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Position in CPR

A) Head tilt- chin lift maneuver

® Place one hand on victims forehead and apply
firm, backward pressure to tilt the head back.
® Place the fingers of the other hand under the
bony part of the chin.
® Lift the chin forward and support the jaw,
helping to tilt the head back.

B) Jaw-Thrust maneuver
® Used in victims with suspected head or neck
® Grasp the angle of the victims lower, jaw and
lift with the both hands, one on each side,
displacing the mandible forward while tilting the
head backward.
® Clear the airway by finger sweep in case of
visible foreign body, an oropharyngeal airway is
inserted if available.

Complication Causes Manifestations
1. Fractured ribs and Improper chest ·Chest pain that increase
sternum compression with inspiration .
· Asymmertic chest wall
·Floating sternum .
2. Pneumothorax ·Improper chest · Chest pain, dyspnea,
compression hypoxia, cyanosis, tracheal
· Improper central venous deviation
line insertion
3. Ruptured spleen Improper chest · Upper left quadrant pain
compression · Hypotension
Position in CPR
4. Aspiration pneumonia Vomiting of the person who Respiratory distress,
is in a semiconscious state. hypoxia, tracheal
suctioning of the gastric
content, noted on chest x-
5. Anoxic encephalopathy Prolonged cerebral hypo- Prolonged coma, confusion,
perfusion during time of short term memory,
unattended arrest or from behavioural changes
poorly manage
6. Renal failure Prolonged cerebral hypo- ·Prolonged coma,
perfusion during time of · Within 24 hrs
unattended arrest or from ·Post-resuscitation
poorly manage · Urine output will fall
resuscitation. below 30ml/hrs,
·Elevated BUN (>than
20ml/dl ),
·Creatinine ( >than
1.5mg/dl )

7. Congestive heart failure Overly vigorous use of · Tachycardia

sodium bi carbonate and iv · Increase respiratory rate
fluids during resuscitation · Noted on chest x-ray

8. Cardiac tamponade Perforation of cardiac · Dyspnea

structure from intra- · Hypotension
cardiac injection.
9. Skin burn oral, tracheal ·Repeated defibrillation or · Erythema and blistering of
and laryngeal damage delivery of high voltage. skin beneath site of
· Soft tissue injury defibrillator paddle
· Bloody mouth,
hoarseness, respiratory

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