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1-1: chain start

1-2: tear drop

1-3: bow drop

could think about slamming shiv here: can play mf, taliyah, lasercorps, renegades,
kaisa depending on opener


2-1: augment choices are jeweled lotus, brawler crest, sunfire board
either jeweled lotus or sunfire board are fine, i do prefer jeweled lotus here as
you don't have crit components but you do have a chain that could be sunfire cape
i do not like levelling here, your board is weak and you have no direction, better
to stay level 3 so you are more likely to hit a 1cost 2star that can give you
also you have to sell yasuo to level which means that you close the lasercrops line
pretty much

2-2: very nice shop, i would scout and see if kaisa is uncontested, if so you can
sell a jinx to buy the kaisa as your first opponent is already playing anima squad
should slam shiv here since you're playing strongest board and youre almost
certainly playing an AP line


2-4: open chain, tear and bow

taking belt is really solid to slam sunfire

2-5: making 20 good as there's nothing to level for

slamming sunfire good, slamming shiv great


2-7: no need to roll here, never roll here, potentially missing econ thresholds and
rolling on 6 at 3-2 is more valuable
sword and bow drop, could still be a kaisa game if you hit on your rolldown

3-1: I would actually hold the kaisa here and go below 40, then go 6 on 3-2 and
roll down, if you hit more recons + frontline it could be an easy kaisa game

3-2: stand united is good with AP since there's a lot of traits that you can fit
in, renegades could also be playable (items can be gunblade + titans) here but
youre contested
you level and roll which is good
1st shop: i would also buy cho and jinx, cho is good frontline and you could still
and up playing anima now that you highrolled MF
2nd shop: could also buy wukong pair
3rd shop: bingo, your direction for taliyah is better and you seem to be
ideally you would continue rolling here since your frontline is still weak, but you
ran out of time and you only have 1 pair so this stage might be a bit rough

3-3: the 1 roll isn't that bad but it's also not really necessesary

3-4: shojin here is the best you can get

3-5: rammus 2 is nice here

1 thing to conisder positioning wise is that it's better to have Nilah in between
other tanks to heal them, and also so she doesn't take aggro so she can apply the
burn more


3-7: components are now: bow, tear, rod

archangel is not bis but its a good slam since you already have shiv for pen and
jeweled lotus for crit
with archangel and stand united you also have plenty of AP already so you don't
have to go too deep into the spellslinger trait and you can play more flex units

4-1: you level and play your strongest board, rolling here is not necessary since
you highrolled decent frontline

4-2: don't know the weather here but its probably alright and empowered reserves is
also ok here, could also roll for nunu support as that one's a bit broken and
you're very likely to hit

4-3: you scout a bit and from the ones you scouted it would be better to swap sides
with your backline to line up their backline better for taliyah cast and to avoid
the sejuani cc

4-4: your only component is a bow, so a sword would be nice but there's none left
when it's your turn, so chain/cloak are both fine

4-5: i don't like the titans slam here, it's not a very good tank item and the bow
is still useful as a gs
also rolling here is really unnecessary, it's better spent at level 8, and there's
no need to hold nilah if you're only playing star guardians


4-7: sword is good for gs

5-1: go 8 and roll it down

you make sett 2 and instasell it so yeah its just -1g no big deal tho
nilah 3 is also not worth here, just roll for taliyah and ekko 2 star

5-2: yeah you can play urgot for now

5-3: I would lock shop here to sell nilah and buy nunu so you can transfer the
items over to ekko 2

5-4: you need another tank item more than you need bluebuff, vow was best then

5-5: blue buff doesn't do much on janna

you can also stop rolling now that you hit taliyah 2 and look to go 9, your whole
board is upgrade except for the 5 costs

5-6: the only way you beat the mech sett opponent is if you get your taliyah on the
correct side

5-7: really no need to roll on neutral round, it's just lost interest gold
chalice is the best option, can put it on janna so she (almost?) instacasts and
backline her next to taliyah
fiddle is better than nilah which also frees up her items for ekko
6-1: lobby is really low so maybe that's why you're rolling instead of going 9 but
its still better to save up some gold first instead of donkeyrolling, then spend it
when you're losing a lot

6-2: great swapping of sides, unfortunately its barely not enough

6-3: it's gonna be tough to beat them

6-4: just janna 2 here yeah

6-5: final fight fingers crossed

it's a 2nd, not bad

final thougts: pretty straightforward game once you hit taliyah on 3-2
you rolled sometimes when you didn't need to which mightve cost you the econ that
you needed to go level 9 in the lategame,
other than that the itemisation was good, except for the titans slam and the blue
buff from carro
also you kept the nilah 2 when ekko 2 is just a much better tank

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