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1-1: cloak start is interesting to me, usually pretty low prio when items like bt

and qss arent meta, dclaw is good but not broken anymore since sett nerf, hurricane
and ionic spark are good early slams


1-3: would prioritise kayle over poppy since you already have the mascots frontline
and you should balance it with some backline
you get gold tho so it doens't matter

1-4: prioritising lux low if fine bc she's pretty weak, but i would pick up the gp
here for a possible duelist backline
you sell lee sin to hold them which is ok
bow drop so probably looking to slam hurricane here, nasus 2* is not a bad holder
for that

2-1: hero augments tho, kingslayer is actually not a bad pick with a defensive
component start, warmogs is bis and adding dclaw or gargoyle to that is pretty good
otherwise if youre not comfortable with that reroll comp you could play righteous
range with duelists its not that bad but not great with cloak start, everyone goes
boom is kind of meh but if you hit an early vayne that could be playable
a reroll here is also understandable, poppy carry is lowkey brrroken, corps focus
is really good too if lasercorps isnt super contested, both augments aren't bad
with cloak start
corps focus is very reasonable, would scout before taking this tho because
sometimes the whole lobby is going lasercorps with ashe/renekton/yasuo support
i think that you then find your strongest possible board, would just position
gallio and nasus 2nd row so nasus takes initial aggro, belt on nasus would also
have more effect

2-2: i dont know for sure but i think that poppy here is weaker, mascot is pretty
strong and the shields from gallio are good, civilian is a nice bonus, also has the
defnitely not a ton weaker tho, but if you do this then i would place nasus between
the 2 other tanks

2-3: you're just hitting everything damn, you're probably the strongest in the
lobby but to make sure you should scout and then you could consider levelling to 5
for poppy
you sell before scouting which is probably fine, making 10 here is definitely good
too, looks like youre the strongest one in the lobby too

2-4: last pick on carrousel, would be ideal to get a vest for sunfire to continue
your winstreak
i think its 3 cost belt > 2 cost glove > 1 cost rod, but theyre all takeable,
warmogs is your best slam right now, glove could be last whisper, rod could be
belt gets taken so you go for glove i agree

2-5: levelling for sivir is your strongest board, also good positioning on nasus
glove would have more effect on nasus tho

2-6: would not consider putting in underground here since youre on a winstreak
making 20 here is good
positioning wise i would swap renekton and gallio because the sivir 2 is the only
thing that you could lose to and having renekton take aggro is best
you fight them and its not even close so it didnt matter
2-7: cloak + tear + gold dropped
would look to buy vi here since she could be your level 6 and it's probably a
redemption slam

3-1: redemption slam is good, would scout NicholasChoong to position against them
and consider levelling to 6
you scout and they seem pretty strong, would like to think that you beat them if
you level to 6 but its not guaranteed honestly, defenitely depends on their admin
unlucky positioning of the nasus makes you lose here

3-2: electrocharge only option here, not too bad

probably level for rammus here and no need to roll although not having lasercorps
is a bit awkward
but you roll and you hit immediately so thats really good

3-3: downtime here so nothing to do except scout and positioning, i dont think you
beat the renekton carry but its better to place your nasus on the 2nd row there to
avoid the possibility of him taking aggro from renekton

3-4: carrousel with open cloak and glove, bow > sword here probably
bow gets taken so sword it is

3-5: sivir is probably still stronger than vayne

3-6: downtime and i really like how you use this to scout
lobby seems really strong at this point

3-7: 2 golden orbs my gooood

with lasercorps spat you could look to roll at 7 for 6 lasercorps, with zed or
senna 2 holding hurricane and lw

4-1: belveth in 1st shop but you skip her, would def pick her up as if you hit her
2 star on rolldown you can immediately go fast 8 and even if you miss senna 2 and
zed you can just have her hold the AD items
skipped 1 yasuo but found a lot of upgrades and both zed and sejuani
strongest board is
deck=299c50baca504d398a477d099c228a25 i think
you dont have enough time to transition but thats fine
i think you could sell ekko and ashe here to make 30

4-2: probably shell here, you could take sureshot and go senna carry since you dont
have any eon components but i think shell is better either way
itemising zed here is weaker than senna 2 especially since he doenst have eon

4-3: ekko here is also weaker than riven 2 even with prankster, would play riven
and yasuo over ekko and renekton
sidenote that yuumi is brrrroken

4-4: no open component but looking for eon

both get taken tho so its probably just the sej yeah



5-1: i think its probably a senna carry game since you dont have eon, you can slam
ie on her, if not then its probably guardbreaker on zed, morello sej is also an
option and then you can pray to mortdog for eon on carro
you go for ie on senna which is good, you can transfer items to her asap or greed
til carro to see if you dont get an eon

5-2: good to roll here, fitting in fiddle i understand but having to take out yasuo
for it means that its time to sell the zed and place items on senna, your capped
board then could be:
don't like selling aphelios here

5-3: if youre carrying zed then you need to play yasuo for duelists, could sell

5-4: ionic here is pretty good, gunblade is also playable on zed or morello on
but you take the gunblade and put it on senna, i think its a bit too greedy
splitting your items like this

5-5: what the fuck happened to this zed?? 5head yuumi positioning or what??

5-6: good scouting and zed positioning, would keep fiddle frontline tho

6-1 probably qss > hoj > rfc zed here

6-2: opponent is just too strong and its gg, a 3rd is good here

overall a pretty good game, early game was clean, you scout a lot which was really
loss on 3-1 hurt you a fair bit and it was avoidable, some mistakes at 4-1 rolldown
and the transition afterwards
then stage 5 i think you should have comitted to senna carry with the aphelios,
this cap of this board is very high, playing zed without yasuo was a little weird

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