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Science ch.

2 class 9
1. What is a mixture?
2. What is a homogenous mixture?
3. Homogeneous mixtures can have ______ composition.
4. Give 3 examples of Homogenous mixtures.
5. When sodium chloride is mixed with iron fillings, it is a
_______ mixture.
6. What is a heterogeneous mixture?
7. Give 3 examples.
8. What is meant by a substance?
9. What is a solution?
10. In a solution, there is _____ at the particle level.
11. What are alloys?
12. What is the composition of Brass?
13. What are the two components of a solution? Explain them.
14. Give an example where the solvent is less than the solute.
15. Why is air a homogenous mixture? Because on land areas
carbon-dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxygen are the most
prominent while high above, nitrogen is the most prominent.
16. Describe the 4 properties of solutions.
17. Depending on the amount of solute present in a solution, It
can be called a ______ or a ________ solution.
18. What is a saturated solution?
19. What is an unsaturated solution?

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