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Lengua inglesa I Blanca Baviera Serra 1ºTMI


Fill out Completar, llenar
Mild-mannered Amable, respetable
Huddle Apiñarse, juntarse
Renown Renombre, prestigio
Upcoming Próximo, venidero
Chase Persecución, carrera
Eerily De forma espeluznante
Track Rastrear, seguir la pista
Footage Metraje
Brew Cocinarse, tramarse, formarse
Debris Restos, escombros
Ship Enviar algo, ser enviado
Flank Lado
Downdraft Corriente descendente
Almighty Todopoderoso, extremo
Greet Acoger, recibir
Unscathed Ileso, indemne
Prompt Dar pie a, dar entrada a
Wry Irónico
Imply Insinuar
Strive Tratar de, esforzarse por
Assessment Valoración
Coursework Cursado (trabajo valorado)

-Get over something recuperarse de, ponerse mejor (feel better after something or someone has
made you unhappy, or get better after an illness)

a. Work-job, possibility-occasion-opportunity, fun-funny
-Workà work (uncountable)
• Jobà a job(countable)
-Possibilityà tutor/catedrático (university teacher who teaches a small group of students)
• Occasionà tutor/catedrático (university teacher who teaches a small group of students)
• Opportunityà tutor/catedrático (university teacher who teaches a small group of students)
-Funà divertido (estar agusto, pasártelo bien)
• Funnyà divertido (de risa)

Lengua inglesa I Blanca Baviera Serra 1ºTMI



Enjoyment Enjoyed Enjoy
Preference Preferable Prefer
Knowledge Known Know
Behaviour Behave
Comparison Comparable Compare
Activity Active Act
Assistance Assist
Measurement Measurable Measure
Ability Able

Page 62
• What job does each photo represent?
o 1st photoà something related to farming the countryside = farmer
o 2nd photoà A doctor
o 3rd photoà a painter or an artist
o 4th photoà a mechanic or someone trying to fix cars = engineer
o 5thà programmer
• What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these jobs?
o Agricultureà the advantages are that you are constantly in touch with the nature and
the countryside, being appart from the city’s pollution. The disadvantages are that you
are exposed to the sun daily and it could damage your skin if you don’t put on your sun
o Doctorà the advantage is that you feel satisfied as you are helping or even saving
people’s live. The disadvantage is that you need to study a lot and to retain a lot of
information, so you could sometimes forget something
o Painterà the advantage is that you could be creative, and you could express your
feelings. The disadvantage is that you could receive an order and you could have less
days than you expected
o Mechanicà the advantage is that, if you learn how to fix a car, you could solve
problems at home related with electricity. The disadvantage is that you could be
o The officeà the advantage and the disadvantage is that you are always sit in a chair,
so you can’t move from there, and that could be harmful as you need to be active and
your body needs to move and practice some sport
• What job/jobs did you dream of doing when you were younger?
o I dreamt of becoming a doctor, but that can’t be true now as I’m studying a humanities
degree and I’m afraid of everything related with the blood and the needles
• Why do you think some people don’t end up doing their dream job?

Lengua inglesa I Blanca Baviera Serra 1ºTMI

o Because when we were children, we used to dream like big or important jobs, and we
didn’t take into account being street cleaners, for instance, because we thought that
wasn’t worthy.

Page 65à Chasing the storm (Synonims)

-Huddled aroundà gathered around (apiñarse)
-Impending stormà approaching storm
-Eerilyà creepy (siniestramente)
-Alert pingsà Alert clinks (sonido metálico)
-Storm’s brewingà developing/forming (que se está formando)
-The debrisà ruins, garbage (ruinas, deshechos)
-Has shippedà import, deliver, send (importar, transportar)
-Rear flank downdraftà back side
-Winds downà
-Hurtlingà rush forward (ir como un rayo, precipitarse)
-Mappingà trace, (trazar)
-Prompts a wry smileà provoke

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