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My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.

My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH

03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

During inhalation the ribs muscles contract and ribs are raised. The diaphragm is
Breathing: “ The process in which animals take oxygen in the body and give out CO₂ 2-Expiration or Exhalation:
from the body is called breathing.” “The process of air rushes out from the lungs is called exhalation.”
Respiration: “ Break down of glucose in presence of oxygen is called respiration.” During exhalation the ribs muscles relaxed. The diaphragm is also relaxed.
Q:1 Describe gaseous Exchange in Plants? Page | 1 Page | 2
There are two ways of gaseous exchange in plants. i.e Q:7 What are the Respiratory Disorders?
Stomata: “ Very small pores are present on lower surface of leaves these pores are 1-Bronchitis:
called stomata.” “The inflammation of bronchioles is called bronchitis.”There are two types of bronchitis,
Stomata helps the plants in gaseous exchange. Acute Bronchitis: It takes short time.It lasts about two weeks.
Lenticels: “Small pores are present on stem and branches these pores are called Chronic Bronchitis: It takes long time. It lasts for three months to two years.
lenticels.” Symptoms of bronchitis are cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight loss.
“Destruction of walls of alveoli is called emphysema.”
Lungs tissues break up and do not come back to original shape after exhalation.
Symptoms of emphysema are cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight
Stomata Lenticels 3-Pneumonia:
Q:2 What is the Air Passageway in Human? Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. If this infection affects both lungs then it is called
1-Nasal Cavity 2-Nostrils 3-Pharynx 4-Larynx 5-Trachea double pneumonia.
6-Bronchi 7-Bronchioles 8-Alveoli 9-Lungs The main cause of pneumonia is a bacterium named, Streptococcus pneumoniae.
During pneumonia alveoli are filled with pus.
Symptoms of pneumonia are cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight

Q:3 What are Alveoli?

“Small air sacs are present in lungs these sacs are called alveoli.”
Q:4 What is the Role/Function of Nasal Cavity?
1-It warms the air.2-It filters the air.
Q:5 Write a note on Lungs?
There is a pair of lungs in thoracic cavity. 4-Asthma:
Left lung is smaller and has two lobes. Asthma is a form of allergy. It causes inflammation of bronchi.
Right lung is larger and have three lobes. It causes more mucous production and narrowing of airways.
They are spongy and elastic organs. Symptoms of asthma are cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight loss.
Each lung is enclosed in two membranes, outer pleural membrane and inner pleural 5-Lung Cancer:
membrane. Uncontrolled cell divisions in the tissue of the lungs causes tumor formation in the lungs
it is called lung cancer. The main causes of lung cancer are carcinogens and passive
Symptoms of lung cancer are cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight
Q:8 What are Carcinogens?
Q:6 Describe Mechanism of Breathing? “Cancer causing chemicals are called carcinogens.” 50 carcinogens are present in
Human breath is 16-20 times per minute at rest. During exercise it may be 30-40 times tobacco smoke.
per minutes. Q:9 What is Passive Smoking?
There are two phases of breathing i.e inhalation and exhalation “The inhalation of smoke from another’s smoking is called passive smoking.”
1-Inspiration or Inhalation:“The process of air rushes into the lungs is called The smoke coming from burning end of cigarette is more dangerous than the smoke
inhalation.” from filter end.
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

Q:10 Define Allergens?

“ Allergy causing factors are called allergen.” e.g smoke, dust, perfumes, pollens BIOLOGY 10th HOMEOSTASIS UNIT# 11
Q:11 What is Nicotine? Homeostasis: “The maintenance of a constant internal environment in response to
1-Nicotine is a powerful poison. 2-It was used as insecticide in the past. environmental changes is called homeostasis.”
3-It is present in tobacco smoke. 4-It causes heart diseases. Osmoregulation: “ The regulation of water and salts content in body fluid is called
Q:12 Describe Bad Effects of Smoking? Page | 3
Osmoregulation.” Page | 4
1-It causes lung cancer. 2-It causes respiratory diseases. 3-It causes circulatory diseases. Thermoregulation: “ The regulation of internal body temperature is called
4-It causes digestive diseases. 5-It causes nervous diseases. 6-It causes kidney diseases. thermoregulation.”
7-It causes weakening of teeth. 8-It causes social unacceptance. Excretion: “ The removal of waste products from the body is called excretion.”
Q:13 What are the Effects of Smoking on Circulatory System? Transpiration: “ The loss of water from plant surface in the form of water vapours is
Carbon monoxide is present in tobacco smoke. It decreases oxygen carrying capacity of called transpiration.”
haemoglobin. Guttation: “Appearance of water drops on the tips or edges of leaves is called
Haemoglobin is a protein, it is present in red blood cells (R.B.Cs). guttation.”
Tobacco smoke increases the production of platlets. And it causes arteriosclerosis. Hydrophytes: “ The plants that live in water are called hydrophytes.”

Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My School & Academy” Q:1 What are Xerophytes?
Assistant Education Officer, D.G.Khan Rehman City, These plants live in dry environment. These plants have less number of stomata.
03346724151, 03134434243 D.G.Khan These plants have juicy stems and roots, called succulent organs.
These plants do not have leaves or have very small leaves. e.g Cactus
Q:2 What are Halophytes?
“The plants that live in sea water are called halophytes.”
Q:3 Which are the organs of homeostasis in Human?
Lungs, Skin and Kidney are the organs of homeostasis in human.
Q:4 What is Urinary System of Human?
“ The organ system consists of kidney, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra is called
urinary system of human.

Q:5 What is the Structure of Kidney?
Kidney is bean-shaped organ.
Each kidney is 10cm long and 5cm wide.
Weight of kidney is 127 grams.
The left kidney is little higher than the right.
Hilus: There is depression in the kidney, it is called hilus.
Renal Cortex: Outer dark red part of kidney is called renal cortex.
Renal Medulla: Inner pale red part of kidney is called renal medulla.
Pyramids: Cone shaped structures present in renal medulla are called pyramids.
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

Q:6 Describe Structure of Nephron? Q:15 Who was Abu Qasim Al-Zahrawi?
The functional unit of kidney is called nephron. There are one million nephrons in each He is known as Albucasis. He is considered as greatest muslim surgeon.
kidney. He gave procedure of surgical removal of stone from urinary bladder.
There are two parts of nephron. Q:16 Define Lithotripsy?
1-Renal Corpuscle: “ Removal of stone from kidney using non-electrical shock waves is called lithotripsy.”
Renal corpuscle has glomerullus and Bowman’s Capsule. Page | 5 Q:17 What is Kidney failure? Page | 6
Glomerullus is network of blood capillaries present inside the Bowman’s capsule. “Complete or partial failure of kidney to function is called kidney failure.”
Bowman capsule is cup shaped structure that encloses glomerullus. The main causes of kidney failure are diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
2-Renal tubule: The tubular part of nephron is called renal tubule. Q:18 What is Dialysis?
It has proximal convoluted part, distal convoluted part and Loop of Henle. “ Artificial cleaning of blood is called dialysis.”
There are two methods of dialysis. 1-Peritoneal Dialysis 2-Haemo Dialysis

Q:7 What is Loop of Henle?

The U-shaped part of renal tubule is called Loop of Henle.
Q:8 What is Glomerulus Filtrate?
The material of water, salts and urea that is passed from glomerullus to Bowman Q:19 What is Peritoneal Dialysis?
capsule, is called Glomerulus Filtrate. The dialysis in which the dialysis fluid is pumped into the abdominal peritoneal cavity,
Q:9 Describe Functioning of Kidney? the wastes from the blood vessels of the peritoneum diffuses into the dialysis fluid
The main function of kidney is urine formation, that takes place in three steps. which is then drained out. It is called peritoneal dialysis.
1-Pressure Filtration: When blood enters the kidney, it goes to the glomerulus. In Q:20 What is Haemodialysis?
glomerulus the blood pressure is very high. The material of water, salts and urea that is The dialysis in which patient ‘s blood is pumped through the apparatus called dialyzer
passed from glomerullus to Bowman capsule, is called Glomerulus Filtrate. for cleaning, is called haemo dialysis.
2-Slective re-absorpation: In this step 99% of glomerulus filtrate is reabsorbed into the Q:21 What is Dialyzer?
blood capillaries by osmosis, diffusion and active transport. “ The apparatus used for haemodialysis is called dialyzer.”
3-Tubular Secretion:Different ions, creatinine, urea etc. are secreted from blood into Q:22 What is Kidney Transplant?
the filtrate in renal tubule. This is done to maintain blood at a pH ( 7.35 to 7.45). After Treatment for the end stage of kidney failure is kidney transplant. It is the replacement
these steps, the filtrate present in renal tubule is called urine. In urine water is present of damaged kidney with a donor healthy kidney. The donor may or may not be relative a
95% and urea is present 9.3 g/l relative of the patient. The average life time for a donated kidney is 10 to 15 years.
Q:10 What is Osmoregulatory Function of Kidney?
“ The regulation of water and salts content in body fluid is called Osmoregulation.”
Kidney play very important role in osmoregulation. It is very important process. Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My School & Academy”
When there is excess water in body fluids, kidneys form dilute urine (hypotonic). Assistant Education Officer, D.G.Khan Rehman City,
When there is less water in body fluids, kidneys form concentrated urine (hypertonic). 03346724151, 03134434243 D.G.Khan
Q:11 How is the Kidney stone Formed?
When urine becomes concentrated crystals of many salts e.g calcium oxalate, calcium
phosphate, uric acid etc. are formed in it. Such large crystals cannot pass in urine and
form hard deposits called kidney stones.
Q:12 What are major causes of kidney stone formation?
The major causes of kidney stones are age, diet with vit.C and D, less intake of water,
using alcohol.
Q:13 What are the symptoms of kidney stone?
The symptoms of kidney stone are sever pain in kidney, vomiting, frequent urination,
foul-smelling urine with blood and pus.
Q:14 Who was Abu Nasr al-Farabi?
He was a scientist who wrote many books about kidney diseases.
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

2-Motor Nerve: They have only axons of motor neurons.

BIOLOGY 10th COORDINATION & CONTROL UNIT # 12 3-Mixed Nerve: They have axons of both sensory and motor neurons.
Q:1 What are the types of Coordination? Q:8 What is Cranium?
There are two types of coordination. “ Brain is present inside a bony structure called cranium.”
1-Nervous coordination 2-Chemical coordination Q:9 What are Meninges?
Q:2 What are the components of Coordination? Page | 7 Brain is covered by three layers called meninges. They protect brain and provide oxygen Page | 8
Stimulus → Receptor →Coordinator → Effector →Response to the brain.
Q:3 Define the followings? Q:10 What is CSF?
Stimulus: “ A factor that brings response in a body is called stimulus.” e.g heat, cold It is cerebrospinal fluid, it is present in ventricles of brain.
Receptor: “ The organs that detect stimuli are called receptors.” Q:11 Write a note on Human Brain?
Coordinator: “ They receive information from receptors and send message to the organ There are three main parts of human brain.
for action. e.g brain and spinal cord. 1- Forebrain 2-Mid Brain 3-Hind Brain
Effectors: “ The parts of the body that produce response are called effectors.” e.g 1-Forebrain:
muscles or glands Forebrain is largest area of brain. It has following parts,
Response: “ Action performed by effectors is called response.” e.g pulling away of hand a)-Thalamus:
from a hot body. I. It lies below cerebrum.
Q:4 Describe structure of Neuron or Nerve Cell? II. It serves as relay centre between brain and spinal cord.
Neuron is the unit of nervous system. Human body has billions of neurons. Neurons III. It is involved in pain perception, sleeping and awakening.
carry messages from one part of the body to the other part. b)-Hypothalamus:
Cell Body: Neuron has cell body. Nucleus is present in the cell body. i. It lies above midbrain and below thalamus.
Dendrites: They take impulses towards cell body. ii. Its size is equal to an almond.
Axons: They take impulses away from cell body. iii. It links between nervous system and endocrine system.
Schwann Cells: These are neuroglial cells located at axons. iv. It controls function of pituitary glands.
Myelin Sheath: In some neurons, Schwann cells produce fatty layer called Myelin c)-Cerebrum:
Sheath. i. It is the largest part of forebrain.
Nodes of Ranvier: Non myelinated points at axon are called Nodes of Ranvier. ii. It controls skeletal muscles, thinking, intelligence and emotions.
iii. It has two cerebral hemispheres.
iv. The anterior part of cerebral hemisphere is called olfactory bulb.
2-Mid Brain
It makes connection between forebrain and hindbrain. It sends sensory information to
the forebrain.
It has three parts.
1-Medulla Oblongata:
1-It is present on the top of spinal cord.
2-It controls heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, vomiting, sneezing and
Q:5 What are Saltatory Impulses? It lies behind medulla. It controls muscle movements.
In some neurons, impulses jump over the areas of myelin, these impulses are called 3-Pons:
Saltatory Impulses. 1-It lies on top of medulla.
Q:6 Describe types of Neurons? 2-It helps the medulla in controlling breathing.
There are three types of neurons. 3-It makes connection between cerebellum and spinal cord.
1-Sensory Neuron: They take nerve impulses from receptors to CNS. Q:12 Describe the Lobes of cerebral Cortex?
2-Inter Neuron: They are present between sensory and motor neurons. Cerebral cortex has three lobes.
3-Motor Neuron: They take informations from interneurons to effectors. 1-Frontal Lobe: It controls skeletal muscles and speech movement.
Q:7 Define Nerve and describe its types? 2-Parietal Lobe: It receive impulses from skin.
Nerve: “ Union of many neurons covered by lipid layer is called nerve.” 3-Occipital Lobe: It receive and analyzes visual informations.
Classification of Nerve: There are three types of nerves. 4-Temporal Lobe: It controls hearing and smell.
1-Sensory Nerve: They have only axons of sensory neurons.
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

Biology # 10th SUPPORT & MOVEMENT Unit # 13

Movement: “ The act of changing place by a body or a part of body is called
Locomotion: “ As a whole movement of an animal from one place to other place is
Page | 9
called locomotion.” Page | 10
Skeleton: “ Framework of hard articulated structure that give support to animal is called
Q:1 What are the types of skeleton?
There are two types of skeleton.
1-Exoskeleton: “ The skeleton that is present outside the body of animal is called
exoskeleton.” e.g it is present in invertebrates.
Q:13 What is Spinal Cord? 2-Endoskeleton: “ The skeleton that is present inside the body of animal is called
It starts from medulla oblongata and it is present inside vertebral column. Its length is exoskeleton.” e.g it is present in vertebrates.
about 40cm. Q:2 What is the Role of Skeleton Or skeletal system?
Q:14 What are the Functions of Spinal Cord? 1-It gives support to the body. 2- It gives protection to the body. 3- It gives movement
1-It links between body parts and brain. to the body.
2-Spinal cord acts as coordinator. Q:3 Difference b/w Bone and Cartilage?
Q:15 What is PNS? Bone:
PNS means peripheral nervous system. It is composed of nerves and ganglia. Bone is the hardest connective tissue in the body. They give support, movement and
Q:16 What is Ganglion? protection to the body. They produce red and white blood cells. The mature bone cells
Group of cell bodies covered by membranes is called ganglion. It is present in some are called osteocytes.
parts of the body. Cartilage:
Q:17 What is Hippocampus? Cartilage is less strong than bones. It is dense and blue white connective tissue. The cells
It is the structure present in cerebrum. Its function is to form new memories. of cartilage are called condrocytes.
Q:18 How many cranial and spinal nerves are present in Human?
Human has 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Q:4 Describe Types of Cartilage?
Q:19 What is Somatic Nervous System? There are three types of cartilage.
It is responsible for voluntary actions. Such as movement of muscles. 1-Hyaline Cartilage: It is found covering the ends of long bones, in nose and trachea.
Q:20 What is Autonomic Nervous System? 2-Elastic Cartilage: Its structure is similar to hyaline cartilage. It is found in epiglottis and
It is responsible for involuntary actions. Such as heart beat. pinna.
Q:21 What are the types of Autonomic Nervous System? 3-Fibrous Cartilage: It is very tough and is found in vertebral discs.
1-Sympathetic System:
It prepares body to deal with emergency situations. It is often called “ fight or flight ” Q:5 Difference b/w Chondrocytes and Osteocytes?
response. Chondrocytes: “ The cells of cartilage are called chondrocytes.”
2- Parasympathetic System: It normalizes all body functions that occurred due to Osteocytes: “ The mature bone cells are called osteocytes.”
sympathetic system.
Q:6 What is Lacuna?
Q:22 Define Reflex Action? “ A fluid space in which chondrocytes are present is called lacuna.”
“ The involuntary response produced by CNS is called reflex action.” Q:7 Describe Types of Bones?
Q:23 Define Reflex Arc? There are two types of bones.
“ The path of nerve impulse that produces reflex action is called reflex arc.” 1-Compact Bone: “ The hard bone is called compact bone.”
2-Spongy Bone: “ The soft porous bone is called spongy bone.”

Q:8 Describe Components of Human Skeleton?

Adult human skeleton has 206 bones.
Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My Academy” 1-Axial Skeleton:
Assistant Education Officer Near Education University, It consists of 80 bones in the head and trunk of the body. It is composed of five parts.
D.G.Khan D.G.Khan Skull has 22 bones (8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones).
Middle ear has 6 bones. Vertebral column has 33 bones. Chest has 24 bones.
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

2-Appendicular Skeleton:
It is composed of 126 bones. Shoulder has 4 bones. Arms have 6 bones. Biology 10th REPRODUCTION Chapter # 14
Both hands have 54 bones. Hips has 2 bones. Legs have 6 bones. Both feet have 54 REPRODUCTION: “The process of producing offsprings is called reproduction.”
bones. Types of Reproduction: There are two types of reproduction.
Q:9 Define Joint? And describe types of joints? 1-SEXUAL REPRODUCTION: “The type of reproduction in which sex cells take part is
Joint: “ The location at which two or more bones are connected is called joint.” Page | 11 called sexual Page | 12
Types of Joints: There are different types of joints. reproduction.”
1-Immoveable Joints: These joints cannot move. e.g joints b/w skull bones. 2- ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION: “The type of reproduction in which sex cells do not take
2-Slightly moveable Joints: They show slight movements. e.g joints in backbone. part is called sexual reproduction.”
3-Moveable Joints: They show variety of movements. e.g shoulder joints, elbow joints, METHODS OF ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION.
knee joints. 1-BINARY FISSION: Binary fission means “division into two” it is a type of asexual
There are two main types moveable joints. reproduction in which one organism simply divides into two organisms.
a)Hinge Joints: They allow movement only in one plane. e.g Knee and elbow are the BINARY FISSION IN BACTERIA:
hinge joints. 1-DNA of bacteria is duplicated and two copies of DNA are formed.
b)Ball and socket Joints: They allow movements in all directions. e.g Hip and shoulder 2-Each copy moves in opposite pole of the cell.
joints are ball and socket joints. 3-Cell membrane invaginates and cytoplasm is divided.
Q:10 What is the Role of Tendons and Ligaments? 4-In this way two cells are formed from a single cell.
Tendons: They attach muscles to the bones.
Ligaments: They join one bone to the other bone at joints. BINARY FISSION IN AMOEBA:
1-Nucleus of amoeba is duplicated and two nucleus are formed.
Q:11 Define Origin and Insertion? 2-Each copy moves in opposite pole of the cell.
Origin: “ Muscle is attached with immoveable bone and this end is called origin.” 3-Cell membrane invaginates and cytoplasm is divided.
Insertion: “ Muscle is attached with moveable bone and this end is called insertion.” 4-In this way two cells are formed from a single cell.
Q:12 What is Antagonism?
“When one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes and this phenomenon is called
Q:13 Define Flexor and Extensor?
Flexor: When a muscle contracts and bends the joint, it is called flexor muscle and
movement is called flexion. e.g Biceps
Extensor: When a muscle contracts and straightens the joint, it is called extensor muscle
and movement is called extension. e.g Triceps
Q:14 Define Biceps and Triceps?
Biceps: Biceps is a flexor muscle on the front of the upper arm bone.
Triceps: Triceps is an extensor muscle on the back of arm.
Q:15 What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is bone disease in adults. It is more common in old women. (Binary Fission in Amoeba) (Binary Fission in
1-It is caused due to malnutrition. 2-It is caused due to lack of physical activities. Bacteria)
3-It is caused due to deficiency of estrogen harmone. 4-It is caused due to lack of Q:1 What is Fragmentation?
protein and vit.C “Some worms break up into many fragments (pieces), then each fragment develop into
Q:16 What is Arthritis? new organism, this process is called fragmentation.”
Arthritis means “inflammation in joints”. It is more common in old women.
Q:17 Describe Types of Arthritis?
1-Osteo Arthritis: In this arthritis cartilage present at joints is lost. And joints become
totally immoveable.
2-Rheumatoid Arthritis: It involves inflammation of the membranes at joints.
3-Gout: In gout, uric acid crystals are accumulated in moveable joints. It attacks the toe Q:2 Define BUDDING?
joints. “In this type of asexual reproduction, small outgrowth (bud) is formed on the organism
Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My Academy” and this bud develop into new organism. It is called budding.”
Assistant Education Officer Near Education University, e.g budding in yeast.
D.G.Khan D.G.Khan
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

1-Bud develops on the yeast cell. 2-Nucleus of the cell is duplicated and two nucleus are Q:9 Describe Ways of Artificial Vegetative Propagation?
formed. Gardeners and farmers use artificial vegetative propagation to increase the stock of
3-One nucleus enters in the bud. 4-Then bud separates from parent cell and in this way plants. There are two methods of artificial vegetative propagation.
two organisms are formed. 1-Cutting:
In this method cuttings are taken from stem or roots of plants.
Page | 13 The cuttings should have meristematic region. Page | 14
These stems or roots are placed in soil under suitable conditions.
Then new roots and shoots are developed from cuttings.
In this way new plants are formed.
Roses, grapes and sugarcane reproduce by cuttings.
In grafting, a piece of stem is cut from the plant. And this piece is connected with
Q:3 Describe budding in Hydra?
another plant.
Budding also takes place in Hydra. A bud develops on parent plant and this bud is
After a while, vascular bundles of piece and host plant are connected.
separated from parent and in this way two organisms are formed.
The stem piece and host plant grow together.
This method is used to grow roses, peach, plum.

Q:10 Advantages of Vegetative Propagation?

There is no need of pollination in vegetative propagation.
The offsprings are genetically identical.
It helps to increase number of plants rapidly.
Q:11 Disadvantages of Vegetative Propagation?
Genetic variations do not occur by vegetative propagation.
Q:4 Describe Spore formation in Rhizopus?
Sporangia: “A sac in which spores are formed is called sporangia.” Q:12 Describe Tissue culture and Cloning?
Cyst: “Each spore is covered by a thick wall, called cyst.” Cloning is the latest method of vegetative propagation. In this method identical
After maturation sporangia burst and spores are released. Each spore develop into new offsprings are produced from a single parent plant by using vegetative cells(root, stem,
rhizopus. leaves).
Q:5 What is ENDOSPORE? Tissue culture is a technique that is applied in cloning. Tissue is taken from any part of
“Bacteria form a thick walled spore inside the cell, this spore is called endospore.” plant and is put in suitable medium, and new cells are produced, these cells are called
Q:6 Define Parthenogenesis? Calluses develop into new plant. Then new plants are planted in pots and fields.
“Production of offsprings without fertilization is called parthenagenesis.” Q:13 What are Calluses?
It occurs in fishes, honeybee and frogs. “Tissue is taken from any part of plant and is put in suitable medium, and new cells are
Q:7 What is Vegetative Propagation? produced, these cells are called Calluses. Calluses develop into new plant. Then new
“The roots, stem and leaves are called vegetative parts of plant. When new plants are plants are planted in pots and fields.”
formed from roots, stem and leaves then it is called vegetative propagation.” Q:14 What is Micro-propagation?
Q:8 Describe Ways of Natural Vegetative Propagation? Tissue culture and cloning is also called micro-propagation because it uses only a small
Natural Vegetative Propagation occurs in different ways. part of plant.
1-Bulbs: bulbs are short under ground stems. They have fleshy leaves. Roots develop Q:15 Define Multple fission?
from the base of bulb and shoots develop from top of bulb.It occurs in tulip, onion, lily. “A large number of daughter cells are formed from a single parent cell at the same time,
2-Corms: corms are short under ground stems. It occurs in garlic and dasheen. this type of fission is called multiple fission.”
3-Rhizomes: Rhizomes are horizontal under ground stems. They have nodes. Buds are Q:16 What are the types of plants?
produced at nodes. Ginger, ferns and water lily reproduce by rhizome. There are two types of plants.
4-Stem Tubers: They are under ground stem. They have tiny buds in the form of eye. 1-Angiosperm: “The plants in which seeds are present inside the fruit, are called
Each bud develop into shoot. Potatoes and yams reproduce by means of tubers. angiosperm.”
5-Suckers: Suckers are lateral stems very close to the ground level. Mint and e.g mango, orange
crysanthemum reproduce in this way. 2-Gymnosperm: “The naked seeded plants are called gymnosperm.” e.g cycas
Q:17 Describe Alternation of Generation?
Sporophyte generation: “Spores producing generation is called sporophyte generation.”
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

Gametophyte generation: “Gametes producing generation is called gametophyte Q:25 Describe Types of germination of Seed?
generation.” 1-Epigeal germination: “The hypocotyle pulls the cotyledons above the ground, is called
“The phenomenon in which two different generations (sporophyte & gametophyte) epigeal germination.” e.g cotton
alternate with each other is called alternation of generation.” 2-Hypogeal germination: “The epicotyle pulls the cotyledons under the ground, is
OR called hypogeal germination.” e.g pea, maize, coconut
“The phenomenon in which sporophyte generation comes after gametophyte and Page | 15 Q:26 What are the Conditions for Seed Germination? Page | 16
gametophyte generation comes after sporophyte, is called alternation of generation.” 1-WATER: Water plays an important role in the germination of seed. Without water
seed cannot germinate. Water causes break down of seed coat.
Q:18 Different parts of a Flower?
2-OXYGEN: Oxygen plays an important role in the germination of seed. Without oxygen
1-Calyx: The group of sepals is called calyx. The outermost whorl of green leaflets are
seed cannot germinate.
called sepals. 2-Corolla: The group of petals is called corolla. The petals
3-TEMPERATURE: Temperature plays an important role in the germination of seed.
are of different colours. It helps in pollination.
Without temperature seed cannot germinate.
3-Androecium: The male part of flower is called androecium. It consists of stamens.
4-Gynoecium: The female part of flower is called gynoecium. It consists of carpels.
Q:27 What is Gametogenesis? Or How gametes are formed?
“The formation of gametes is called gametogenesis.”
The male gamete is called sperm & female gamete is called egg.
The male & female gametes are produced in special organs, called gonads.
Male gonads are called testes and female gonads are called ovaries.
Sperms are produced in testes and eggs are produced in ovaries.
Q:28 Spermatogenesis?
“The production of sperms in the testes is called spermatogenesis.”
Q:29 Oogenesis?
“The production of egg cells in the ovaries is called oogenesis.”
Q:19 What is Double Fertilization?
“Two sperms take part in double fertilization, one sperm fuses with egg and other
Q:30 Define Fertilization?
sperm fuses with fusion nucleus to form endosperm nucleus. It is called double
“The process of fusion of sperm with egg to form zygote is called fertilization.”
Q:20 How Fruit and Seed are formed?
Q:31 What are the Types of Fertilization?
Ovule develops into seed and ovary changes into fruit.
There are two types of fertilization,
Q:21 Define Pollination?
1-External Fertilization: When fertilization takes place out side the body, then it is called
“Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of flower is called pollination.”
external fertilization. e.g in fishes and amphibions
Q:22 Types of Pollination?
2-Internal Fertilization: When fertilization takes place inside the body, then it is called
There are two types of pollination,
internal fertilization. e.g in reptiles, birds, mammals
1-Self Pollination: “Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of flowers in same
plants is called self pollination.”
Q:32 Describe Male Reproductive System of Rabbit?
2-Cross Pollination: “Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of flowers in
Testes: The male reproductive system of rabbit consists of a pair of testes.
different plants is called cross pollination.”
Scrotum: “Testes are located in a skin bag called scrotum.”
Q:23 Describe Structure of Seed?
Semniferous Tubules: “Coiled tubes are present in the testes, which are called
TESTA or Seed Coat: “Outer covering of seed is called testa or seed coat.”
semniferous tubules.” Sperms are produced in these tubules.
HILUM: “Scar on seed coat is called hilum.”
Collecting Ducts: When sperms are mature,they accumulate in collecting ducts.
MICROPYLE: “Very small pore is present on seed coat, it is called micropyle.” Seed
Epididimys: After collecting ducts sperms pass to epididimys.
absorbs water by this pore.
Vas deferens: From epididimys, sperms move to a duct called vas deferens.
EMBRYO: “ Immature plant is called embryo.” It has different parts:
Semen: It consists of 10% sperms and 90% fluid.
1-Radicle: Part of embryo that changes into new root is called radicle.
Seminal Vesical: these are secretions that give nutrients to sperms.
2-Plumule: Part of embryo that changes into new shoot is called plumule.
Prostate Glands: they neutralizes the acidity of fluid.
Q:24 Define Epicotyle and Hypocotyle?
Cowper ’s Glands: they produce lubrication for the ducts.
Epicotyle: “The embryonic stem above the point of attachment is called epicotyle.”
Hypocotyle: “The embryonic stem below the point of attachment is called hypocotyle.”
Q:33 Describe Female Reproductive System of Rabbit?
The female reproductive system of rabbit consists of ovaries and its ducts.
Ovaries: a pair of ovaries is present just ventral to kidneys.
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Egg Cell: outer part of ovary produces egg cells.

Follicle: a cluster of special cells that give nourishment to egg cell is called follicle. BIOLOGY 10th INHERITANCE UNIT # 15
Fallopian tubes: From ovaries egg cells released in fallopian tubes. Genetics: “ Branch of biology in which we study inheritance is called genetics.”
Fertilization: it occurs in fallopian tube. Inheritance: “ Transfer of characters from parents to offsprings is called inheritance.”
Uterus: Fertilized egg is carried to uterus. Traits: “ The characters that are transferred from parents to offsprings are called traits.”
Vagina or Birth canal: uterus opens into vagina. Page | 17 Homologous Chromosomes: “ The chromosomes that have same structure are called Page | 18
homologous chromosomes.”
Q:34 What is placenta? Nucleosomes: “ DNA wraps around histone protein and form a round structure called
“A connection b/w embryo and mother is called placenta.” nucleosome.”
Q:35 Define Over-population? Transcription: “ The copying of DNA in the form of mRNA is called transcription.”
“When population exceeds the carrying capacity of an area, then it is called over Translation: “ The mRNA take message to ribosomes and ribosomes form protein, this
population.” process is called translation.”
Q:36 What are the problems of Over-population? Loci or Locus: “ The location of genes on chromosomes is called Loci or Locus.”
1-Shortage of food. 2-Shortage of fresh water. 3-Shortage of natural resources. 4-It
causes deforestation. Genes: “ The unit of inheritance located on chromosomes are called genes.”
5-It causes loss of ecosystem. 6-It causes pollution. 7-it causes global warming.
Alleles: “ The alternate form of a gene is called allel.”
Q:37 What are the demands of Over-population?
1-It demands more houses. 2-It demands more hospitals. 3-It demands more jobs. Dominant Allele: “ The allele which is expressed is called dominant allele.”
4-It demands more educational institutes. 5-It demands more foods.
Q:38 What is AIDS? Recessive Allele: “The allele which is not expressed is called recessive allele.”
AIDS stands for acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. Genotype: “ The genetic make up of an individual is called genotype.”
It is caused by HIV (human immuno deficiency virus)
This virus destroys white blood cells and causes loss of immunity. Phenotype: “ The apparent characters of an individual are called phenotype.”
It is a fatal disease.
DNA Replication: “ The process in which a DNA molecule is unwounded and two
It spreads by transfer of blood or semen.
molecules of DNA are formed. It is called DNA replication.”
Q:39 What are the Causes of AIDS?
Q:1 What are Chromosomes?
1-Unprotected sexual activities. 2-Use of infected needles. 3-Transfusion of infected
“ Thread like structures present in nucleus are called chromosomes.” Genes are located
on chromosomes.
Q:40 What are STDs?
STDs stands for ‘sexually transmitted disease.’ Q:2 What are Chromatin?
“The diseases that are transmitted by sexual acts are called STDs.” e.g AIDS Chromosome is made of chromatin. Chromatin is made of DNA and histone protein.
DNA wraps around histone protein and form a round structure called nucleosome.
Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My Academy”
Assistant Edu. Officer, D.G.Khan Near Education University, Q :3 What is the Composition of Chromosomes?
03346724151, 03134434243 D.G.Khan Chromosomes are composed of DNA and histone protein.

Q:4 Describe Watson and Crick Model of DNA?

In 1953, watson and Crick proposed structure of DNA.
DNA molecule consists of two strands which are twisted with each other like a string.
DNA molecule is in the form of double helix.
DNA has four nitrogen bases i.e adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine.
Adenine forms pair with thymine.
Guanine forms pair with cytosine.
Two hydrogen bonds are present b/w adenine and thymine.
Three hydrogen bonds are present b/w guanine and cytosine.
Q:5 Describe Types of Genotype?
There are two types of genotype.
1-Homozygous genotype: “ The genotype in which the gene pair has two similar alleles
is called homozygous genotype.”
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2-Heterozygous genotype: “ The genotype in which the gene pair has two different Green colour was controlled by ‘y’
alleles is called heterozygous genotype.” First Cross:
Q:6 What is Co-dominance? In 1st experiment, he crossed yellow round seeded plant with green wrinkled seeded
“A situation in which two different alleles of a gene pair express them collectively is plant.
called co-dominance.” e.g AB blood group is an example of co-dominance. All the plants in F₁ generation were yellow round seeded.
Q:7 What is Incomplete domonance? Page | 19 P₁-----------> RRYY × rryy Page | 20
“A situation in which two different alleles of a gene pair express as a mixture. It is called (Yellow Round) (wrinkled green)
incomplete dominance.” e.g pink Four’o clock flower is an example of incomplete
RY ry
Q:8 Who was Mendel? F₁-----------> RrYy
Gregor Mendel was a monk (priest) in Austria. He developed basic principles of genetics.
He used pea plant (Pisum sativum) in his experiments. Second Cross:
Q:9 Write the reasons for selection of pea plants by Mendel? In second cross F₁ offsprings were self fertilized. This cross prduces four phenotypes.
1-Pea plants are easy to cultivate. 2-life cycle of pea plant is short but fast. There were 315 round yellow seeds, 108 round green seeds, 101 wrinkled yellow seeds
3-Pea plant produce lage number of seeds. 4-Pollination can easily be controlled. and 32 wrinkled green seeds.
Q:10 Describe Mendel’s Law of Segregation? The ratio of these phenotypes was 9:3:3:1
“ Whenever two different alleles of a trait are brought together in an individual they F₁ × F₁-----------> RrYy × RrYy
stay together, but at the time of formation of gametes, the two alleles separate so that (Round Yellow) (Round Yellow)
each gamete has one of the two alleles and not both.” It is also called monohybrid
cross. RY Ry rY ry RY Ry rY ry
“A cross in which only one trait is studied at a time is called monohybrid cross.”
F₂-----------> RRYY RRYy RrYY RrYy
RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy
Mendel crossed round seeded plant with a wrinkled seeded plant. All the plants in F₁
generation were round seeded. Mendel declared that round shape is dominant over RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy
wrinkled shape. RrYy Rryy rrYy Rryy
P₁-----------> Round × Wrinkled Q:12 What is Punnett Square?
F₁-----------> All Round The Punnett square is a diagram that is used in breeding experiment. It is a checker
Similarly, when tall plants were crossed with dwarf plants then all the plants in F₁ board. We can find all possible genotypes by the help of Punnett square. It was given by
generation were tall, it means tallness was dominant over shortness. R.C. Punnett. He was an English mathematician.
P₁-----------> Tall × Dwarf Q:13 What are the Sources of Variations and Evolution?
F₁-----------> All Tall 1-Crossing over causes variations and evolution.
2-Mutation: “Change in DNA is called mutation.” It is also the source of variation and
3-Fertilization: It is also the source of variation and evolution.
4-Gene Flow: “Movement of genes from one population to other population is called
gene flow.”
It is also the source of variation and evolution.
Q:14 Define Variation? And describe its types.
“The changes that occurs in new generation are called variations.”
Q:11 Describe Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment? Types of Variations.
“When two contrasting pairs of traits are followed together in the same cross, alleles in There are two types of variations.
each pair are assorted independent of each other.” It is also called dihybrid cross. 1-Discontinuous Variations:
“A cross in which two traits are studied at a time is called dihybrid cross.” The phenotypes of this variation cannot be measured.
Experiments: Blood groups are a good example of this variation.
He performed experiments on two seeds traits i.e shape and colour. They are controlled by single gene pair.
The round shape was dominant over wrinkled shape. Environment has little effect on this type of variation.
Yellow colour was dominant over green colour. 2- Continuous Variations:
Round shape was controlled by ‘R’ The phenotypes of this variation can be measured.
Wrinkled shape was controlled by ‘r” They are controlled by many genes.Environment has great effect on this type of
Yellow colour was controlled by ‘Y’ variation.
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Q:15 Who was Charles Darwin? BIOLOGY 10th MAN & HIS ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER#16
He proposed a theory called “The theory of Natural Selection” in 1838. He proposed this
theory after his 5-year voyage on his ship named Beagle. He also published a book Ecology: “Relationship of an organism with its environment is called ecology.”
“Origin of Species” in 1859. Species: “Group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offsprings,are
called species.”
Q:16 What is Artificial Selection? Population: “Group of organisms of same species living an area is called population.”
Page | 21 Page | 22
The term artificial selection was given by Abu Rayhan Biruni in the 11 th century.Artificial e.g population of humans living an area.
selection involve selective breeding. Breedings of human choice are done in selective Community: “Group of organisms of different species living an area is called
breedings. In artificial selection, the bred animals are called breeds. And the bred plants community.” e.g Jungle is a community.
are called Cultivars. Ecosystem: “Interactions b/w living and non-living components of an environment, form
Q:17 What is Natural Selection? an ecosystem.”
Natural selection is the evolutionary fitness of an organism. Fitness means an organism’s Biosphere: “The regions of the earth at which organisms live is called biosphere.”
ability to survive and reproduce. The organisms with favourable variations are able to Q:1 What are the Components of Ecosystem?
survive and pass these variations to next generation. There are two components of an ecosystem.
“The process by which the better genetic variations become more common in 1-Biotic Components 2-Abiotic Components
successive generations of a population, is called natural selection.” 1-Biotic Components: “ The living components of ecosystem are called biotic
Q:18 Difference b/w Breeds and Varieties or Cultivars? components.” e.g producer, consumer, decomposer
Breeds: In artificial selection, the bred animals are called breeds. 2-Abiotic Components: “The non-living components of ecosystem are called abiotic
Varieties or Cultivars: In artificial selection, the bred plants are called Cultivars. components.” e.g light, fire, air, water

Q:2 Describe Biotic Components of Ecosystem?

Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My Academy” 1-Producer: “Organisms that can make their food are called producer.”
Assistant Edu. Officer, D.G.Khan Near Education University, e.g green plants
03346724151, 03134434243 D.G.Khan 2-Consumer: “Organisms that cannot make their food are called consumer.”
e.g animals
3-Decomposer: “Organisms that break down dead bodies of plants and animals are
called decomposers. e.g bacteria and fungi
Q:3 Describe types of Consumer?
1-Herbivores: “Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores.” e.g goat
2-Carnivores: “Animals that eat only meat are called carnivores.” e.g lion, cat, dog
3-Omnivores: “Animals that eat both plants and meat are called omnivores.” e.g
human, crow
4-Primary Consumer: They eat producers. e.g deer, rabbit
5-Secondary Consumer: They eat herbivores. e.g fox, frog
6-Tertiary Consumer: They feed on secondary consumer. They are not eaten by any
other animal. They are also called Top carnivores. e.g lion, tiger
Q:4 Define Food Chain and Food Web?
Food Chain: “ The steps of eating and being eaten is called food chain.”
e.g Grass--------→Grasshopper----------→Sparrow------------→Hawk
Food Web: “A network of many food chains which are inter connected with each other,
is called food web.”
Q:5 Define Biomass?
“The total amount of living or organic matter in an ecosystem at any time is called
Q:6 Describe Ecological Pyramids?
In 1927, Charles Elton gave the concept of ecological pyramid.
“A representation of number of organisms in different trophic levels of a food chain is
called ecological pyramid.”
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Types of Ecological Pyramid. Q:11 Define Interspecific interaction?

1-Pyramid of Number: “The interactions between the members of the different species are called interspecific
“Graphical representation of number of individuals per unit area at various trophic interaction.”
levels, is called pyramid of number.” Q:12 What is Competition?
“The pyramid in which producers are maximum in number is called pyramid of number.” There is competition among the organisms of ecosystem for food, place, sex etc.
2-Pyramid of Biomass: Page | 23 Q:13 Define Predation? Page | 24
“The total amount of living or organic matter in an ecosystem at any time is called “The relationship between prey and predator is called predation.”
biomass.” Prey: “An organism that kills and eats the other animal is called prey.”
“Graphical representation of biomass present per unit area at various trophic levels, is Predator: “Organism that is killed by other organism is called predator.”
called pyramid of biomass.” Q:14 Define Symbiosis?
Q:7 Define Biogeochemical Cycle? Or Define Nutrient Cycle? It is a relationship b/w members of different species, in which they live together.
“A cyclic pathway in which material move from environment to organism and back to Q:15 Define Parasitism?
environment is called biogeochemical cycle.” “A relationship between two organisms in which one is benefited and other is harmed is
Q:8 Describe Carbon Cycle? called parasitism.” e.g relationship b/w mosquito and human.
Carbon is present in all living things. Q:16 Define Parasite?
Carbon is essential component of biomolecules. “An organism that feeds on other organism and harm it, is called parasite.”
Carbon is present in air and water in form of CO₂ e.g mosquito
Plants use CO₂ in photosynthesis to form food. Q:17 Describe Types of Parasite?
Animals use food and in this way carbon enters in animals. 1-Ectoparasite: “A parasite that live outside the body of host is called ectoparasite.”
When animals die, they are decomposed and CO₂ is recycled in the atmosphere. e.g mosquito
Q:9 Describe Nitrogen Cycle? 2-Endoparasite: “A parasite that live inside the body of host is called ectoparasite.”
Nitrogen is present in all living things. e.g bacteria, virus, plasmodium.
Nitrogen is essential component of biomolecules. Q:18 What are Haustoria?
Nitrogen is present 78% in air. Plants cannot use this nitrogen. “Special type of roots of parasitic plants are called haustoria.”
Plants use nitrogen in form of nitrates. Q:19 What is Mutualism?
1-Nitrogen Fixation: It is a friendly relationship. In mutualism both the organisms are benefitted.
“Conversion of nitrogen gas into nitrates is called nitrogen fixation.” e.g termite
It occurs in three ways. Q:20 What is Commensalism?
 Atmospheric nitrogen fixation: Thunderstorms change atmospheric nitrogen to It is a relationship in which one organism is benefitted and the other is neither
oxides of nitrogen. These oxides react with water to form HNO₂ and HNO₃ acids. benefitted nor harmed.
These acids react with salts to for nitrates. It is called atmospheric nitrogen e.g sucker fish attaches on surface of sharks. The shark provide transport to sucker fish.
fixation Q:21 What is Green House Effect?
 Biological nitrogen fixation: Some bacteria change atmospheric nitrogen to oxides Green house is a room of glass or polythene which is used to grow plants. The UV
of nitrogen. It is called biological nitrogen fixation. radiations can enter to it but cannot go out from it and thus temperature of green
 Industrial nitrogen fixation: Hydrogen and nitrogen react to form NH₃ then NH₃ is house increases. It is called green house effect.
converted into nitrates. It is called industrial nitrogen fixation. Q:22 What is Global Warming?
Earth atmosphere has CO₂ and water vapours, they also act as green house. The UV
radiations can enter to it but cannot go out from it and thus temperature of earth is
“Production of ammonia (NH₃) from protein of dead bodies is called ammonification.”
increasing. It is called Global Warming.
Q:23 What is Acid Rain?
“Conversion of ammonia into nitrites and nitrates is called nitrification.” It is done by
Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur are present in atmosphere when rain water reacts with
two types of bacteria.
these oxides then acid rain is formed. The pH range of acid rain is 3 to 6.
Nitrosomonas: They convert ammonia into nitrites.
NO₂ + H₂O ----------> HNO₃
Nitrobacter: They convert ammonia into nitrates.
Q:24 Describe Effects of Acid Rain?
Assimilation: “The utilization of nitrates by organisms is called assimilation.” 1-Acid rain harms the plants. 2-Acid rain harms aquatic life.
Denitrification: “Conversion of nitrites and nitrates into nitrogen gas is called 3-Acid rain causes skin and eye diseases in animals.
denitrification.” 4-Acid rain destroys buildings. 5-Acid rain increases soil acidity.
Q:10 Define Intraspecific interaction? Q:25 What is Deforestation?
“The interactions between the members of the same species are called intraspecific “Destruction of forests due to human activities is called deforestation.”
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Q:26 Describe Effects of Deforestation? Q:39 What are the Effects of Water Pollution?
1-It produces drought. 2-It produces land sliding. 1-Eutrophication: “Increase of inorganic nutrients in water is called water pollution.”
3-It produces soil erosion. 4-It produces global warming. It raises growth of algae. It means it forms algal blooms. Sun light cannot pass through
5-It produces loss of habitat. 6-It produces great loss of floods. algal blooms.
7-It stops raining. 2-Disturbance in Food Chain: Water pollution causes disturbance in food chain.
Q:27 What are the Causes of Deforestation? Page | 25 3-Diseases: Water having mercury and lead cause diseases of joints, kidney, circulatory Page | 26
1-Formation of roads. 2-Formation of factories. system and nervous system.
3- Formation of railway tracks. 4-Human cut trees to get wood.
Q:28 Define Overpopulation? Q:40 What is Land Pollution?
“Increase of population over the carrying capacity of environment is called “Addition of harmful and unwanted substances in soil is called land pollution.”
Q:41 What are the causes of Land Pollution?
Q:29 Define Urbanization?
1-Use of Pesticides: pesticides cause land pollution.
“Growing of cities is called urbanization.”
2-Domestic Waste: It also causes land pollution.
People move from rural areas to cities in search of good jobs, education, health facilities
3-Polythene bags: they also cause land pollution. Polythene bags decrease water
and electricity.
holding capacity of soil.
Q:30 Define Pollutants?
4-Open Latrines: they also cause land pollution.
“The substances that cause pollution are called pollutants.”
Pollutants are of two types, biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
Q:42 How Land pollution can be controlled?
Q:31 Define Pollution?
1- Land pollution can be controlled by safe disposal of wastes.
“Any unwanted change in environment is called pollution.”
2-Land pollution can be controlled by recycling of polythene and plastic.
e.g water pollution, Air pollution
3- Land pollution can be controlled by using organic fertilizers instead of inorganic
Q:32 Define Noise?
“Unwanted sound is called noise.”
Q:43 Describe Conservation of Nature?
The effects of noise pollution are hearing loss, depression, headache and hypertention.
Conservation of Nature means conservation of natural resources. The renewable
Q:33 What is Air Pollution?
resources can be conserved in nature by acting upon the principles of ‘The 3R’ i.e
“The addition of harmful substances in air is called air pollution.”
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The air pollutants are CO, CO₂ , NO, hydrocarbon.
Q:34 Sources of air Pollution? The R₁ : Reduce:
1-Burning of Coal. 2-Burning of gas and petrol. We should use natural resources less in our daily life.
Q:35 What are the effects Air pollution? We should make less use of water, electricity and fuels.
1-Global warming. We should turn off the tap when it is not in use.
2-Smog Formation: smog is formed by reaction of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides in We should turn off light when it is not in use.
presence of sunlight. We should use bucket instead of shower.
3-Acid Rain. We should give unused food to poors.
4-Depletion of Ozone. The R₂ : Reuse:
Q:36 What is control of Air Pollution? Or How Air Pollution can be controlled? We should use things again and again, it is called reuse.
1-Afforestation: Air pollution can be controlled by afforestation. We should not throw plastic bags and bottles.
“Growing of new plants and forests is called afforestation.” The R₃ : Recycle:
2-Modification of Industrial effluents: Industrial effluents are modified to control air Materials such as papers, plastic, glass etc should be recycled.
pollution. Recycling of one tone of papers can save 17 trees.
3-Environment friendly fuels: We should use environment friendly fuels to control air
pollution. Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My Academy”
4-Public Awareness: Air pollution can be controlled by public awareness about its Assistant Edu. Officer, D.G.Khan Near Education University,
losses. 03346724151, 03134434243 D.G.Khan
Q:37 What is water pollution?
“Addition of harmful and unwanted substances in water is called water pollution.”
Q:38 What are the Causes of Water pollution?
1-Sewage is the main cause of water pollution.2-Industrial wastes cause water pollution.
3-Fertilizers and pesticides cause water pollution.
4-Oil leakage into water from oil tankers and ships cause water pollution.
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Q:7 What is Continuous Fermentation?

BIOLOGY 10th BIOTECHNOLOGY UNIT # 17 “ The fermentation in which substrate is added to the fermenter continuously, at a fixed
ratio and products are also taken out continuously is called Continuous Fermentation.”
Biotechnology: Different substances are obtained from living organisms which are used
for human welfare.It is called biotechnology. Q:8 What are the Advantages of Using Fermenter?
Genetic Engineering: The work on genetic engineering started in 1944. Page | 27 I. It provides optimum environment. Page | 28
“The manipulation of DNA is called genetic engineering.” II. It provides bulk quantities of materials.
Human Genome Project: It was launched in 1990 to map all the genes in human cell. III. Its production is inexpensive.
The complete map of human genome was published in 2002. Q:9 Describe Objectives of Genetic Engineering?
Transgenic Organisms: “The organisms that have foreign DNA are called Transgenic The most important objectives of genetic engineering are,
Organisms.” 1) Gene therapy.
Gene Therapy: “ Treatment through genes is called gene therapy.” 2) Production of RNA.
Vector: “Extra chromosomal DNA present in bacteria is called vector.” 3) Production of protein molecule.
Recombinant DNA: “ The DNA having foreign gene is called recombinant DNA.” 4) Production of enzymes.
Endonuclease: It is breaking enzyme. 5) Production of drugs.
Ligase: It is joining enzyme. 6) Production of desirable varieties of plants and animals.
Q:1 Describe Scope and Importance of Biotechnology? 7) Treatment of genetic diseases.
1-Biotechnology helps in the field of Medicine. Q:10 Describe Basic Steps in Genetic Engineering?
2-Biotechnology helps in the field of Food Industry. 1. Isolation of desired gene from the organism.
3-Biotechnology helps in the field of Agriculture. 2. Insertion of gene into vector.
4-Biotechnology helps to controle environmental pollution. 3. Transfer of recombinant DNA into host organism.
5-Biotechnology helps in the field of forensic medicine. 4. Growth of GMO(genetically modified organism).
Q:2 Define Fermentation? 5. Expression of genes.
“ Breakdown of glucose in absence of oxygen is called fermentation.” It is also called Q:11 What are the Achievements of Genetic Engineering?
anaerobic respiration. 1-Synthesis of Insuline.
Q:3 Describe Types of Fermentation? 2-Synthesis of human growth harmone.
There are two types of fermentation. 3-Synthesis of thymosin, which is very effective against brain and lung cancer.
1-Alcoholic Fermentation: In this type of fermentation, pyruvic acid is broken down into 4-Production of vaccine.
alcohol and CO₂ It occurs in bacteria, yeast etc 5-Production of Interferons in 1980, interferons are antiviral proteins.
Pyruvic Acid--------------> Ethyle Alcohol + CO₂ 6-Production of Urokinase, which is used to dissolve blood clots.
2-Lactic Acid Fermentation: In this type of fermentation, pyruvic acid is broken down 7-Genetic Engineering helps to cure haemophilia.
into lactic acid. It occurs in skeletal muscles. 8- Genetic Engineering helps to cure blood diseases.
Pyruvic Acid--------------> Lactic Acid 9-Genetic engineering has developed plants that can fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Q:4 Describe Applications of Fermentation?
1-Fermentation helps in fermenting cereal products. Q:12 Write a note on Single Cell Protein?
2-Fermentation helps in fermenting dairy products. Proteins extracted from unicellular organisms such as bacteria, algae, yeast etc are
3-Fermentation helps in fermenting fruit and vegetable products. called single cell proteins.
4-Fermentation helps in fermenting beverage products. For the production of single cell protein, microorganisms are grown in fermenters. They
5-Fermentation helps to get industrial products. use agricultural wastes, industrial wastes and natural gas. So it helps in controlling
Q:5 What is Fermenter? pollution. The protein produced by microorganisms is also called novel protein or
It is a device in which process of fermentation is done. It provides optimum temperature minifood.
to microorganisms. Fermentation is carried out in two ways, in fermenter. This method was introduced by Prof. Scrimshow of Massachusetts Intitute of
1-Batch Fermentation 2-Continuous Fermentation Technology.
Q:6 What is Batch Fermentation? It has been calculated that 50 kg of yeast produces about 250 tons of protein within 24
“ The discontinuous fermentation process is called batch fermentation.” hours.
Tank of fermenter is filled with raw material.
It takes some time to proceed.
After some time the fermented material is taken out and fermenter is cleaned. Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My Academy”
Assistant Edu. Officer, D.G.Khan Near Education University,
03346724151, 03134434243 D.G.Khan
My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH My School & Academy, D.G.Khan Written by: MUHAMMAD HAFEEZ ULLAH
03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan 03346724151,03134434243 Assistant Education Officer,D.G.Khan

Q: Describe the Categories of Addictive Drugs?

BIOLOGY 10 th PHARMACOLOGY UNIT #18 1-Sedatives:
Q: Define Pharmacology? 1-They affect CNS. 2-They cause dizziness and depression. 3-Its long time use produces
“ Study of drug composition, properties, medical applications and sources is called suicidal thoughts.
pharmacology.” 2-Narcotics:
Pharmacology developed in 19th century. Until 1890, pharmacology was known as Page | 29 1-Narcotics are strong pain-killer. 2-They are used paracetamol or aspirin. 3-These are Page | 30
“Materia Medica.” used to relieve acute or chronic disease pain. e.g cancer
Q: Define Pharmacy? 4-Morphine and Codeine are the narcotics. They are taken from opium (poppy).
Profession of drugs is called pharmacy. Morphine directly acts on CNS to relieve pain. 5-Herion is from morphine. In western
Q: Define Drug? countries, herion is prescribed by the name diamorphine. It is used to relieve pain after
“ Any substance that alters normal body function is called drug.” trauma, myocardial infarction, surgery.
Q: Describe Classification of drugs? 3-Hallucinogens:
There are two types of drugs. These drugs cause changes in thoughts and emotions. They cause contraction in arteries
1-Pharmaceutical drugs: “ A chemical substance that is used to cure a disease is called and blood pressure is increased. This group has,
Pharmaceutical drugs.” e.g panadol Mescaline (obtained from cactus), Psilocin (comes from mushroom)
2-Addictive drug: “ The drugs on which a person becomes dependent are called For example, Marijuana (Hashish) is hellucinogen. It is smoked. It is obtained from the
addictive drugs.” e.g marijuana marijuana plants (Cannabis sativa & Cannabis indica). It weakens short term memory.
Q: What are Prescription drugs?
“ The drugs that are sold only on physician’s prescription are called Prescription drugs.” Q: What is Social Stigma?
e.g antibiotics The society dislikes the addicts due to their bad habits it is called social stigma.
Q: What are Non-prescription drugs? Q: Describe the Types of Antibiotics?
“ The drugs that are sold over the counter are called Non-prescription drugs.” 1-Bactericidal Antibiotics: They kill bacteria. e.g Cephalosporins
e.g aspirin and some cough medicines. 2-Bacteriostatic Antibiotic: They stop bacterial growth. e.g Tetracyclines
Q: What are Synthetic drugs? 3-Broad Spectrum Antibiotics: These are used to treat a wide range of diseasaes. e.g
“ The drugs that are synthesized in laboratory are called synthetic drugs.” e.g Aspirin Tetracyclines
Q: What is Cardiotonic or Digitalis? 4-Narrow Spectrum Antibiotics: These are used to treat a few types of diseasaes.
The digitalis are used to stimulate the heart. It is made from the leaves of foxglove Q: Describe Groups of Antibiotics?
plant, Its flowers are purple. 1-Cephalosporins: They stop synthesis of bacterial cell-wall. These are used to treat
Q: What is the use of Tincture? pneumonia, sore throat, tonsills.
Iodine is used in making tincture. It helps to prevent infection on cuts and bruises. 2-Tetracyclines: They stop protein synthesis of bacteria. They are used to treat
Q: What is the Use of Silver nitrate? respiratory tract, urinary tract, intestines. Tetracyclines are not used in children under
The powder of silver nitrate is applied on wounds to stop bleeding and prevent the age of 8.
infection. 3-Sulpha Drugs- Sulfonamides:
Q:Write the Uses of the followings: 1-They are synthetic antibiotics. 2-They are broadspectrum antibiotics. 3-They stop folic
Analgesics: It is painkiller. It reduces pain. e.g aspirin, paracetamol acid synthesis in bacteria. 4-They are used to treat respiratory tract, urinary tract,
Antibiotics: These kill bacteria and treat bacterial infections. e.g tetracycline intestines.
Sedatives: It reduces excitement. e.g diazepam
Vaccine: It develops immunity against viral and bacterial diseases. Important Points:
Antiseptics: It reduce infections on skins. Expire drugs can damage kidney.
Disinfectants: These destroy microorganisms found on non-living objects. Thiazide diuretics is used to low blood pressure.
Q: Who was Alexander Flemming (1881-1955)?
He was Scottish biologist. He discovered the antibiotic penicillin from the fungus
Written by: Muhammad Hafeez Ullah “My School & Academy”
“Penicillium notatum” for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945. Assistant Education Officer, D.G.Khan Near Education University,
Q: Who was Joseph Lister (1827-1912) ? 03346724151, 03134434243 D.G.Khan
He was an English surgeon. He promoted the idea of sterile surgery for the first time. He
introduced carbolic acid to sterilize surgical instruments and to clean wounds.

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