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Hello my name is Jayla Attebery.

I am a 17 year old Senior at El Capitan high school and I will

be graduating in June of 2024. After high school, I plan to attend Merced College and study to
become a radiology technician. I hope to transfer to a UC after two years of community college
but we'll see what happens. I have always dreamed of working in the medical field and I might
not be there just yet, but everyday I am getting closer. I am a huge traveler but when I’m not
traveling I really enjoy working out, spending time with people who make me laugh and going to
school sporting events.

I am the oldest of three kids. I have a younger sister who is 14 and a younger brother who is
about to be 11. Those kids are my best friends and I don’t know what I’d do without them. I’ve
always dreamed about graduating, but now that the time has come, I wish I could go back and
experience more. My favorite part of high school was by far experiencing student sections for
sporting events and supporting my school. As sad as I am that I am graduating, I can’t wait to
continue to see what life has to offer.

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