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My graduation;

Thinking back to my graduation day in May 2021 always brings

a smile to my face. It was such a big day for me, happening in the
huge hall at my university.
Before that day, I had to get ready. Choosing what to wear was a
bit tricky—I wanted to look nice but also formal enough for the
occasion. Sorting out tickets for my family and inviting friends added
to the excitement.
When I joined the other students in the march, I felt like part of
something really important. The speeches were cool; they talked about
our time at university, the hard parts, and the good times. But the best
part? When I got my degree! That made me feel so proud, especially
with everyone clapping and cheering.
After all that, we had a big dinner celebration. It was awesome
hanging out with friends and family, taking tons of pictures to
remember the day.
Remembering it now, I still feel really proud and happy.
Graduation wasn’t just an end; it was the start of something new and
exciting. I’m grateful for everyone who helped me get there, from my
family to my teachers and friends.
That day, it felt like I changed a bit. It made me think about what
I could do next and how far I’d come. It’s a memory I’ll always
treasure, reminding me of what I can achieve with hard work and

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