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Q1: How are devices represented in UNIX/Linux??

a None

b None

c For UNIX/Linux every device is a file and are typically located in the directory

d For UNIX/Linux every device is a block and are typically located in the
directory /proc.

e For UNIX/Linux every device is a file and are typically located in the directory

f For UNIX/Linux every device is a block and are typically located in the directory

Q2: Which of the following stores Kubernetes cluster data??

The correct Answer is: None

b Kube-API server


d “Kubelet

e None of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

Q3: Graphics defined by SVG is in which format??




d None


f None
Q4: Kubernetes is written in?

a Java spring framework

b Go

c C++

d Python

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: What is the correct HTML for making a hyperlink??

a None

b <</a>

c <a href="">MCQ Sets Quiz</a>

d url="">MCQ Sets Quiz

e <a name="">MCQ Sets Quiz</a>

f None

Q6: What are Docker Images??

a None

b None

c None

d Docker image is the source of Docker virtualization.

e Docker image is the source of Docker system.

f Docker image is the source of Docker container.

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