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Assessment 1

Directions: Provide the answer to the following problems. Follow the indicated instruction in your
learner guide.

I. Model and solve the equations using algebra tiles. Show your solutions.
a. 7x = 3x + 12
Solution: 7x – 3x = 12
4x = 12
4𝑥 12
4 4

b. 7x + 3 = 10
Solution: 7x = 10 – 3
7x = 7
7𝑥 7
= 7

c. 3x – 3 = 5x + 7
Solution: 3x – 5x = 7 + 3
-2x = 7 + 3
-2x = 10
−2𝑥 10
= −2
x = -5

d. 6x + 3 = 3x + 9
Solution: 6x – 3x = 9 - 3
3x = 9 – 3
3x = 6
3𝑥 6
= 3

e. 5x – 3 = 4x + 5
Solution: 5x – 4x = 5 + 3


II. Solve the following word problems. Show your solutions.

a. Jonathan is now three times as old as his son is. Twelve years ago, he was six times as
old as his son was. Find the present age of each.

Solution: x = son’s age now

3x = father’s age now {father is 3 times as old as his son}

x – 12 = son’s age twelve yrs ago

3x = father’s age twelve yrs ago

3x – 12 = 6(x – 12) {twelve yrs ago, father was six times as old as his son}

3x – 12 6(x – 12) {twelve yrs ago, father was six times as old as his son}
3x – 12 = 6x – 72 {used distributive property}
3x = 6x – 60 {added 12 to both sides}
-3x = -60 {subtracted 6x from both sides}
x = 20 {divided both sides by -3}
3x = 60 {substituted 20, in for x, into 3x}

Son is 20 now
Father is 60 now

b. Nine years ago, Jareth was five times as old as Dave. Now, he is only three times as old
as Dave. Find their present ages.

Solution: Let T be the Dave’s current age

Then the Jareth current age is 3T

9 years ago Dave was (T – 9) years old, while Jareth 3T – 9 = 5 × (T – 9), according to
the condition.

Simplify and solve for T: solve for 3T:

3T – 9 = 5T – 45 18 × 3
45 – 9 = 5T – 3T 3T = 54
36 = 2T Jareth is 54 years old
36 2𝑇
2 2

T = 18
Dave is 18 years old

c. Eight years from now, Malou will be as old as Mildred is now, while Mildred will be
three times as old as Malou is now. How old are they now?

Solution: x = Mildred’s age now

x + 8 = Mildred’s age in 8 years
x = Malou’s age in 8 yrs (same as Mildred’s age now)
x – 8 = Malou’s age now
x + 8 = 3(x – 8)
x + 8 = 3x -24
-2x + 8 = -24
-2x = -32
x = 16

x – 8 = 16 – 8 = 8
Mildred is now 16 yrs old now and Malou is 8 yrs old now


d. Mario alone can finish a set of furniture in 15 days. Arnold alone can do the same job in
10 days. In how many days will they finish the set of the same type if they work

Solution: 15 × 10 = 150 / 25 = 6 days

e. Arnel can finish a certain task in 21 hours. Jonathan can do the task in 28 hours. Mariano
can do the same task in 48 hours. How long will it take them to finish the task if they will
work together?

Solution: Arnel can finish the task in 1 hour = 1/21

Jonathan finishes the task in 1 hour = 1/28
Mariano finishes the task in 1 hour = 1/48

They all together will finish the task in 1 hour

= 1/21 + 1/28 + 1/48 = (16 + 12 + 7) / 336 = 35/336

Time to finish the work by all of them

336/35 = 9.6 hours
Or 9 hours and 36 minutes

f. Glydhel can finish accounting work in 8 hours. Danielle can finish the same work in 6
hours. After 2 hours of working together, Glydhel left Danielle for lunch and Danielle
finished the job. How long does it take Danielle to finish the job?

Solution: Glydhel can finish 1/8 of the accounting work in 1 hour

Danielle can finish 1/6 of the accounting work in 1 hour

Glydhel and Danielle together can finish

1/8 + 1/6 = (3 + 4) /24 = 7/24 of the accounting work in 1 hour

Glydhel and Danielle together can finish

7/24 × 2 = 7/12 of the accounting work in 2 hours

Remaining work = 1 – 7/12 = (12 – 7)/12 = 5/12

Danielle can remaining work of 5/12 in (5/12) / (1/6) = 5/12 × 6/1 = 5/2 = 2.5 hours or
2 hours or 30 minutes.

g. Two cars leave Sapang Palay at the same time and travel in the opposite direction. If one
travels at 42 km per hour and the other at 48 km per hour, how long will it take them to
be 450 km apart?

Solution: 42 + 48 = 90 kph
450 ÷ 90 = 5 hrs

42km per hr × 5 hrs = 210 km

48km per hr × 5 hrs = 240 km

210 + 240 = 450 km

h. What is the distance between two cars after three hours if one car travels at the rate of 50
kilometers per hour and the other car at 60 km per hour if they have been traveling in the
same direction?

Solution: Relative speed = 60 – 50 = 10 km/hr

Time taken = 3 hours
Hence, the distance between the two cars = Speed / Time = 10/3 = 3.33 kms

i. Two buses leave a station at the same time, traveling in opposite directions. The speed of
the faster bus is 20 mph faster than the slower bus. At the end of three hours, they are 360
miles apart. Find the rates of speed of each bus.

Solution: dt = tr
- d is the distance bus travels
- t is a time bus travels
- r is a speed of the bus

Distance first bus travels for 3 hours is d1 = 3r.

Distance other bus travels for 3 hours is d2 = 3 (r + 20).

Total distance between them is 360 miles and since they go in opposite directions this
distance is sum of distances each bus travels.
d1 + d2 = 360
3r + 3 (r +20) = 360
3r + 3r + 60 = 360
6r + 60 = 360
6r = 360 – 60
6r = 300
6𝑟 300
= 6
r = 50 mph, this is a speed of the first bus
r + 20 = 70 mph, this is the speed of the second bus

j. How many gallons of a 40% solution of alcohol and how much of 80% solution of
alcohol should be mixed to give 40 gallons of a 50% solution ?

Solution: let a = gallons of 40% solution needed

Let b = gallons of 80% solution needed
.4a = gallons of alcohol in 40% solution
.8b = gallons in 80% solution

a+b = 40

.4𝑎+ .8𝑏
= .5
.4a + .8b = .5 × 40
.4a + .8b = 20
4a +8b = 200
a + 2b = 50
subtract (1) from (2)
a +2b =50
-a – b = -40
b = 10
and since
a + b = 40
b = 10 gallons
and since
a + b = 40
a = 30 gallons
30 gallons of 40% solution are needed
10 gallons of 80% solution are needed

k. How many quarts of pure alcohol should be added to 10 quarts of 10% alcohol solution to
obtain a mixture of 25% alcohol?

Solution: let x = amt of pure alcohol required

x + .10(10) = .25 (10 +x)
x +1 = 2.5 + .25x
x = 1.5 + .25x
.75x = 1.5
x = 1.5/.75
x = 2 quarts

l. How many ounces of pure silver should be added to 80 ounces, 75% pure, to obtain a
mixture of 80% pure?

Solution: = 0.80

= 0.80

0.80 (80 + x) = 60 + x

64 + 0.80x = 60 + x

4 = 0.20x

x = 20 ounces

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