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Name: Rovic Jabe B.

Professor: Ma’am Janet Go
Subject: Mandarin

Chinese and Filipino Heritage:

Shang-Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings

Chinese and Filipinos are both races that are rich in terms of their culture and

traditions. It may come in many ways, from their beliefs even up to the food that they

have are rich and much historical in nature. The similarities between Filipinos and

Chinese are evident. However, we cannot deny the fact that there are also differences

that we can consider. There are plenty of points of the similarities and differences of

Filipinos and Chinese in terms of the socio-cultural practices listed in our records.

However, few will only be discussed in this paper because the things included are the

ones that were highlighted in the movie, Shang-Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings.

Firstly, are the superstitious beliefs most Filipinos are familiar with. We even call

these beliefs “pamahiin”. These beliefs were passed down to us by our ancestors a long

time ago. These beliefs sometimes imply fortunes in life but mostly imply awareness.

Elders may say, “bawal ganito kasi maaano ka ” or “wag mong galawin yan kasi baka

mamalasin ka”. These are some examples of the Filipinos’ superstitious beliefs. Some of

the most famous superstitions that we have are, it is prohibited to sweep in the evening

because the fortune will go out. Also when eating, when a spoon or fork will fall

accidentally, someone will visit the household. Nonetheless, we cannot consider

ourselves as unique and apart from other Asians just because we have these

superstitious beliefs. But we are not the only race that has that kind of belief, Chinese

also practice this culture.

Based on my analysis, Chinese originated this belief because Filipinos are melted

pots. Our culture and traditions are based and inspired by the people invaded and

migrated to the Philippines. The socio-cultural practices that we have are rooted in

earlier civilizations in Asia and Europe. Therefore, Superstitious beliefs were inspired by

what Chinese have. In the movie, it was depicted how they give importance to the

souls of their departed loved ones. They also showed the strong belief of Chinese on

fortunes and misfortunes.

Secondly, family-orientation, both Chinese and Filipinos value their family like

treasures of gold and silver. Family for both races are one of the most valued things in

this world, other than life and God. Filipinos are known for being religious in nature and

this is one of the reasons why we value family because this is what the church teaches

us to do. Another factor might be because of being Asian. Filipinos and Chinese are

known for being thoughtful to others, especially to their families. They even have an

extended family for some reasons and parents would not want their children to

separate from them.

Compared to other Western cultures, when their children reach 18, their children

will be on their own. However, there is a difference between Filipinos and Chinese in

terms of treating other family members because Chinese would only highlight their

sons. Like, there is a special treatment for a son compared to the treatment for a

daughter. So, in China there is a treatment discrepancy in terms of gender. Gender

equality does not exist in their vocabulary, because boys are treated specially unlike

girls because Chinese believe that boys are a fortune to their businesses and bring

fortune in money.

Next, strong pride, most Asians are known for having a strong pride and faith in

what they believe as true. Chinese and Filipinos are one of them, both hold a strong

sense of pride in what they believe in life. In a negative sense, even when the fact they

believe causes something bad, as long as they believe in it, they will stand proud for it.

For the sake of their reputation, Filipinos and Chinese will show their shining pride as

what they are against the world.

In modern times, their strong pride is still evident. The issue of the Spratly

Islands and Scarborough Shoal or the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea, is still in

dispute as to which country owns that body of water. Until now, no one gives up, which

truly shows their strong pride, and fights for what they believe is true. In the movie, it

was shown that Wenwu/Mandarin (father) has persistence and pride. Showing that he
believes that his wife is still alive, even though it is not true because of pride he still

fought for it.

Lastly, martial arts is the most highlighted thing in the movie since it is a fictional

and action movie. Chinese and Filipinos have a rich history in martial arts. China has

kung fu and we have arnis. Both races practice their own martial arts for fighting and

for protection. However, the difference is that the history of martial arts existed a long

time ago. While, if we compare it to ours, theirs is like our ancestor in martial arts

because China is one of the countries that inspired us in our martial arts.

Putting all things into account, both Southeast Asian countries: China and the

Philippines share a rich yet diverse socio-cultural practices such as: superstitious beliefs,

family-orientation, attitude (pride), and martial arts. In both countries, family is central

to the heritage which is given more importance than wealth. Children are handed down

with the rich culture, heritage and even family heirloom that could withstand the fast-

faced society of the modern world. We see in the movie that the children are taught

martial arts skills by both parents. It is a perfect depiction of ideal familial values which

we Filipinos can resonate very well. One family value that I very well absorbed is the

value of resilience amidst trials and tribulations; that a family must never lose track of

their bond while facing the hurdles life and society have to offer.

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