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Sub-topic 3.

1 Thermal Concepts IB DP Physics HL - Required Practicals

Determination of the specific heat capacity of water experimentally

1. Introduction
The aim of this experiment is to determine the specific heat capacity of water.
The change in temperature of a body is directly proportional to the amount of heat Q supplied or removed from the
body: Q = mcΔT, where c is the specific heat capacity of the material and m is the mass of the body.
In this experiment, water will be heated using a resistor (coil) of power P connected to a power supply. The current I in
the resistor and the potential difference V across its ends will be measured with an ammeter and a voltmeter,
respectively, and the power is calculated by P = IV.
In an isolated system, the thermal energy gained by water Q equals the energy released in the heater: E = Pt =
IVt, where t is the time taken to change its temperature by ΔT.
To find the specific heat capacity of water, the change in water temperature will be measured at different moments.
Research question: What is the relationship between the change in temperature of heated water and the time it takes
for current to pass through the electric heater immersed in the water?

2. Equipment
Calorimeter; thermometer; graduated cylinder; power supply (12 V DC); ammeter; voltmeter; connecting wires,
stopwatch; water (600 ml at room temperature)
Note: Fill a container with tap water (at least 600 ml) to ensure the initial temperature of the water is the same for all

3. Procedure
A. Assemble the circuit in the figure. Do not turn the power supply on
before your teacher verifies the circuit.
B. Measure 200 cm3of tap water with the graduated cylinder and pour it
into the calorimeter.
C. Put the cover, with the heating coil, on the calorimeter and insert the
D. Wait a few seconds and record the initial temperature Ti of the water
in Table 1.
E. Set both the voltage and current knobs to their maximum value, then
turn the power supply on, and start the stopwatch.
F. Record the readings on the ammeter and on the voltmeter in Table 1.
G. Gently stir the water in the calorimeter during the experiment.
H. Record the temperature T of the water on table 1 every 3 minutes for 15 minutes. I. Turn
off the power supply.
J. Repeat the procedure two more times.
Sub-topic 3.1 Thermal Concepts IB DP Physics HL - Required Practicals

4. Safety precautions
Warm water may cause skin burns.
Do not spill water on any part of the electric circuit.
Electric shock hazard – proceed with care.

5. Raw data
Table 1. Water temperature for different values of time

Current I / Voltage V Initial Final Temperature T / oC

Time t / s Temperature Ti/ ± …………...
A ± 0.05 / V ± 0.5 o
±1s C
A V Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
± 0.5 oC

0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0

180 29.0 30.0 29.0 29.0

360 32.0 32.0 33.0 32.0

2.10 7.8 26.0
540 36.0 37.0 37.0 36.0

720 38.0 40.0 40.0 40.0

900 41.0 43.0 44.0 42.0

6. Data analysis (Formative Assessment: 27 marks)

1. Complete Table 1 with all measured quantities. [1]

2. Estimate all uncertainties in Table 1. Explain your estimation. [1]

3. Calculate all quantities required to draw the graph in step 5 (suggestion: use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets).
Present these values on a “processed data table,” including their uncertainties. [2]

4. Show one example of the calculation of each quantity in step 3 (including the calculation of uncertainties). [1]
Processed data
Table 2. Average water temperature for different values of time
Time t/s Current I / A ± Voltage V / Temperature Average ∆ Average
±0.01s 0.1 A V ± 0.5 V Ti/ oC temperature / oC temperature / oC
± 0.5 oC

0.00 26.0 0.0

180.00 29.3 0.5
360.00 2.10 7.8 26.0 32.3 0.5
540.00 36.5 0.5
720.00 39.5 1.0
900.00 42.5 1.5

Calculation for the first data point

t 1 +t 2+ t 3 +t 4 26.0+26.0+26.0+26.0
 Average temperature: = =26.0 oC
4 4
t max −t min 26.0−26.0
 Uncertainty of average temperature: = = 0.0 oC
2 2
Calculation for the second data point
t 1 +t 2+ t 3 +t 4 29.0+30.0+29.0+29.0
 Average temperature: = =29.3 oC
4 4
t max −t min 30.0−29.0
 Uncertainty of average temperature: = = 0.5 oC
2 2
Calculation for the third data point
t 1 +t 2+ t 3 +t 4 32.0+32.0+33.0+32.0
 Average temperature: = =32.3 oC
4 4
t max −t min 33.0−32.0
 Uncertainty of average temperature: = = 0.5s oC
2 2
Calculation for the forth data point
t 1 +t 2+ t 3 +t 4 36.0+37.0+37.0+36.0
 Average temperature: = =36.5 oC
4 4
t max −t min 37.0−36.0
 Uncertainty of average temperature: = = 0.5 oC
2 2
Calculation for the fifth data point
t 1 +t 2+ t 3 +t 4 38.0+40.0+ 40.0+ 40.0
 Average temperature: = =39.5 oC
4 4
t max −t min 40.0−38.0
 Uncertainty of average temperature: = = 1.0 oC
2 2
Calculation for the sixth data point
t 1 +t 2+ t 3 +t 4 41.0+ 43.0+44.0+ 42.0
 Average temperature: = =42.5 oC
4 4
t max −t min 44.0−41.0
 Uncertainty of average temperature: = = 1.5 oC
2 2

5. Draw a graph with temperature T on the y-axis against time t on the x-axis (suggestion: use Graphical Analysis).
Include error bars. [1]

6. Draw the line of best fit and the maximum and minimum gradient lines. [1]
Graph 1. The graph of average temperature against time
7. State the gradient of the line of best fit and its uncertainty. Show your work. [1]

(Slope) of the line of best fit

 m(slope) = 0,01862

8. State the y-intercept of the line of best fit and its uncertainty. Show your work. [1]

Y-intercept of the line of best fit and its uncertainty

 b(y-intercept) = 25.97 oC
Maximum slope−minimum slope 0.02113−0.01567
 uncertainty (unc) = = =0.00273 oC ≈ 0.03 oC
2 2

9. Make a conclusion about the effect of time of heating on the change in water temperature (answer the RQ based on
the graph) [1]

Research question: What is the relationship between the change in temperature of heated water and the time it takes
for current to pass through the electric heater immersed in the water?

Based on the provided data, as the time (t) increases, the final temperature (T) of the water also increases. This suggests
a positive and proportional correlation between the time the electric heater is immersed in the water and the resulting
temperature. The longer the heater is in the water, the higher the final temperature. The same is confirmed with the help
of the graph. The shape of the graph and the graph equation is linear and increasing (m>0), which indicates both a
proportional and positive relationship between the change in temperature of heated water and the time it takes for
current to pass through the electric heater immersed in the water

10. Explain how you can use the gradient of your graph to calculate the specific heat capacity of water. [2]

To identify specific heat capacity firstly we need to identify its main formula. Initial formula energy required to change
substance for 1 degree is:
∆ E=mc ∆T
Therefore this formula can algebraically be transformed to the formula of specific heat capacity:
Experimentally we already observed temperatures and control variable of mass of substance, water in our case.
Therefore only variable that should be calculated now is change in energy.
Considering the fact, that for experiment were used electric power supply, formula of energy can be calculated based
on these steps.
First of all, energy in our case is the product of power versus time, or:

E=Pt (J)
As experimentally observed, time is independent variable, therefore it is known.
To calculate the power (P), this formula is used:
P=VI (W)
Where (V) is voltage, and (I) stands for electric current. These both variables are known before the experiment.
After energy is calculated, main goal is to find the change of energy and change of temperature. This is what gradient is
stands for. Basic formula of gradient is:
In order ro find relationship of change of energy and change of temperature, the basic formula of gradient can be
manipulated into the form of temperature versus energy graph:

=k (slope)
As we already know, formula of specific heat capacity is:
Algebraically, we can manipulate the formula of specific heat capacity in order to be able to calculate the specific heat
capacity by the gradient and the mass only:
∆E ∆T 1
c ×k = × =¿
m∆ T ∆ E m
m ×k
This is the main method of how to calculate specific heat capacity through gradient.

11. Determine, using your answer to part 10, the specific heat capacity of water and its uncertainty. Show your work.
State your determined value for the specific heat capacity with its uncertainty. [3]

P=VI =¿ 7.8 ×2.10=16.4 W
Average temperature / oC Energy: E=Pt=¿ 16.4 × t (J)

26.0 16.4 × 0=0

29.3 16.4 × 180.00=2952
32.3 16.4 × 360.00=5904
36.5 16.4 × 540.00=8856
39.5 16.4 × 720.00=11808
42.5 16.4 × 900.00=14760

∆T 42.5−26.0
=k ( slope )=¿ =0.0011
∆E 14760−0
Calculation of specific heat capacity:
Mass of water (m)= 0.2 kg
1 1
c= = =4545.45=¿ 4540 J kg – 1 K – (3 s . f .)
m ×k 0.2 ×0,0011

12. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 kJ kg–1 K–1at 20 oC. Is this value within the uncertainty determined in
part 11? Calculate the experimental error of your value. [2]

Calculations of experimental error:

Experimental error= | Experimental value−

Accepted value
2 |×100=8 %

13. Discuss the investigation's precision, accuracy, and random and systematic errors. [4]

First of all, considering the experimental error in the experiment we would like to note that it is 8%, which indicates
that the data collected during the experiment is successful. However, the presence of the experimental error as such
indicates that there were various problems in the course of the exeprment, accuracy, as well as some systematic and
random errors.

Starting to look at the systematic errors, the first thing to consider is that the graph showed the y intercept, that is the
initial water temperature, to be 25.97 C, however the experimental value of the initial water temperature was 26.0
degrees. This may indicate that there was either an incorrect calibration in the instrumentation with the thermometer
itself, or the thermometer itself had some error.

Considering the random errors, we can note the experiment the uncertainty of average temperature at 900
seconds of heating the beaker exceeds the values in comparison with other time intervals. This may mean that there
was a random error in the experiment, which in turn may be related to the fact that the biker was stirred unevenly
throughout the experiment, due to which different temperatures could be gained at different rates in different time
intervals. The same is reflected in the graph, where the given value in average temperature has larger error bars than
other values. However, despite these errors, we can say that the precision of the experiment is quite high.
Which is supported by the data from the uncertainty table, where the uncertainty is no greater than 0.1 C.

The accuracy of the experiment is also high, as the experimental specific heat capacity differs from the accepted value
of specific heat capacity by only 8 percent.

14. Discuss the experiment's strengths and weaknesses, such as data limitations and sources of error, and make a
conclusion about the validity of the experimental results. [3]

First of all, considering the shortcomings of the experiment, we can note that the experiment lacked trials. This is the
main reason for the random errors that occurred in our experiment. With a larger number of trials, such as 5 or more,
random errors could be minimized.

Also, the second drawback of the experiment may be the lack of accuracy of the thermometer, as it was the accuracy of
the thermometer, which may have been unused or uncalibrated, that led to the systematic error in the experiment, as the
initial water temperature, to be 25.97 C, however the experimental value of the initial water temperature was 26.0

The third disadvantage was that the experiment did not stir the water consistently and unsteadily. This can throw off the
accuracy of the results because uneven stirring can lead to an uneven flow of water of different temperatures in the

Now, considering the advantages of the experiment, the first thing to note is that the experiment itself took place in a
fairly insulated system, the beaker was wrapped in a thermally conductive cloth, and was covered with a lid on top with
only small openings for the stirring stick and thermometer. This allowed the beaker to retain most of the energy coming
from the power supply and not be exposed to external factors like room temperature and wind.

Otherwise, it is safe to say that the experiment was a success and there were no further disadvantages.

15. Discuss realistic and relevant suggestions for the improvement and extension of the experiment. [3]


Based on past analysis, we can say that we need such improvements in the experiment:

Increasing the number of trials. Increasing the number of trials in the experiment will reduce random errors in the
experiment and make the data more precise. Therefore, increasing the number of trials will be an important aspect in
improving the experiment
Use of other apparatus such as a thermometer. Using more accurate other instruments will enable us to get the data in
the experiment more accurately, and it will also reduce our systematic error in the experiment. Therefore, using more
accurate apparatus will be an important improvement in the experiment.

Using a mechanical water stirrer in the experiment. One important factor of random error in the experiment was that the
bicker was stirred unevenly throughout the experiment, which could cause the results to vary and this negatively
affected the overall precision of the experiment. Accordingly, the use of mechanical and automatic stirrer in the
experiment will make the results of the experiment more precise and reduce the random error in the experiment itself,
so this aspect will be important in improving the accuracy of the experiment.


1. Material Comparison:

This extension consists of a comprehensive study on the thermal heat characteristics for different materials –metals,
liquids and solids. In order to determine the intrinsic thermal characteristics that separate various materials, this
analysis seeks to achieve a general knowledge about each material by subjecting them all to the same experimental
conditions and measuring heat change precisely. The findings will provide relevant information on the thermal
response of materials and enable meaningful comparisons that can inform material choices for different applications.

2. Temperature Dependence:

The temperature dependence extension involves performing the specific heat capacity experiment on different
temperatures. This systematic variation seeks to identify any observable patterns in specific heat capacity as it relates to
temperature fluctuations. Also, the study aims to clarify possible differences in heating and cooling processes of heat
absorption and release. The ability to understand how the specific heat capacity depends on temperature is also
essential for correctly simulating thermal behavior under various environmental conditions.

4. Electrical Conductivity and Specific Heat

The investigation of the interplay between electrical conductivity and specific heat capacity requires choosing materials
that have different electric properties. In this way, the goal is to identify possible relationships between their electrical
and heat properties by conducting a systematic analysis of these materials. This study lays the groundwork for a
comprehensive understanding of materials that have both electrical and thermal capabilities, which are likely to be used
in electronics and material science. Also, knowledge derived helps in choosing the materials for particular use when
both electrical and thermal properties are essential.

3 bonus marks can be awarded for formatting the lab report:

✔ Proper structure, fonts, margins, etc.
✔ Proper typing equations
✔ Correct formatting the data tables (headings, units, uncertainties, symbols, rounding, centering, etc.) Picture of

the experimental setup (your setup may differ slightly).


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