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Book Note-Taking Sheet

Book Title: [Insert Book Title]

Author: [Insert Author]


[Character Name]: [Brief Description]


[Setting Description]: [Include key locations and time period]


Word | Part of Speech | Definition

Word 1 | Part of Speech 1 | Definition 1

Word 2 | Part of Speech 2 | Definition 2

Chapter Summaries:

Chapter 1: [Chapter Title]

Summary: [Brief summary of the chapter]

New Vocabulary: [List of new words and their definitions]

Chapter 2: [Chapter Title]

Summary: [Brief summary of the chapter]

New Vocabulary: [List of new words and their definitions]

Important Quotes:

"[Quote]": [Explanation of the context and significance]

2023©Alex N Kim English Teacher

Writing Assignment:

Imagine you are one of the characters. Write a diary entry describing your feelings about the events in the story.

Write an alternate ending to the chapter you found most interesting.

Language Practice:

Choose a paragraph and highlight:

Nouns: [List of nouns]

Verbs: [List of verbs]

Adjectives: [List of adjectives]

Cultural References:

Research and write about the historical and cultural context of the book's setting.

2023©Alex N Kim English Teacher

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