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1-1: bow start, usually looking for bel'veth, zed, samira, kai'sa, draven, aphelios


1-4: wouldnt sell gallio here as he pairs well with nasus

you have 3 ad items here, usually slam last whisper here

2-1: yeah electrocharge only takeable one here

levelling and playing 2 2 stars and anima squad is really good here, would position
all your frontliners on the same row tho as its better to spread aggro
would also slam lw here on nasus, from the title and description i know that youre
gonna end up playing mf carry but since her nerfs on 13.1c i dont think shes
forcebale anymore, def not with these items
if you get infinite anima squad stacks from winstreaking this stage i think it
would be ok to go carry vayne, especially if you hit her carry augment, but if not
then I think you can just drop out of anima squad and play belveth/samira/aphelios

2-2: you should use this downtime to scout and position

2-3: playing riven and making 10 is correct here

could wait till you know if you win/lose the round to sell blitz since he might be
your next in

2-4: in general i like vest more than belt currently, but it's fine and also belt
might be better than vest if you're gonna be playing riven

2-5: your positioning is really weird to me, just have your frontline on 1 line to
spread aggro/electrocute damage
reforging here too is a bit odd, but i guess if youre committing to MF it makes
some sense, although giantslayer isnt bad on her, althought it's a bad slam this
early and uses a sword for shojin
guardbreaker would also be an ok slam for MF

2-6: guardbreaker slam is good, last fight jinx damage was a bit better than nasus
but the one matchup you should be worried about is the talon/renegade poppy one so
i think itd be a better slam on the nasus bc your jinx is gonna get oneshot
you dont fight them tho so you're full winstreak, not 20 gold but thats fine as you
have good pairs on bench

2-7: omg perfect items dropped for mf, so yeah you def commit here

3-1: on your current board it's probably better to slam spark but gunblade is bis
mf so its understandable to slam gunblade too, but i would slam 1 here for sure
several opponents levelled to 6 but i dont think that you beat them even if you
level (best in is zoe if you did level)
you lost but you can blame lag Kappa
would have bought zoe here

3-2: jeweled lotus is really good here

you natural sylas so you level but should also roll here since hitting either
jinx2, riven2, or a vayne would be a huge power spike

3-3: good gunblade slam here

3-4: either belt or vest here yeah

3-5: you play your strongest board thats good

being contested here doens't really matter anymore because youre hitting anyway,
you should be able to 2star your board later
might have a lower cap than the person contesting you bc they have the spat, but
you're up a combat augment and probably have more stacks, and after this fight a
lot more hp


3-7: levelling on creeps is very unnecessary but also fine its just 1 gold but you
get 1 better shop, you even get the gold back so ok

4-1: for sure roll for vayne here, also possible to hit mf and riven 2
would have picked up the alistar but other than that you end up playing your
strongest board

4-2: unlucky that theres no 4 cost slot, riven support is the best that you can hit
you hit mf here but big mistake selling your jinx since you have magnetic remover
and jinx 2 is better than vayne and sylas 2 is also better than vayne 1
could position more around your riven for the shields
your 1 star mf did 2k less damage than jinx 2 the last fight, im not sure who's
better but it might be jinx 2 actually

4-3: good swapping sides after seeing the sejuani

4-4: i think it's ionic spark here, the best is still very flexible if left open
and mr shred is really good

4-5: levelling and rolling here is really good since you have a lot of gold and
youre bleeding out
would sell riven on bench for ekko2 here and riven in orb + gallio for sejuani
its unlikely to hit riven 3 here with low hp, gold and being contested and youll
need the gold to roll for mf and sej 2 here, could also pick up fiddle/urgot

5-1: ok you are kind of highrolling rivens here lol

i agree with dc riven and gb asol

5-2: would be donkeyrolling here

5-4: i think its spark > redemption

i think that you played well but unfortunately you were playing anima squad so a
5th is not even that bad here
biggest mistake was probably going for anima squad mf when you couldve played a
good ad game
other than that i think you shouldve rolled at 3-2, not sold the jinx and some
early positioning was a bit odd but then later you were missing a lot of value from
the riven support by not clumping frontline

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