapon to reflect that damage.
formed once per turn if chosen as a weapon tattoo. If a The imbued ink weapon must be used during the same
weapon that can be wielded or thrown, such as a dagger, is turn as an attack that hits. If it is not, the weapon will revert
thrown you may not reform that ink weapon until your next to normal at the beginning of your next turn without casting
turn. If you choose to reform the thrown ink weapon, a new the spell effect. The imbued spell is released on the first
version forms in your hand while the old version dissolves attack that impacts a target (i.e. an enemy creature or
into a pool of ink. physical terrain).
If the imbued spell is usually targeted at one creature, the
Extra Attack power of your imbued weapon is focused on the point of
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, impact for your weapon. When you impact a target, the ink
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. weapon imbued with a targeted spell does damage equal to
half of the damage for the spell + the normal damage for your
Armor Tattoos ink weapon.
Starting at 7th level, you gain a set of tattoos that serve to
protect you from physical harm. This set of tattoos resembles
plates of armor that form across your whole body and stiffen
your flesh to an iron-like material. When you gain these
tattoos, your natural armor class increases to 10 + your
Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

The Inkbender
If the imbued spell is usally an area of effect, the spell effect Your creatures have personalities and are able to
is immediately released from the point of impact of your telepathically communicate with you in tattoo or corporeal
weapon strike when you hit a target with its normal area of form. When in tattoo form they can see their surroundings
effect. If the area of effect is a cone or other directional effect, normally, but only if they are not covered by something, for
you may choose the direction in which the spell is released example clothing.
with it beginning at the point of impact. If the area of effect is Due to your inexperience with this magic, you are only able
a sphere or other large area, the effect is centered on the to change all of your creatures from tattoo into corporeal
point of impact. The area of effect is also filled with shrapnal form at once, and for a limited amount of time. As an action,
of the imbued ink weapon you were wielding, dealing extra you can choose to spend 2 inkbending points to form your
damage. Imbuing an ink weapon with an area of effect spell creature tattoos into corporeal bodies the same in size and
does damage equal to half of the normal damage for the spell stature to the actual creature the tattoo is based off of, but
+ your ink weapon's damage bonus. Area of effect imbued created from living ink. Their ink bodies initially appear
weapon strikes do not harm you, but do harm everything else within 5 feet of you, and your creatures stay in corporeal form
in the spell's area of effect. Once you use an area of effect for 1 minute or until they drop to zero hit points before they
spell infused ink weapon strike, that weapon reverts to its are reverted back to tattoo form. While they have corporeal
tattoo form on your forearm and cannot be reformed until bodies, they can take their turn(s) as a group on the same
your next turn. iniative as you.
Improved Imbuement In addition, you can only form bodies for your creature
Starting at 17th level, you gain the ability to imbue the full tattoos once per long rest.
power of spells into your weapon strikes. Both of your ink
weapons are now considered to be +2 magical weapons, as Distraction
you have mastered the imbuement of magic into your Starting at 5th level, your creatures gain the abililty to aid you
weapons when they are formed. in battle. As an action, one of your creatures can attempt to
In addition, imbued weapons strikes now deal all of a distract another creature in combat. After performing this
spell's normal damage + your ink weapon's normal damage action, the targeted creature must roll a Wisdom saving
for targeted spells, and all of a spell's normal damage + (2 x throw against your spell save DC or be distracted. When a
your ink weapon's damage bonus) for area of effect spells. creature is distracted, they have disadvantage on their next
attack roll or the next attack against them has advantage.
Conjuror Style
Inkbenders who practice the Conjuror Inking Style are the
people who seek to surprise their enemy with greater
numbers and have a larger diversity of attack methods. They
are leaders of a pack of ink creatures who serve as both
companions and allies in battle. Their creatures come and go
between their corporeal ink bodies and their intricately
designed tattoo forms that depict the creature they are based
off of. Inkbenders who practice this style have an affinity with
their creatures unlike any other bond in their life.
Creature Tattoos
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the power to form creatures of
ink from tattoos on your body. Creature tattoos are
permanent and depict an artistic rendition of the creature(s)
you wish to have. For your creature tattoos you are able to
choose 1 Beast or Monstrosity of CR 2, 2 of CR 1, or 4 of CR
1/2. The creatures you pick will be your permanent
companions and have the following traits:
Your creatures are your allies and close friends.
Your creatures have the same stat block as they do in the
monster manual, but share in your alignment and are
considered constructs.
Your creatures are resistant to non-magical bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage because of their bodies
composed of magical ink.
If the creature you chose has an intelligence that is
normally lower than 10, it is now 10. In addition, they can
speak one language that you understand, but only
telepathically with you within a range of 500 feet.

The Inkbender
Closer Bond
Starting at 7th level, your grip on the magic that sustains your Writer
companions has improved and allows you finer control over This class was written and designed by Smilesy. You can find
your use of creature tattoos. If you choose to form a corporeal more works at u/Smilesy_ on reddit.
body for your creatures, you can do so for them individually. Art Credit
For 2 inkbending points you now can send out a selected All three pieces of art featured in this class outline are by
number of creatures that you choose instead of all of them. In
addition, your creatures can now keep their corporeal forms u/fantasy_painter
for 10 minutes before they have to revert to tattoo form. Fan Content
Each one of your creatures is allowed to have a corporial This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content
body once per long rest, so you can use this ability multiple Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the
times to send your creatures out separately as long as each materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards
one of them has only been given a body once per long rest. of the Coast LLC.
Special Thanks
Creature Casting
Starting at 11th level, you gain the ability to cast your spell I would like to thank everybody who helped develop this class
tattoos through the corporeal bodies of your creatures. through 12 different versions before it was ready for actual
Whenever you cast a spell using one of your spell tattoos, you play. In particular I would like to thank Regan, Joe, Cass,
can choose to cast it from yourself or any of your creatures everybody from the SoL Discord, and Unearthed Arcana for
with corporeal bodies within 60 feet of you. getting this class from a concept I jotted down one day to a
In addition, you can now create bodies for your creature well balanced class.
tattoos twice per long rest.
Empowered Creatures
Starting at 17th level, you have learned a way to fortify your
creature tattoos to hold more powerful forms. Your creatures
retain their same personalities and other quirks, but are
given more powerful bodies. You can now improve all CR 2
creatures you have to any CR 3 or 4 Beast or Monstrosity, CR
1 to 2, and CR 1/2 to 1. When you do so, your creatures now
use the stat block and gain the physical appearance for their
new bodies listed in the monster manual. All of their stats
change to reflect their new body/tattoo design unless the
intelligence of the new stat block is lower than 10, in which
case your creatures maintain their original intelligence score.

The Inkbender

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