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Experiment 1

Aim: To find the internal volume of the given calorimeter by using a Vernier caliper.

Apparatus: Calorimeter, Vernier caliper, etc.


Theory: It is a measuring instrument consisting of an L-shaped frame with a linear scale

along its longer arm and an L-shaped sliding attachment with a Vernier, used to read directly
the dimension of an object represented by the separation between the inner or outer edges of
the two shorter arms. Least count of Vernier caliper is 0.01 cm.
L.C. = value of one main scale division / total no. of division on Vernier scale
L.C. = M.S.D. / N
Total reading (T.R.) = M.S.R. + V.S.R.
= M.S.R. + (V.C.D. x L.C.)
Internal volume of the calorimeter, V= π r2h
Where: - r = internal radius of calorimeter, h = height of the calorimeter

Observations: L.C. = M.S.D. / N

= 0.1/ 10 = 0.01 cm
Observation table for internal diameter of the calorimeter:

S. Main Scale Vernier Vernier Scale Diameter Mean ‘d’

No. Reading Division Reading = T.R.= M.S.R.+ C.S.R (cm)
(cm) Coinciding (V.D. x L.C.) cm (cm)

Observation table for ‘h’: -

S. Main Scale Vernier Vernier Scale Height Mean ‘h’

No. Reading Division Reading = T.R.= M.S.R.+ C.S.R (cm)
(cm) Coinciding (V.D. x L.C.) cm (cm)

Volume of water filled in calorimeter = V` = …………cm3

Calculations: -
Mean diameter of calorimeter = d = …………cm
Mean radius of calorimeter = r = …………cm
Mean height of calorimeter = h = …………cm
Internal volume of the calorimeter will be
V= πr2h
= ………………. cm3

Absolute Error in reading = V – V` = ……… cm3

Result: - The internal volume of the given calorimeter is ……… cm3

1. Check for zero error before taking readings.
2. The caliper should never be tightened too much.
3. Take the readings when the jaw is completely closed.

Experiment 2
Aim: To find the density of metallic wire by using the screw gauge and physical balance.

Apparatus: Screw gauge, physical balance, weight box, metallic wire, meter scale, etc.


Theory: Screw gauge is an instrument used for measuring accurately the diameter of a thin
wire or the thickness of a sheet of metal. It consists of a U-shaped frame fitted with a screwed
spindle which is attached to a thimble. Parallel to the axis of the thimble, a scale graduated in
mm is engraved. Its least count is 0.001 cm.
Pitch= the distance moved by the screw in one rotation.
Least count= pitch / No. of division of circular scale.
L.C. = Pitch / N
Total reading= Main scale reading + Circular scale reading
T.R. = M.S.R. + (C.C.D. x L.C.)
Density of metallic wire = d = M / π r2L
Where: - M: mass of wire, r: radius of wire and L: length of wire

Observations: Pitch= 1 mm = 0.1 cm

L.C. = Pitch / N = 0.1/100 = 0.001 cm
Mass of the wire by physical balance = ……….g
Length of wire = …. cm

Observation table for diameter of the wire: -

S. Main Scale Circular Circular Scale Diameter Mean d

No Reading Division Reading = T.R.= M.S.R.+ C.S.R (cm)
(cm) Coinciding (CCD x L.C.) cm (cm)

Mean diameter of wire = d = ………cm.
Mean radius of the wire = r = d/2 = ………

Density of the material of the given wire = = M / π r2L

= …………….g/cm3
Result: The density of the material of the given wire is …………..g/cm3.

1. Check for zero error before taking readings.
2. The screw should never be tightened too much.
3. Measure circular scale reading accurately.

Experiment 3
Aim: To find the radius of curvature of the given spherical surface by using a spherometer.

Apparatus: Spherometer, scale, white sheet, plane glass, spherical glass surface, etc.


Theory: A spherometer is an instrument for the precise measurement of the radius of

curvature of a sphere or a curved surface. Originally, these instruments were primarily used
by opticians to measure the curvature of the surface of a lens.
The radius of curvature of the spherical surface is given by:
R = (L2/6h) + (h/2)
Where: L= the length between two fixed legs of the spherometer
h= difference in the reading taken on plane surface and spherical surface.
Pitch = distance moved by the screw of spherometer in one rotation
Least count = pitch / no. of division on the circular scale
L.C. = pitch/N

Observations: -
Pitch = 0.1 cm
L.C. = pitch / N
= 0.1/ 100 = 0.001 cm

Mean length between two fixed legs of spherometer, L = …………

Observation table for finding (h):

S. Observation on plane surface Observation on spherical surface h=h2–h1 Mean

No M.S.R C.C.D. C.S.R. h1 M.S.R. C.C.D. C.S.R. h2 (mm) h
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (mm) (cm)

Calculations: -
The radius of curvature of the spherical surface

R = (L2/6h) + (h/2)

= ………………….cm

Result: - The radius of curvature of the given spherical surface is ……….cm.

1. Check for zero error before taking readings.
2. The screw should never be tightened too much.
3. Measure circular scale reading accurately.

Experiment 4
Aim: To find the weight of a given body by using the law of the Parallelogram of Forces.

Apparatus: Wooden board fixed with two frictionless pulleys, white sheet, weights of known
masses, thread, plane mirror, pencil, etc.


Theory: Law of Parallelogram of Forces:

This law states that if two forces are acting on a body are represented by two adjacent sides of
a parallelogram in magnitude and direction then, their resultant force will be represented by
the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from the common point of the two forces.


Scale: 1 cm = ________ g

S. P Q R W(g) = Mean weight

No. (g) (g) (cm) R(cm) x Scale W (g)

1). P = …………..g = ……….cm 2).P = …………..g = ……….cm
Q = …………...g = ……….cm Q = …………...g = ……….cm

R = …… R = ……
W1 = R x Scale = …………..g W2 = R x Scale = …………..g

3). P = …………..g = ……….cm

Q = …………... = ……….cm

R = ……
W3 = R x Scale = …………..g.

Mean weight of the given body, W = (W1 + W2 + W3) / 3

= ………………g

Result: The weight of the given body found by Law of Parallelogram of Forces is
….……… g.

1. Points must be marked only when weights are at rest.
2. Arrows should be marked to show direction of forces.
3. A proper scale should be taken to make fairly big parallelogram.
4. Points should be marked with sharp pencil.

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