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Suppose you are planning to make a fruit salad and need to buy apples, oranges, and bananas.

You decide to
maintain a ratio of 3:4:5 for apples, oranges, and bananas, respectively.

1. You want a total of 36 fruits in the salad. How many of each fruit should you buy to maintain the given ratio?


Let's denote the number of apples as 3�3x, the number of oranges as 4�4x, and the number of bananas as
5�5x, where �x is a constant.

According to the given ratio, the total ratio is 3 (apples) + 4 (oranges) + 5 (bananas) = 12.

Now, set up an equation:


Combine like terms:


Divide both sides by 12 to solve for �x:


Now, substitute �x back into the expressions for each fruit:

 Apples: 3�=3×3=93x=3×3=9
 Oranges: 4�=4×3=124x=4×3=12
 Bananas: 5�=5×3=155x=5×3=15

So, you should buy 9 apples, 12 oranges, and 15 bananas to maintain the desired ratio and have a total of 36
fruits for your fruit salad.

This problem illustrates how ratios can be applied in real-life situations, such as meal preparation or resource
allocation, to ensure a balanced and desired outcome.

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