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Unit comps:

Run spearmen and czukunu???? age 2

against french spearman horseman
advanced comp - czukunu ad horseman
age 3 palace guards and spearmen and nest of bees
palace guards are killing meele units, nests of bees are killing archers and
spearmen are defending
also when defending send villages to repair nests of bees

Base building - building mill near berries is fine but the best strategy is to
build mill around the base and then with scout run around our base in loops but run
to our enemy first and then get at least 5 sheep
start - imperial official and then villager as soon as imperial officer comes out
of center we are gonna drop mill down as soon as imperial officer comes out of tc
drop mill down
place house and mining camp near then woodowrks each other imperial academy must
include your mill, must include your lumber camp you can try to includge your gold
mine but dont have to best spot for academy is in line with town center
villages you want to get these near resources
you want to be using this space near military academy for military building so u
need to remain cognizant once the game goes the late game to delete villages to
keep the space for military production

military production - perfect way to be doing your military buildings, you start at
the corner of military academy and build a grid
you can later delete mill and it will open new spots
expand behind tourself
dont be afraid to go 70 villagers on farms for china
transition into graneries which you build behind the base, after you build grannery
you place farms around it

another midgame comp - horseman and spears you can mix in palace guards and
firelancers and put nests of bees or 2
there are differences for example against abbysids
late game - one of most common comps - elite spearmen and hand cannoneers then add
handful of czukunu, supplement frontline with firelancers note that firelancer
doesnt replcae horsemen, if your opponent is making archers then make horsemen, you
can make few firelancers but make more horsemen if enemy is spamming archers
because they get no bonus dmg

another comp firelancers and crossbows and mixing dynasty units here

matchups : against china 2tc song dynasty in feudal age czukunu and spearmen, try
and pressure enemy food spots, go to their berries and deer
abbysid - same playstyle

you need to be flexible and not look only at matchups
altai - controlling choke points, play defensive wall up your base sit behind and
make second town center but think about matchup for example vs holy roman empire
you they are gonna get 5 relics and steamroll you
ancient spires - always water start, you can get away with doing 2 or 3 dock
openings, build order - fast castle build order into palace guards, get up to
castle age, spam palace guards and hit your enemy from every angle stay 1 town
dry arabia - wall off the forests that you got but remember matchups
forest ponds - fighting over the water, fight over your enemies water and defend
your own, similar strategy stay on 1 town center go for very fast castle age and go
for palace guards, get +2 ranged armor and palace guards and then dive town centers
hideout - 2tc song,
hill and dale - you can even do 3 tc song for example vs HRE you can wall yourself
in you can go 3tc song go imperial yourself and then overwhelm then with czukunu,
its a bit more defensive even if you are playing aggressor wall yourself in, keep a
gate up at the front
lipany - similar to dry arabia but map generation is bad , look for choke points
and wall them out, wall the choke points
mediterranean - who wins the lake on the middle wins it all, it's all about
the pit - you spawn close to enemy, go for 1tc song, players will try to expand on
the sides if you identify what side it is just hit them on that side, you have
short distance to get to that side so go for it

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