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Q1: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Controller??

a None

b php artisan make:controller controller_name

c php artisan create:controller controller_name

d php artisan controller:make controller_name

e None

f php artisan controller create controller_name

Q2: The maximum length of the varchar columns Is?

a Upto 65, 567 Bytes

b None

c Upto 65, 535 Bytes

d None Of The Mentioned

e Upto 256 Bytes

f None

Q3: Is it possible to remove the HTML tags from passed data??

a None

b None

c The string_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.

d None

e The stripTags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.

f The strip_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.

Q4: Which of the following is true about Cookies??

a Cookies are limited to about 4 KB of data . Not enough to store required data.

b None

c All of the above.

d Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby sending data unencrypted
over the internet.

e Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby slowing down your web
application by transmitting the same data.

f None

Q5: Which of the following type of variables have only two possible values either true or

The correct Answer is: None

b Integers

The correct Answer is: None

d Strings

e Booleans

f Doubles

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