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• Which of the following best describes a reflex action? a. Voluntary and slow b.

Involuntary and rapid c. Conscious and deliberate d. Unconscious and gradual

Answer: b. Involuntary and rapid
• What is the primary function of a reflex action?
• a. To initiate conscious movements
• b. To protect the body from harm by providing a rapid response
• c. To generate complex cognitive processes
• d. To control emotions and mood
Answer: b. To protect the body from harm by providing a rapid response
• Which part of the nervous system is directly involved in a spinal reflex?
• a. Brain
• b. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
• c. Spinal Cord
• d. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Answer: c. Spinal Cord
• The patellar reflex is an example of a reflex action involving which type of muscle? a.
Smooth muscle
• b. Skeletal muscle
• c. Cardiac muscle
• d. Striated muscle
Answer: b. Skeletal muscle
• What is the sequence of events in a reflex arc?
• a. Sensory neuron → Motor neuron → Interneuron
• b. Interneuron → Sensory neuron → Motor neuron
• c. Sensory neuron → Interneuron → Motor neuron
• d. Motor neuron → Sensory neuron → Interneuron
Answer: c. Sensory neuron → Interneuron → Motor neuron
• Which of the following reflexes involves the contraction of muscles to move a body
part away from a stimulus?
• a. Patellar reflex
• b. Withdrawal reflex
• c. Pupillary reflex
• d. Gag reflex
Answer: b. Withdrawal reflex
• In the withdrawal reflex, the sensory information travels to the spinal cord,
bypassing which part of the brain?
• a. Cerebellum
• b. Medulla oblongata
• c. Thalamus
• d. Cerebral cortex
Answer: d. Cerebral cortex
• Which type of neuron carries the signal from the spinal cord to the effector organ in a
reflex arc? a. Sensory neuron b. Interneuron c. Motor neuron d. Relay neuron
Answer: c. Motor neuron
These questions cover the basic concepts of reflex actions and the components of a reflex arc. Keep
in mind that question formats may vary, and it's essential to have a solid understanding of the
principles underlying reflex actions for exams like the MDCAT.

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