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For my dear mother

My dear mother, I know I have wronged you, so many wounds have

been carved into your heart. Sometimes I am too busy growing
up and forget that mother is also getting old. I apologize
because it turns out raising a child is not an easy thing. I
apologize too because mother had to face all the difficulties
and challenges because she had me.

thanks to mother, now I have grown up to be a human being

who understands the meaning of life better. Thank you mother
for the tears you shed for me. I will repay you with success
that makes you proud of me. Thank you mother for taking your
time to take care of me from childhood to growing up. The love
that my mother gave me was sincere without expecting anything
in return from me, there is nothing I can say other than
"thank you."

May you always be under the protection of Allah SWT, may you
always be given patience in dealing with your child and never
get tired of continuing to educate me.

May mother always accompany me every step of the way and

always be an encouragement in my life.

Love you too

the acknowledged the acknowledged

Parents of students student

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