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National Online Orientation on the Implementation of

“Catch-Up Fridays” - Luzon-20240115_105114-Meeting

January 15, 2024, 2:51AM

Ayette Ferriols 0:03

But when the memo was released, you will notice that it was a little bit restructured,
OK, you want the new and somebody somebody put Tyrone.
Manini Bago, Pereyra, then Puno.
Nothing happen in it on Anna, earpiece.
It's up Fridays now.
One thing that I would like you all to know is that the national reading program
originally was designed for an additional 30 minutes every day, but now it takes on 2
phases, so it's going to be delivered for an additional 30 minutes from Monday to
Thursday, and it's also going to take up half of the class program every catch up

Ayette Ferriols 0:42

So the policy for.
Uh pabasa at paqueta PAGASA, or P3, in which the NRP additional 30 minutes from
Monday to Thursday is anchored on.
It's not yet released, So what we're going to discuss in this meeting is NRP on catch
up Fridays, you'll focus net and so that we're not overwhelmed.
I'm sure that you're all asking what are we going to do every Friday and how is an
ARP going to be executed or implemented during this Dela lupatin Habana?

Ayette Ferriols 1:13

Yeah, and RP every Friday.
OK, so my discussion.

Ayette Ferriols 1:23

OK, I will be taking control of my presentation.
OK, so please don't take control of the PowerPoint.

Ayette Ferriols 1:32

I'm gonna compile.
OK, so the outline of my discussion is right here.

Ayette Ferriols 1:37

We're going to start with a brief discussion.
Yeah, please stop taking control of my PowerPoint from seeing 1.1.
OK, it's.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:56

OK, so the outline of.

Ayette Ferriols 1:58

My discussion is right here on this slide you will find that we will begin with an
overview of the national reading program, ensure that all of you are tired of hearing
about national reading program, but we're just going to give you a brief discussion
on what this is and how it is anchored on the languages program of the MATATAG

Ayette Ferriols 2:18

This is going to be followed by a discussion on the NRP components.
How exactly is NRP going to be implemented?
Maramag 1 components and we're going to get to know these better later on.

Ayette Ferriols 2:30

Then we proceed with assessment in our reading program.
The curriculum that we're gonna be using, how the NRP is going to be delivered.
So we provided multiple models for you to explore and finally learning resources
because of course at the very heart of our national reading program, we have to
ensure that our learners have the necessary reading materials that are necessary for
this program.

Ayette Ferriols 2:53

OK, so let's proceed.

Ayette Ferriols 2:57

As you know, the NLRP is an initiative aimed at improving the reading skills and
outcomes of our young learners.
OK, so this is a nationwide initiative and we would like our learners to have high
quality reading materials and resources as well As for our teachers, opportunities for
professional development.

Ayette Ferriols 3:17

And as you know, the NRP was initiated, it was developed in response to the need to
improve the reading performance of our Filipino learners aluminum.
And I think performance and possible on international large scale assessments like
pizza like Cpl M and so that is the rationale behind the development of the NRP.
Now the NRP what it aims to do is to streamline all of the existing reading programs.
When we were still in the process of developing the policy for the national reading
program, we found out that there were hundreds of reading initiatives that are in
existence in the country.
Hindupur Nathan Babalola anyone.
Especially you're reading methodologies.
You're reading materials and resources lapuyan where did nothing.
Ayette Ferriols 4:01
The meeting parents and RP the NLRP is not going to umm, delete or take away all
of your efforts towards reading initiatives.

Ayette Ferriols 4:11

What is?
What it does instead is to streamline all of these reading initiatives so that we have
one data put in along.

Ayette Ferriols 4:19

How are our students faring in terms of reading, coupon hitting and dying?
And that was Congress.
Esta someone is in the door at home.
You know by 9,000,000 put are you my Papa.
And this is because of the NRP.
Now all of your reading programs will be streamlined through this program, and so
we need to follow just one structure.
That is the goal of the NRP.

Ayette Ferriols 4:42

So at the end of the day, our ultimate goal or our ultimate, the outcome that we
would like for our students to achieve is that they have the necessary reading skills
that are needed in their grade level.
OK, OK. So.

Ayette Ferriols 5:04

The National reading program?
Does not work in isolation.
OK, the National Reading Program is a comprehensive program and again, it aims to
make every Filipino learner and iterate.
It has a very simple goal and focus to lampoon.
I think mangabat animal basat, but NRP goes beyond the development of reading
OK, reading skills, just one component of literacy.
It's main goal is to build and strengthen learners literacy as a means of identification,
understanding, interpretation, creation and communication in an increasingly digital
text, meditated, information rich and fast changing world.

Ayette Ferriols 5:44

And this is aligned with UNESCO 2023.
So through this program, through an ORP, we would like learners to develop a
continuum of learning and proficiency in reading, writing, and even using numbers
throughout life, which is a part of a larger set of skills.

Ayette Ferriols 6:00

So you want to focus on these foundational skills, OK?
Along with, of course, Kaylan and then you wanna and they keep up with
the changing world and in order for them to do that, they will need digital skills,
media literacy and overall education for sustainable development.
Development so that they can become effective global citizens.

Ayette Ferriols 6:19

And are ready for the jobs that are waiting for them in the real world.
Ayette Ferriols 6:24
Now how do we achieve this?

Ayette Ferriols 6:26

You know, how do we achieve this?
Very simple goal again.
May I request that a couple of controlling nothing PowerPoint.

Ayette Ferriols 6:34

Thank you. There.
So how do we achieve this?
If you take a look at the NRP framework, OK, you will find that the NLRP is grounded
on the science of reading and evidence based instruction, and it stresses the
importance of addressing the learners needs.
So Kaylan and Paul, we get to the heart of the problem.
We get to identify what the learners truly need so that we can create a responsive
reading program for them, along with the necessary interventions, approaches,
methodologies and techniques, and how do we do that?

Ayette Ferriols 7:05

Of course, there has to be developmentally and grade level appropriate learning
resources and technology.
That is why.
The conduct of assessment for learning is also very important because we need to
determine an another my glasses, wanna materials and if we begin at in sanella, what
kinds of teaching strategies are we going to provide for them?
Ayette Ferriols 7:29
All of these will be determined by assessment and as you can see, all of the four
components right here from assessment to CURRICULUM to resources and delivery,
they all play a very big part in making sure that we attain the goal of the national
reading program.
OK, now you will also find that at the forefront very important in the success of the
NRP is of course our teachers and instructional leaders.

Ayette Ferriols 7:56

So right now I understand that you're all instructional leaders and overlap.

Ayette Ferriols 8:00

What I'm accessing our teachers and ion.
OK, so you are equally important in the success of the national reading program
because your understanding of the NRT is going to help facilitate its effective

Ayette Ferriols 8:13

OK, Kaya Napaka, one of the phone and I think behind your input on programming
so that when the teachers implement this in the classroom, I lampoon, they end up at
the language you are going to guide them.
OK, so there has to be a seamless interface between teachers and instructional
leaders so that we create a culture of responsive and nurturing feedback
OK, there has to be also frequent monitoring and evaluation because at the end of
the day we want to know if the program works and we can only do that if we have
data through monitoring and evaluation at the base of our framework, you will find
that in order to sustain the NRP, we need a meaningful and strong support system
and this is going to be composed by national government agencies, local
government units, partners, even parents and guardians, the private sector, civil
society organizations, a teacher, education institutions and other education
So this collaboration ensures that every Filipino learner, it's literate in a productive
member of society.

Ayette Ferriols 9:17

So as much as possible you having access to all of these partners, all of these
external stakeholders, we want you to encourage them to support the NRP cause
would post a DEP. Ed.
We want everyone to take part in this reading initiative.
OK, Hindi pusat in natatapos ang NRV.
So how does this relate with the language curriculum?
If you take a look at the center of this framework, I am.
The language curricula aims for three things.

Ayette Ferriols 9:49

First, we want to produce Filipino learners who are literate.
We want to produce learners who have communicative competence and we want to
produce learners with the great sense of cultural identity and all of these are
mobilized by the three big ideas, literacy, language and text.

Ayette Ferriols 10:04

Again, very much like in the NRP framework, you will find that key to achieving these
goals are pedagogy, learning, resources and assessment.
There's also a need to ensure that materials and the teaching and learning process is
contextualized, and we also need to make sure that all of these are based on theories
on language acquisition and learning.

Ayette Ferriols 10:27

Now this is a very comprehensive framework, but I'd like for you all to just focus on
the literacy aspect because I input on focus then on NRP, literacy will find is one of
the big ideas in our curriculum, which means that it is one of the bigger focus of our
curriculum guide.

Ayette Ferriols 10:48

In fact, if you take a look at how the big idea shifts from one key stage to another,
you will find that in key stage one, our focus is going to be on literacy and phone my
peen hammer and below at the left most side of the slide.
OK, you will find that literacy is the focus of key stage one because at this stage we
want to teach learners how to read.

Ayette Ferriols 11:16

OK, may request everyone to please put their microphones on mute as well.

Ayette Ferriols 11:20

Parrucho he.
Diana didn't start.
OK, so make sure that in the in the first key stage we made sure that literacy is the
focus, we want our learners first to learn how to read before they can tackle on the
other big ideas like language and text.

Ayette Ferriols 11:37

OK, but that doesn't mean that literacy is no longer taught or no longer focused on
in the succeeding key stages.
As you can see in key stage two and key stage 3, Meron paring pong literacy Jen.
But right here in these higher grade levels, literacy now plays a different role.
They are now vehicles for the acquisition of a different big idea.
Ayette Ferriols 11:59
But throughout the whole continuum from key stage one until the end of the
MATATAG CURRICULUM, literacy is constant lag Italian Madhura literacy.
In order for you to better understand this, it's literacy focus or the literacy continuum
in our language CURRICULUM, you will find in the first key stage.

Ayette Ferriols 12:22

Of course, because this is when learners first learn how to read, our focus is oracy for
What is oracy for literacy?
Very simply, it is the ability to use relevant or a language elements like phonological
awareness and being able to associate these sounds to the alphabets that we know
once oracy for literacy is established through the new language learning areas, which
are language and reading and LITERACY, we now proceed to the development of
basic literacy in Filipino in English.

Ayette Ferriols 12:53

So basically that refers to the skills used for the initial learning of reading and writing.
So at the end of the first key stage, our goal is to ensure that learners have basic
literacy in all of these three target languages or the two target languages.
OK, now they will be using basic literacy in key stage two because in key stage two,
we now elevate the literacy that we are focusing on from basic literacy.

Ayette Ferriols 13:19

We now focus on critical and applied literacy.
If this is effectively carried out in the classroom, will Anna combatant will be victim
and a fake news pay?

Ayette Ferriols 13:31

Every child will have that central thinking skill that involves questioning and
examination of ideas, the ability to synthesize, analyze, interpret, evaluate and
respond text and the ability to evaluate the veracity of information and make
connections and judgments of the relevance of information.

Ayette Ferriols 13:48

All of these are the goals of grades four to six, not just in our language curriculum,
but also in the national reading program.
Again, being pro Antutu, finally in key stage three our goal is multiliteracies, OK and
what does this mean?

Ayette Ferriols 14:05

It's not just one type of literacy.
We're not only going to focus on the ability to read them, right, we're also going to
focus on different types of literacies like digital literacy, media literacy, information
literacy, and being able to manipulate different modes of information like linguistic
meaning, visual meaning, audio, meaning gestural, tactile and spatial.

Ayette Ferriols 14:28

Meaning all of these will be developed both by the curriculum and in supplement of
that is the national reading program.
OK, once this literacy focus is clear now that we have the end in mind that the goal
Nathan Anos and RP we want key stage one learners to be able to attain basic
Ayette Ferriols 14:49
We want these stage 2 learners to attain critical and apply literacy and key stage 3
learners to have multiliteracies, malino and gagawin happens and RP.
Yolanda Lumanog left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 14:59

These are our goals.
Everything that you do during catch up Fridays depending on the grade level that
you're handling, this has to be the end in mind.
OK, now what are the NRP components?
This is not something new.

Ayette Ferriols 15:16

OK, this is something that was carried out from the original national reading program

Ayette Ferriols 15:22

We have two components we have reading enhancement and reading intervention.

Ayette Ferriols 15:27

Let's get to know each one and in more detail, so reading enhancement and for us
with the activity or setup activities designed to develop a love for real thing and
promote the culture of reading among learners who have professionally mastered
the prerequisite skills for the next reading stage.

Ayette Ferriols 15:47

The photo laco.
Again on my back, I was prompted that.
There's something wrong with my Internet connection.
So yeah, nabelek.
Nahko, welcome back to me.
OK, so reading enhancement this is for learners who already have mastery of the
skills that they should master at at a specific grade level.

Ayette Ferriols 16:17

Naturally, if you're learners are not yet grade ready, then they have a different
intervention that is provided for them.
But reading enhancement targets these learners who are already grade ready and
who are ready to develop in themselves a love for reading and promote the culture
of reading.

Ayette Ferriols 16:35

OK, for learners who are on the other hand still in the process of attaining these
prerequisite skills, they will undergo what we call reading intervention.

Ayette Ferriols 16:47

So intervention refers to the process of helping learners again who have not attained
proficiency in the prerequisite reading skills for the next reading stage by helping or
by facilitating a platform that helps bridge the gap in reading.
So reading intervention is where we make sure that our learners overcome the
difficulties that they have when it comes to reading.

Ayette Ferriols 17:10

OK, to pull, you must to talk.
Ayette Ferriols 17:12
This is a little bit more structured.
There are.
I wouldn't say rigid.
No, because we espouse flexibility, but you know there's a lot more structure in
terms of what the curriculum is for reading intervention and how the lesson guides
should look like with the material, should be etcetera as compared to reading
enhancement, which is a lot more flexible because during reading enhancement kahit
and mustum basahin ang bata because we are trying to promote the love for

Ayette Ferriols 17:39

You laugh.
OK, now before we get to know more about what exactly happens in these two
components of the NRP, let's take a look at the different the different aspects of the
And we start off with assessment, but I put index similar assessment.
Now if you take a look at the ending, so it's still E in the draft and in the drafting
But in the P3, uh binago Puno ring structure in tunneling curriculum.
But in my discussion, I would like to start with assessment, because we always start
with what we know about the learners, what the learners can actually do.
And that is going to be informed by effective assessment in NRP, we are gonna be
using 2 assessment tools.
So we have the CR LA or the comprehensive rapid literacy Assessment tool, which is
a 5 to 8 minutes standard rapid assessment administered twice a year.

Ayette Ferriols 18:40

OK, we have the beginning of the school year, CLA and the end of the school year C
Now the CLA is only used in key stage one.
But what I'm gonna CLA for grade four or Senior High?
What Apple C RNA is only for key stage one.
That's for learners from grades one to three, and it's goal is to determine the reading
performance of the learners.
Assess the NRP or the ongoing program and predict learner achievement and inform
teacher instruction.
Now you will find here in this definition that there are two kinds of CRA and the first
is the beginning of school year from the name itself, it is administered at the
beginning of the school year to determine the reading profiles and the needs of our

Ayette Ferriols 19:26

Naturally, if a learner is assessed to perform below the standards, that learner will be
placed under reading intervention, where learners are further classified into different
reading profiles.

Ayette Ferriols 19:37

So Marantan full refresher, moderate refresher and light refresher.

Ayette Ferriols 19:41

Those are the reading profiles in key stage one, on the other hand, if the learner is
assessed to be graded, the ready and grade ready, these are learners who are
meeting or exceeding the standards, then those learners will be placed under
Ayette Ferriols 19:56
OK, now if there are transferees, they shall undergo the same profiling as their peers
through the BIOS Y.
Now the end of school year CRL.
And then I'm up in a guy's BIOS Y.
This is administered as a post assessment during the closing of the school year and
it's considered to be an achievement test.

Ayette Ferriols 20:17

So young Kanina, it's a profiling test.
This time it's an achievement test to to see, you know, or to measure the knowledge
and skills that are learned in the grade level from the reading program.
The results of the EOSY is also going to inform you up.
Inform learning camp during the academic break and then you Papa, I'm learning
I am so the EOSY is going to serve as the profiling test for the learning camp and the
achievement test for the previous school year.
OK, so all of the assessment results will be immediately encoded in the CRL, a digital
dashboard, snap hug and the Puno Dashboard.
I I was able to have the privilege of taking a look at the dashboard.
It's real time once you encode the ticket and I'm in again, you can also identify the
schools that need help.
Young may be in a cameraman.
Fully refresher.
You can also identify from different levels of governance continuum, Makela,
Manama, Sistant so this is a very this is a very useful tool that we can use in depth to
inform the way that we carry out the NRP.

Ayette Ferriols 21:26

The way that we carry out the teaching of reading.
GILBERT DALSIN left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 21:28

Hey, so very exciting.
Next is the Phil Erie.
OK, so the Phil Erie, I'm sure that a lot of you already know this.
This is not new.

Benito Picones joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 21:37

This is a diagnostic test that is administered approximately for a 30 minutes during
class time so that we can determine the abilities of learners in key stage two.
So all students in grades four to six shall undergo the fill eerie group screening test
or the GST in Filipino and English, now same as with Jr, A learners who are identified
to be performing below the level of expectation and you below the level of expect
this one, you and Ross score I below 14.
They shall undergo further assessment through the individually administered Phil
Eerie graded passages, which may be conducted outside class hours.
Now these passages may also be used to classify learners into categories.
At the nayong frustration level, instructional level and independent level.
OK, now the independent level is the only level that qualifies for reading
enhancement, because this level does not require any assistance from the pictures.
Now you will find that in our draft policies there is a link to a more comprehensive
discussion on the administration of Bill Eri.
Which is the Phil Erie Manual of 2018.
So you can get to know more about this using that situation.
OK, so one students have been assessed, we now proceed to our NRP decision.
Three, OK, now this decision three is specifically for key stage one.
But of course it can be adopted for key stage two.
Let me try and explore. OK.
Yeah, but did nothing.
Shown in magnified so that you can see.
OK, so we have our NRP assessment.
Again, this may be in the form of the CRL A or the Phil E, but because this is a
decision 3 for key stage one, we're going to be using CLA.
So at the beginning of the process, we have the assessment, which is the CRA and
then we ask ourselves this question, does the learner meet the reading standards?
If the answer is no, then you go to letter R, which is remediation or intervention.
Once the student is identified to be in need of remediation or intervention, the next
question that you ask yourselves is I don't level now remediation or intervention.
Now don't worry, because the tool is going to determine that for you.
So here are the reading profiles.
I'm learner by full refresher.
Moderate refresher or light refresher, depending on the reading profile of the
learner, that learner will undergo formative assessment and continuous reading
activities and at the end of every quarter, assessment shall be provided in order to
make sure that that learner is still in the correct reading profile.
And that will be determined by a teacher made summative test.
Now I understand that in some regions or in some divisions merona, natawag,
namosi or the middle of the school year CRL a you can use that.

Ayette Ferriols 24:42

But if you don't have the mossy yet, you can make use of the CRL a as basis for your
summative tests.

Ayette Ferriols 24:49

OK, so at the end of the summative test again you ask your you ask yourself, does
the student meet the reading standards for that particular learning duration?

Ayette Ferriols 25:01

And in Bawa Grade one, quarter 2 Myrna Bang Sumabat if the answer is still no, then
we go back here and then we ask again which reading profile best suits the learner
and then the cycle goes on and on until OK we reach the end of our decision tree
and the end of our goal in the program, which is to make sure that our learners are
great, ready now for learners who are already grade ready, beautiful sila pupunta.

Salvador Pelingon left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 25:31

They undergo the enhancement process. OK?
Or enrichment process wherein they are exposed to continuous pleasure reading
activities and at the end of every quarter they are assessed just to make sure that
they are still qualified for that level.

GILBERT DALSIN joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 25:47

And at the end of the grade level, we want our learners to attain the grade level
OK, so this is a sample decision three.

Mildred De Leon left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 25:56

You can adopt it also for Phil Erie.
You can make use of it it so that your teachers and you as school leaders are guided
in the process of profiling our learners and putting them where they are appropriate.
OK, So what does the curriculum for the national reading program specifically in the
first key stage look like, NRP in key stage one in terms of the curriculum, looks like
Wampole so marketing you for each reading profile there is a specific curriculum that
will be used for them.
Halim Bawa for full refresher they make use of the emerging quite look.

EDITHA PRIDAS left the meeting

CLMD NCR Andrew E Tan (Guest) left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 26:37

Auntie Jake Kumar.


Functions are normally doing.

Mildred De Leon joined the meeting


You want again.
May I request everyone to please?

Ayette Ferriols 26:45

But their microphones on mute.
OK, so the full refresher requires an emerging CURRICULUM and emerging

ROGELIO DOMINGO joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 26:54

The emerging curriculum focuses on the mastery of phonological awareness and
alphabet knowledge.
This is the curriculum for learners who are full refreshers for learners who are
identified to be moderate, refreshers.
They make use of what we call the developing curriculum, which targets alphabet,
knowledge and phonics instruction, leading to the mastery of word recognition.

Dioleta Borais left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 27:17

For light refresher, they make use of the transition and CURRICULUM, which is a
more complex CURRICULUM that has more complex literacy competencies, focusing
on word and phrase reading.

Christian Bables left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 27:31

So Antonio Puno, San Puno, Marikita, and then we will be providing you with a link
so that you can access all of these curricula.

4A Asher Pasco left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 27:40

OK, parable alamino and that.
But the meeting, depending on the reading profile of our learners now, the
curriculum also.

EDITA OLAN left the meeting

Rose Marie Burayag joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 27:48

Includes very detailed lesson guides.
Now, if you are one of the implementers of the learning camp, which is a nationwide
So I'm assuming that you are.
You will also have access to the materials that are provided during the learning camp
that are anchored on the CRL, a framework, and you can make use of this during the

Benito Picones left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 28:16

OK, so now we ask ourselves, how exactly is sketch of Friday going to go about?
KRISSEL QUEMQUEM joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 28:23

And then I'm Eric link.
Catch up Friday.
OK, I'm not going to be discussing the additional 30 minutes from Monday to
Thursday because we're still waiting for the policy for that or the debit order.
Our focus in this session is just how catch up Fridays are going to work.
OK, so this is a sample for intervention.
One of the components of the NRP, so for 30 minutes you can start out with
prereading activities like activating the learners prior knowledge sparking their
interest and motivating them to read.

Vincent Emmanuel Ilagan joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 28:55

So this first part of the session also includes goal setting.
You help the learners prepare for the reading process and all of this is going to be
helpful in aiding comprehension and retention of the text.
So you can do that for 30 minutes.
Again, this is suggested.
OK, this is just a sample model you can modify based on your actual learners needs.
For 120 minutes, that's two hours.
This is the during reading session we develop learners various reading skills to
improve on vocabulary, learn new words and expressions, enhance creativity and

ROGELIO DOMINGO joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 29:33

And during this part, both the teacher and learners engage in meaningful and active
use of the language someone was.
Someone's message popped out saying that they do not happening.
Is this true to all the data?
Keep the ball.

MA. KATRINA SANDRA MAGCAMIT joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 29:54

OK, wait a minute.
OK, have.
Well, I'm OK.
So during reading, that's 120 minutes.
This is what we can do.
OK, to to talk on.
Manga Batasa vocabulary they can you they can learn new words and expressions,
enhance their creativity and imagination during this part.

Yolanda Lumanog joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 30:15

OK, it's also crucial that both the teachers and learners engage in meaningful and
active use of the language.

Christian Bables joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 30:20

So that's for two hours.
Finally, the last 30 minutes and the Pongo in Gem provide the learners with the
chance to reflect, develop deeper understanding of the text, promote the use of
language or new learned words in creative ways.
So this will constitute our post reading activities.

Josefina Macapagal joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 30:37

Now I understand that all of these may seem abstract to all of you right now, Kayla,
because I've also provided a very detailed sample class program for you.
But right now we're just going to watch through with the presentation in your
company on that and we'll get to the nitty gritty later on, OK.
So the next question that you may ask yourselves, ma'am, panel who said openings
on classroom E?

Imelda agustin joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 31:05

But if I'm reading profiles about that and that is, uh, that is a reality in the field.

Dennis Bermoy joined the meeting

Aguas National High School joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 31:12

You know, denomination, including so behind as a section at all.
Particuli reading enhancement now, so section at all axilla fuller refresher level, there
is a very big possibility that you will be dealing with different reading profiles all at
the same time.
So how do we go about it?
Let's take a look at this next slide.
I am OK.
So right here we have provided you with different class options.
OK, you will find in one column the reading profiles for refresher moderate, refresher,
light, refresher, OK and then we have our different class options is A is an puno in
option 11, teacher handles one class with different reading profiles in the same grade

Ocampo Paul Gence left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 31:57

So Eden Bower pose a teacher A and how?
Yeah, I grade one and in that grade, one class Meron Chang IBA Ibang reading
Vincent Emmanuel Ilagan left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 32:06

All three reading profiles are present.
OK, you option to call it will say one teacher handles one class with the same reading
profile in a grade level.
This is the ideal situation.
This is what we stand for.

ROGELIO DOMINGO left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 32:22

The leprosy AG was national high school.
Not all cup, squat, maraming, exclamation point.
Well, OK there.

Salvador Pelingon joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 32:32

But I'm what?
I'm gonna write it.
Some of the Hindi dakika PowerPoint go.

John Chavez left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 32:37

Should I continue?
May I ask the uh organizers Medina post?
So hopefully this is recorded so that those who are having technical difficulties could
also enjoy my presentation.

Flenie Galicinao left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 32:52
Enjoy talaga.
OK so.
What are you doing just in option 21?
Teacher handles one class with the same reading profile in the grade level.
This is the ideal situation.
Well problem, because for three hours all of your students, all of your learners, will
be doing the same thing at sabai sabai pojo.

PAUL IAN LOUIE ROBLES left the meeting

robertjohn.delacruz2 left the meeting

JEFFREY ERNI left the meeting

melinda.marquez001 left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 33:11

OK, in option three major, how our positive Credito one teacher handles one class
with different reading profiles and different grid levels.

ELIROSE DAMASCO left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 33:24

OK, so adding power pose teacher.
A chimney is some picture, so grades one to three a chambray that will happen
grade levels.
I can yell, have been reading profiles.
I can.
OK, so however I don't see option three.
Option 41 teacher handles one class with the same reading profiles and different
grade levels.
So for Option 4 is a little bit.
A little bit.
And say by Ingrid levels, yeah, if they are all under the same reading profile, then the
attack or the strategies will also be the same. OK.

Dioleta Borais joined the meeting

PAUL IAN LOUIE ROBLES joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 34:04

OK, so these are the different class options and.

JEFFREY ERNI joined the meeting

robertjohn.delacruz2 joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 34:10

We are confident that this class options are reflective of the realities in the field.

melinda.marquez001 joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 34:15

You know, again, if we have school leaders here, if we have school heads, my
principal sign up police strive for option two.
And now that is the ideal situation, but we understand that options 1/3 and four are
inevitable and so, uh put on the I think my implementers as well, how the NRP could
still be effectively.

Aguas National High School left the meeting

Maria Heidi Alaine Nietes joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 34:41

UM implemented or executed, even if the class option is a little bit challenging.
Region 4A _Victoria Burgos left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 34:49

OK, wait long for hope.
We eat them too, because no.

Maricel Malabanan left the meeting

Maria Juneah Enrico left the meeting

WINNIE LOPEZ CRUZ left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 35:13

OK, so gonna go up with now.
And So what do you have?
Got you.
OK so here is another class routine model.
The learning activities in the reading program of course again, and we cannot
emphasize this enough.
It has to be determined according to the learners abilities.

amelyn.abella left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 35:32

OK, so this is what we would like or what how we envisioned the NRP to be
Kanina Pono we provided you with suggested activities companies will not in happy
and let's say half of the class program is 3 hours behind.

Maricel Malabanan joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 35:49

But Anna nothing happy and you?
No orders during catch up.
Fridays for intervention, right, we have the post reading activity.

Vivian Ofanda joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 35:57

The during reading activities and the post reading pre during and post reading
So how exactly is this gonna go about especially OK for options 1/3 and four CUSA
and ibum reading profiles and adding one abata.
This is our suggested class activity.
So for 30 minutes the 1st 30 minutes that is our pre reading activity.
So here is where introductions are made.
We have a schema building.
We have speaking the interests of our learners, giving them previews of what the
reading activity is going to be about.
The 120 minutes was divided into 340 minute activities.
So we have oral language activities, worksheets OK until finally we proceed with the
post reading activity which lasts for 30 minutes, which is a fun activity.
OK, I am pulling acting.
Uh, target now right here.

Marlyn Gerio joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 37:01

OK, if you're handling different reading profiles gonna put, they need to put you put
anything away in.
OK, so we have the full refresher, the moderate refresher and the light refresher
market and you ohren title something columns right here.
OK, if you have a class with all of these reading profiles in the 1st 40 minutes you
adding full refresher mango oral language activity lampoon Acela.
While they're doing that, the moderate refresher and the light refreshers will undergo
the worksheets.
Jestoni Amores left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 37:33

They will engage with the worksheets.
They will do the worksheets OK.

NORA CADATAL left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 37:37

So what do you wanna E1?
Moderate and lighter refresher total commoditize a full refresher as they do their oral
language activity.
If you're asking for worksheets again, OK, these are the same resources that were
used during the learning camp.
You can make use of these resources as template for future worksheets that you
would like to do OK by the name and phone it.
Adapting the landing.
OK, now in the next 40 minutes and then one ARA see fully refresher you now give
them the the first worksheet of the day for the moderate refresher, you give them
the second worksheet and for the late refresher economy, nothing, oral language
activity in ambush.
And in the last 40 minutes, I'm adding a full refresher.
Students or learners will go through the 2nd worksheet.
Refresher the man or a language activity so determinato technique teacher, and then
the light refreshers will go through the 2nd worksheet for the day, and then in the
post reading activity makasama same as the pre reading activity.
Can you give me a thumbs up?
If that was clear?
Malina, ayan.
And Salamat was among the 19 day.
OK, so again this is this is a sample class routine.
Again, this is flexible depending on how your class programs and schedules are
structured, but this is how we we envision it, especially for schools who have no other
choice but to take on options 1/3 and four in their class design, and all coupled
makasama will have no different reading profiles.

Ruel Emberga left the meeting

Maricel Malabanan left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 39:23

I am so obviously this is a manifestation of differentiated instruction wherein we
cater to the different needs of our learners and at the same time we give them some
space to work on their independent reading tasks.
OK, so someone gonna cut the menu option 2 the manga.

Ma. Criscel Negosa left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 39:45

I like an apple for option 2 because you handle just one set of students with the
same reading profile.

Maricel Malabanan joined the meeting

Mirasol Rongavilla left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 39:51

So basically so the 1st 30 minutes introduction next 40 minutes Magora language
activity KO and then the next 80 minutes you.
Uh, you do the worksheets and then the last 30 minutes?
Fun activity so by so by then.

NORA CADATAL joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 40:05

OK, so this is our sample class routine, especially for reading intervention cause a
major tricky PUTTALAM intervention.

Gilbert Tong left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 40:12

That Hindi pudding E1 cinema but that hahanapin sila kelangan Maple to two to
grow, and so using this I know it's very challenging.

Vivian Ofanda joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 40:22

It's very tough, especially for our teachers and all, but this is the best means of
carrying out the NRP, despite the different reading profiles.

Ruel Emberga joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 40:32

OK, so now we take a look at the other component of NRP, which is enhancement
part of the menu enhancement.

Ma. Criscel Negosa joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 40:40

How are we gonna do the enhancement?
We have 3 hours or half a glass program during catch up, Fridays for enhancement
again, we start off with preparation and settling in.
You prepare the environment.
You hype up the learners, you get them ready for the reading session, OK?
And then we have a dedicated reading time.

Josefino Pogoy joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 40:58

So it's an open drop everything and read engage in uninterrupted and quiet reading.
During this time, we also encourage our teachers to do the same.
So by modeling, you're setting a good example to your learner, sending focus in the
gonna go and Ella.
And then, of course, it's very important to still monitor progress and how do we do
We can do that by reflection and sharing.

NCR James Roldan left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 41:25

So Ditto wedding.
OK, let's do a big circle and then you tell me about what you read then, then.
And then finally, of course, there has to be a wrapping up a summing up of all of the
experiences and you consolidate information gain from reading the Tacoma, Kitano,
Kaya, Baka, enhancement, component of intervention.
So again, later I'm going to show you specific examples for this.
Uh, the enhancement component of NRP is a little bit more chill compared to the
intervention component.
I know which is more rigid, more structured, so here are some activities for
enhancement that you can consider for the first key stage.
Again, so focus on phonics and word recognition on phonological awareness,
But we also have of course higher order thinking skills, like asking questions, making
predictions, et cetera.
For the second key stage, these are some of the activities partner reading taking
turns in reading.
Summarizing OK, and by the third key stage medium mismatch asnan level OK
because remember our target is Multiliteracies book club.
Literature circles, genre exploration, et cetera.
Again, that something, I mean type one and the same adding the so ma'am and then
you know, happy name.
Another Papa samples.
OK, so I will stop sharing for a while, OK.
And I will be.
Pulling up my.
Uh Sample reading program.
Wait. Lymphoma.
Can everybody see the word file?
So we're going to focus on the 1st component, which is reading enhancement, OK,
Panacur, BAM, mangyari, item reading enhancement.
So let's start off with the first key stage.
So in the first key stage, again the target is grades one to three.
And let's say that and ARP during catch up Fridays is going to last for three hours.
So we start off with again preparation and settling in.
You can begin with a brief relaxation.
Exercise cause a bata palang stress and RP OK.
Students gather their chosen reading materials and find a comfortable spot for
So right here, because this is an enhancement session, OK, and we want to instill in
our learners a love for reading Kaidan worsening and and why the numbers are
enjoying this time.
OK, so for 30 minutes they try and choose which material they want to read and then
for 60 minutes we have a dedicated reading time.
So students engage in independent reading, focusing on sounding out words.
Picture Word association the teacher monitors and assists as needed.
And then for the next 45 minutes, the teachers will facilitate a group discussion on
where students can share parts of their reading, discussed teams, and even
recommend books.
Jestoni Amores joined the meeting

Cornelio Aquino left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 44:41

OK, teachers can encourage them to relate the story to their own life experiences and
the next activity would be Alibaba Lampo.
This is not limited to just the word classification game sample and Cueto, no pedica

Belinda Mendoza left the meeting

RAMIL left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 45:18

I I think we saw you disconnected.

Feliz Tayao left the meeting

Ma. Esperanza Malang left the meeting

Ma. Esperanza Malang joined the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 45:46

With more, I think his eyes just got disconnected so again classify the words, yeah.

Ayette Ferriols 45:54

OK, we don't wanna end words.
Umm, because I yet.

MARIA FE C. BALABA left the meeting

Rosalie Bongon left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 45:58
Yes, Paul.
Ohh disconnected call for 40 minutes or three.

Ma. Esperanza Malang left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 46:02

3 minutes maybe.
Now we gonna look on there about 10. Put.
Are you coming tuyor?

ROGELIO DOMINGO joined the meeting

Feliz Tayao joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 46:09

Now hello.
OK, siguro.
I'll just.

Ma. Esperanza Malang joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 46:13

I know it's a message this number, this number, the last part.

Mark Anthony Papa 46:18

Part of this stage one.

Rosalie Bongon joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 46:20

Ah, OK, 44 subjectivity for classification game.
Thank you, Paul for informing me.

Ayette Ferriols 46:27

So this is an activity that you can do after the reading session.

ELIROSE DAMASCO joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 46:31

This is a word classification game, so again, I'd like to stress that there are a lot of
games or a lot of activities that you can do.
Post three thing, this is just one example, so I use a word classification, Paddington
Adami, Newport.
How are we going to do a word classification game but you buy your binas and
OK, so we've already figured that out.
And do you play the nothing the win.
We start off with a group discussion and collection.
So you ask the students which words were interesting for you, and then the teacher
writes them down, and then we proceed with a classification of all of these words.
Now adding the words or naming words or nouns, the words are action words or
verbs, or describing words or adjectives, OK.
So your classify all of these into their according to their families.
Next we have interactive learning.
So what exactly happens here?
The activity becomes interactive as the world's come, and as the words come from a
variety of reading materials, and also regardless of the reading materials, we can still
classify all of these words and we are encouraging our learners to engage with their
chosen books etc.
Rather than Athena, Talagang, Binas and eleon at Meron Silang, another thing that
teachers can do is reinforce learning.
OK, through this short but fun vocabulary exercise so that they have an
understanding of some language structure like word types and it encourages the
children to be more attentive to the language that is used in their reading material.
Jestoni Amores joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 48:07

OK, so we can ensure that this activity again in an easy even put a legano Hindu
Boston activity.
We want to ensure that the activities that we use in NRP, even if it's just an
enhancement session, actually well, I'm just, even if it is an enhancement session, we
nurture a culture of reading while simultaneously adding on to what the language
curricula is already teaching them.
OK, because that is one of the goals of NRP to support the language curriculum and
through this exercise we broaden the vocabulary and linguistic understanding of the
Now the last 15 minutes of our three hours, you review key points from the material
that have been read or shared.
You encourage students to ask questions and provide feedback.
Again, for you sample Nathan, four key stage one, now I will be sharing this with all
of you actually see Mom Rose, I make copy and anito this is another example for key
stage two.
No, I am.
But I will no longer be reading this to you, because for it will had, Signor and another
four key stage three and even for Senior High School.
But I am enhancement sessions for Senior High School, focusing on exploration and
engagement, interactive learning and discussion and creative application and

ROGELIO DOMINGO joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 49:29

Ohh OK.
So you now have very specific examples for reading enhancement, finding the
manual intervention.
We understand that during catch up Fridays, Pamantayang, Masakadza and Learning
area in Diba.
OK, but don't worry because that is the beauty of reading.
Reading is a vehicle towards content, knowledge acquisition and so the best means
of integrating your mamacita.

MICHAEL VELASQUEZ left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 49:58

Nothing classy team Bawa, science and reading is what we call content based
instruction or CBI.
OK, so this is a sample reading intervention class program for a science teacher.
So an imbalance science teacher, she, he or she is part of catch up Friday.

MICHAEL VELASQUEZ joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 50:15

So he landed in Madura, reading on top of science.
So let's say that, uh, the topic is on UM, that's whether and animals.
The first hour will be dedicated to the introduction of the science lesson.
So union science lesson?
Then you introduced it.
Use visual.
Simple explanations.
Engage the students.
That's always important when you're starting your last one, the next 45 minutes is
going to be dedicated reading time.
OK, remember this is uh.
Are reading intervention class we provide students with some time to read OK and
then the teacher will select age appropriate books or materials related to the topic or
the feed students are encouraged to explore pictures, attempt to read the words or
phrases and if needed, the teacher will be offering assistance in sounding out the
words or in making picture word associations in the second hour.
OK, teachers and students engage with the context, so this is an interactive activity.
OK, we can conduct what we call a science discovery activity.
Flow, for example, if the theme is plants, students can examine planned parts or
seeds and use descriptive words.
So I dibawa this seed is small, this seed is hard, the seed is green.
The next 30 minutes is going to be guided reading.
OK, choose a simple science, storybook or book related to the theme.
The teacher can read it out loud, encourage students to follow along uh, especially if
they recognize familiar words and participate in repeat after me.

RIZLYN GABRIEL joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 51:54

And for the last hour, reinforcement and reflection.
So we have an application activity and a reflection sharing so students can engage in
enhance all activity like drawing or creating a simple craft and in reflection and
sharing we can ask questions like who can tell me something about plants grow or
what did we learn about the weather today et cetera.
All of these I am Nina.
It's not enough that you Simply put a bunch of reading activities there and then call
it a reading program and delanco nothing more.
But if this truly targets not just the reading skills and competencies that we are
targeting for a specific reading profile, but if it also targets the lesson, I think in this
case is science.
OK, now along with that, because our focus is on reading intervention, we make sure
that all of these components of reading are also targeted, Laguna for reading
intervention because these are students who need help.

Elizabeth Berdadero left the meeting

Ruby Maur joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 52:56

And guidance, especially when it comes to phonemic awareness for hability
development fluency comprehension and connection building.
So again, I will be sharing this file with all of you do with it.
What you must.
OK, but bublik, putain mayonesa aching PowerPoint presentation we example.

Imelda agustin left the meeting

Joe Louie Lavaro left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 53:44

OK, so this is the last slide and this talks about learning resources.
So we're gonna be talking about.

Elizabeth Berdadero joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 53:53

Learning resources for a little bit.
Regional offices and school division offices are also and SDO may utilize the reading
resources that are already available.
Kathleen uh.
When I introduced the NRP, the NRP does not aim to eradicate all of your reading

Celeste Anselmo Jr left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 54:12

You're reading initiatives can stay.
What NRP does is streamline all of these reading initiatives because it was all brand
damage and we want all of us to move in One Direction.
We want all of us to take the same stride so that we can attain the same goals, OK?
And it's also a lot easier to monitor and evaluate the program if they're under the
same banner, which is NRP.

MICHAEL VELASQUEZ left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 54:35

OK, so if you already have the reading resources available in your respective offices
for the nothing, the meeting can just make sure that they are aligned with the
curriculum that we will be providing, especially for key stage one.
Umm, the instructional materials?
Again, we want to remind you that they have to be learner centered, inclusive,
developmentally appropriate, relevant, responsive, research based, gender and
culture sensitive and contextualized.

Francisco Copsiyan (Guest) left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 55:03

Now I would like to assure everyone I would like it to be confident that, umm,
resources are on their way.
Meron pong Darating na resources, saying BLR or the Bureau of Learning Resources
is currently in the process of procuring 1.7 billion pesos worth of books for the
national reading program.

Arnold Gatus joined the meeting

Rechie Salcedo joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 55:24

And not in magiging problema, and I think mahali bro, but in the meantime because
as you know procurement takes a lot of time, it's a very lengthy process.
So in the meantime, if you have resources that you can already use and it's just a
matter of aligning it with the structure of the NRP, the framework of and our P, the
curriculum in the lesson guides that it provides, then we can do that in the

Henry Contemplacion joined the meeting

Sherwin Quesea left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 55:51
So are you in Lanco? And what?
I'm slammed for saying young Oras at Jaipur.
That into everything that I have presented, I will be providing to the viewer of
learning delivery.
I am through my good friend, Sir Louise.
Leaving a compositional copy and ITO and I hope that that helps.

Virginia Ebona left the meeting

Sherwin Quesea joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 56:13

Thank you very much.
Umm yeah.

Jocelyn Castillo left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 56:16

Yes, thank you so much, ma'am, ahead for your insight for discussion and to help our
participants know how to operationalize reading the national reading program in
Catch up Fridays.

Henry Contemplacion left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 56:27

So again, so to let this happening is ayat now.
Yes, my dear participants will provide the presentation of our speakers.
Give us time to upload all presentation via the G drive and then you will share it to
your original offices.
So miss, are you have to answer London?
Still have time.
It's 1147, so you gonna write one of five minutes?
No, let's have a open forum now.

Elizabeth Berdadero left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 56:53

And of course, address question of participants via chat and admin.
So G even if.

Mark Anthony Papa 56:59

Even if if we exceed sat well, OK, now we need to answer questions so that
everything will be clarified.

JULIO JORGE left the meeting

Rita Bundalian left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 57:06

Remember that they will be implementing this.
Thank you. Yes.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 57:12

OK, so, uh, the mom?
I'm sorry guys.
My CR LA in 80 naputi or Saki S1 chaki S2 S basis for getting the reading profile of
So Medina, but I own tool.
You gonna profile Emma?
Better sucking stage three and key stage three stayed.

Mirasol Rongavilla joined the meeting

Mary Kathleen Manalo left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 57:39
That is a very good question.

Ayette Ferriols 57:40

On that I also asked.

VISSIA ASUNCION Tuguegarao left the meeting

Jocelyn Castillo joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 57:42

I was also looking for a reading assessment tool for key stages 3 and four, and the
new Pono ideal reading interventions are provided at earlier grade levels.
Omar, both grade level Hindi.
I have a glyza, unfortunately that is not the reality in the field, right?
We have learners in junior high school and Senior High School who unfortunately
cannot read and right now we do not have the necessary tools to accurately identify
the learning needs of of this learners causing an assumption.
I doubt, but not at that stage.
So UM, right now the answer is no, we do not have a reading tool to assess these
Siguro, we are going to figure out something in the room set of guidelines for key
stage three and key stage 4 learners to address that.

Janette Bautista left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 58:40

But please be assured, I've already informed the office of the Undersecretary
regarding this concern.
And Segura, possum nano.
We will be providing you with more details as regards how can we accurately identify
the reading profiles of learners in the higher grade levels.
ARNEL NGIDAYAN joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 58:59

Thank you so much for that.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 59:00

If I if I may answer Louis yes.

Mark Anthony Papa 59:03

I if I may add, we have the Philly Erie, but as I've said and I you know, like.

Ma. Criscel Negosa left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 59:13

I always say during the training that feel eerie is is a no reading levels in test so it
assess the reading comprehension.
But if our learners read them ability partners.
But if our learners cannot read, even if they are in braids 456, you can use car CR LA
so that you will know if they really you know like because you really in the Casey I'm
reading Cassie in the shop where thing in the shop wedding majam or is keep Ilana
Pandanan bata anyone.

Elizabeth Berdadero joined the meeting

Rosziel Rosales left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 59:54

So Kyanna sinasabi Co, Alibaba, the hell grade six nature.
So that Erica.
So you go back with the Monga meeting, you see our LA Parramatta Mohana
Mantashe, Indiana cabasag, the Hindi.
Panama identify your letter in the panian identify you.
Rogie Montiveros joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:00:14

You simple words.
Finish Amaro.
Norma Glen, so most of the point is you really need to be able to determine for now
using the existing tool.
They're reading ability of the learner.
They put the motion for the actually for the Guardian Egra.
If you have a copy of the egg wrapped the show, but I'm gonna see Miss Ayete that
we you know, it is our responsibility and I think not only people from them and to be
able to to be able to come up with a comprehensive assessment.

Anthony Zeus Caringal left the meeting

estrelita.lagundi001 left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:00:51

That is, gentleman telegram.
No, I'm dreaming, you said.
Actually, the corruption and she's telling us to be able to look for an assessment tool
named Alicia Me, Big Guy, like CRL, a higher grade level and we we are working on
that Thomassy Miss Ayer.

Anthony Zeus Caringal joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:01:10

Pero my advice is.
Things in a Sabi you have to go down, backward, backward.

ROWENA TUNGOL left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:01:17

But the things assessment, but in this Elena capacity on something early, because I'm
feel eerie is reading ability seeking tesna meaning to say there's something wrong or
more, but I must Malala, you can long problem so you can use Egra you can use the
CRL a handgun, you will be able to determine cause a grade level navata in the
current is addona Yunnan Canyon reading ability Diana not be vegan options.

melinda.marquez001 left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:01:47

See Miss Ayer.
Well, I know I'm quitting the win.
I'm bad at NASA refresher NASA, full refresher, or NASA enrichment?
OK, I hope I was able to help clarify.
In the absence of an existing tool, please use an, A, a, a tool that will
comprehensively test.
Please choose existing tool the the bottom line is please determine the reading
ability of their learners or difficulty so that you will be able to provide the appropriate

Yolanda Lumanog left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:02:27

So come on in connection with that.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:02:29

Sabini made an do we need to classify our learners from non leaders instructional
administration during this catch up Friday or as in on one section? Now I'm.

melinda.marquez001 joined the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:02:43

At my Mama yet.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:02:44

I know.
Please clarify that cause I'm alarm call.
I'm sad.
I'm sad for the things that catch up and hand enrichment.
Please clarify that, ma'am.
Again, Cassie, you discuss about the different groupings.
Please clarify.
Thank you.
Yes, ma'am.
Uh, so.

Ayette Ferriols 1:03:03

According who's uh, I think.
Don, catch a Friday the 1st month of Catch a Friday.
That's whole the whole January comma puba enhancement lampoon, Muna, I think
focus dear Lancome Luna.
Am I Donna puba.
Lambros belongs in DoD.
My understanding is correct right now.
After this one month, OK, uh, should you want to focus on reading intervention?
We have provided you with different options.
So you have multiple learners with different reading profiles.

Virginia Ebona joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 1:03:44

Then those learners could be clustered together or they can be grouped together
type of time by banqueting, mugging attack in terms of implementing the national
reading program during Friday.
But my understanding is it was very clear in the do and catch up Fridays that the first
month will focus only on drop everything in the.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:04:07

How about for Senior High School Miss Ayer?

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:04:10

The honey we have deer.
Not only on Friday Cassidy, but Senior High School is very specialized class program.
So, but if the school decided, though, so I've been in Serramonte to do it on the
other days, I see with ten young classy Mila is only for Friday.
So but but the crash of Friday pasilla, we'll meetings number here.

Belinda Mendoza joined the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:04:33

That's for Senior High School, actually.

Portia Encisa joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:04:56


Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:05:01

Natalie go.
Yeah, no audio visa yet.
I had a couple of questions from Senior High School and also learner now.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:05:18

Would you like some of us assignments?
Select anything your question.
Well, how audio miss you?
I've loved comma I, sorry, but and the public internal, sorry.

Ayette Ferriols 1:05:31

Uh, like I see my questions needed to chat.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:05:33

That's fine about Allstar Senior High School first Senior High School.
What if thou, you dear, need, adopt everything and read Nila Hindi nila go in every
Friday but OK Ohgi by specialist subject Senior High School the meeting something I
mean every Friday.
So when they do that, other I'm days except Friday instead of, I mean people know
honestly, but we've had multiple.

JHOMAR SOR left the meeting

MICHAEL VELASQUEZ joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 1:06:01

Conversations regarding how catch a Friday is going to work in Senior High School
because they Bryan structure non class program for Senior High School.

Leah A. De Leon left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 1:06:09

However, in in the presence of this deoti my backup, but he didn't mention the said
DEPED order.

Region IV-A_Mercy R. Villanueva left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 1:06:21

DEPED memo palamau.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:06:23

OK, in in the presence of this DEP. Ed.

RIZLYN GABRIEL left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 1:06:26

Memo on uh catch up Fridays.
It is assumed that everyone, so that includes kindergarten until Senior High School
had, will engage in, drop everything and read.

Joey Gutierrez left the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 1:06:41
But again, who are you?
Ohh, that Italian or more than we will be forwarding all of these concerns so that we
can make the necessary adjustments to the DEP and memo.
So we will be taking note of these concerns, lynema concerns needed.
I mean masago.
So in the process of refining, how catch up Friday is going to work?

Rosziel Rosales joined the meeting

Ayette Ferriols 1:07:02

My address?
Puno Minyan next time?
Ohh, I leave tomorrow questions.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:07:10

At the mark questions that we get address these again bubble you can I mean reality
and then we'll adjust our DEP and order DEPED memo for catch up Fridays and
question next question from Mom Leilanie about the DLR Lesson plan.
Maybe Monrose can answer this.
No, sorry for another since will happen required DLL or Lesson plan for casual

MA. LORENA CARDENAS left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:07:32

Another commonly reference monitor, now school head comma.
But when I cannot go and teach her like some are gonna go and teach her.
Like, but Hindustani, emerging reading teacher.
So under the reference, if they are not required to have a Lesson plan by the
document monitors Mila.
Don't get Mamiya uh.
Yes, ma'am. Rose.
Actually in the in a month.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:07:57

Wedding in dinner.
Wedding guide to see my love.
Did not tour on our long.
Guide English Lesson plan persay.
Actually mamaya makikita any new you know like three of the specialists will be
presenting a a less lesson model.
Hindi shop indicia full pledge I I cannot consider it as a full pledge and Lesson plan,
but impossibly on you cannot do something without a structure that but merica you
at least the instructional instructional. I know.
Instructional guide for the pictures in the point in teaching guide.
Uh, so mamaya during the annoy you are during the time of values and and the rest
of the the three the the specialist will be showing you what they prepare to just to
show that we should also prepare something because you cannot really do and even
with reading the ones presented by miss I get.
I know you'll die, but the window on down on the new stack to run in your.
Honey venue is so laplata activity.
PSP can you don't activities.
OK, I know I know.
Activity and Gaga, when news at the 1st 30 minutes and no man activities at and no,
they're going in yours at the next one hour.

Evelyn A Fano left the meeting

Sherwin Quesea left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:09:25

That's the maroon Thomas suggested activities.
You will also you should also prepare those things that's in the way.

ROBERTO Pantig joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:09:33
The Indium are up as something.
That is why, as as I said earlier, there's a need for us for for us really to do
collaborative teaching or collaborative expertise or the learning options sell to be
able to stretch out as a diva.

Ayette Ferriols left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:09:51

Nothing caninae you wanna Bureau tour?
I no not assign, I said depend this a class program so that these three, for example in
reading these three will be able to talk about which one should handle this part.
Which one should handle this part so that they'll be able to do it collaboratively?
He didn't wear them.
Noella instructional guideline, Meron, Talaga and Mama and have only Papa leave
the call.
That thing, Papa specialist.
But the tenants are reading you pinacate animal.
I get that that same structure you might activities suggested activities spilling could
go on, but you still you still have to do that so that you will be able to to distribute
the task among the teachers who were in that specific half day for reading.
Thank you for, I hope I was able to clarify things.
Thank you so much, ma'am.
Rose question.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:10:53

Animal blessing?
How about the school sport in implementing special science classes?

Mark Anthony Papa 1:11:03

Hello, Bob.
Mom, you.
Hello, the memo and memo is applicable to all.
Thelma Deza joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:11:12

So what happened?
Special classes got that Friday should really be a catch up Friday.
OK, so honey bawan, you know, like your you are handling span.
You don't need much of the.

Beth left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:11:26

You don't need much of something to be catch to be catch up.
Then you can do enrichment enhancements.
I'm not the BP.
I'm Hindi marunong basat through.
I'm a Bassa and Maruna bassana develop critical thinking so young and I I I believe
that the structure presented earlier, it's not only a clip applicable to something that
you need to be catching up, but it also something is it's also a structure that will help
you enhance the the learn the knowledge and skills of our learners.
You wanna push on?
Will, upon single out the on.
So meaning to say Lahat Tayo department catch up Friday?
Seagate because the last three questions.
Mom. Rosa.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:12:19

It mom, Villaneza said a while ago.
That he did over.
But we don't teacher schedule but Miss Ayer in your presentation, in your class
routine continues on activity.
No problems.
Elementary dial most are straight teaching, but in secondary.
MICHAEL VELASQUEZ left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:12:34

Maggie, baby, I'm teacher.
First suggested time duration meaning come last year.
The call in the morning and mostly fun and activity.
Mostly fun activity and we handle code because the oral language and worksheets
are done by previous feature, correct?

Edgar Sor Belmonte left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:12:50

Correct, actually.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:12:52

That was the that that was the the.
Those are the things that I explained earlier that you know, there is a need for a call
of expertise or a learning action sale for this three teachers or four teachers handling
all those in the morning to talk about.

Ma. Criscel Negosa joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:13:09

OK, so according first hour ago in the morning, so I can I I take charge of of the and
and activity then the second will take charge of this they will have to talk about it and
remember that is Friday you can do collaborative expertise during break time over a
cup of coffee and import Dante.
You will be able to casino and reading Cassina not that I know a data structure, not a
program at the caboose.
Yeah, not 3 hours.
So those involved in that three hour should be able to meet in a collaborative
expertise to be able to discuss which part should be done by 1.
Thank you for.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:14:01

But I mean, you're so bongon Sarita to raise their question online.
I'm chinito chinita Tolentino, you're recognized Pam chinita.
Do you want to say something for?
So lanell, that's my chinita several my suggestion now.
Yes, ma'am.
Some hand, she Salvador.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:14:28

Mom, seriously.
But the opening on, yeah.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:14:33

Yes, you're you're recognizer.
Go ahead.
Yes, Sir. Sir.
Yes, and mom?

Salvador Pelingon 1:14:37

Rose Telegina Pina parking and cause him yet about the reading program.
The answer key stage one means and can say I'm gonna Papa and single.
When I was still a principal, but Papa Bosi, you math teacher tapos a well.
Emma. Simple.

Janette Bautista joined the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:14:54

Yuma Binabasa Nubata didn't eat.
You want sila?
Now young pasilla anubha, Anbar basahin Kobun America tabbing anabay Annaba
you might get one. OK.
RO4A TOSCO-Cavite City left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:15:07

That's not really team I'm I camera minimum.
Find the guy.
Got meat in Paris?
Upgrade produced no more materials and the Puma is a just a Renato in Johnson
Or produce human as a key stage.
One material maroma reading symbols like for the sounds Alibaba, Casey, Bataller,
Papa Binasa, Nathaniel Limbaugh.

NELLIE BIANGDAN left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:15:27

When it comes to human paternal and foreigner, I will announce symbol and
barcenilla nonlethal.

Marita D. Aquino left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:15:34

AIA the McCabe CURRICULUM again, you.

ROBERTO Pantig left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:15:40

Stage one.
So I stage 2-3 and four in general condition.

Jojiemar Obligar left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:15:46

The mental in this little.
Jecelyn De Leon left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:15:48

If I knew about Basahin, just say I'm not open SIM comma Papa Cabasag.
You're not getting to basahin Ito Lobo batter in English now the giving you bought
in Barcelona.
Magno on Cassie.
My mother sounds sounds you later.
My, my, my, my so in Thailand.
And now you won't answer key stage one parameter is to Janette Nathan.
And that's the case number and at least and I'm buying lots of other consonants.
My Meron Silang guy companion Barber sign, Securian Langgam and aching back
input today.

Thelma Deza left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:16:24

Thank you, Salama Salama.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:16:27

John, actually.
Maganda siya.
So Basta, I'm tired about my reading and asset purity room.

Thelma Deza joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:16:35

My reading below possum and A2 prong approach nerlisa reading.
So unless I could, you know, dinner tomorrow, you're subclassing. When?
Challenge that, like actually challenging to say, OK to take 2/3.

Jecelyn De Leon joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:16:48
So first this stage the same bacayo Eva in Depmar Marano Macassa I am Meron Sila
massages on picture story.
Or wordless book, the wedding and wordless casing. So.
Pictures are, so that's one way.
Some suggestion that post how much didn't tell you?

John Chavez joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:17:12

You wanna words?
Are not talaga I'm I'm solution Lang talaga nothing Vito lalona Friday.
Friday, no monitor.
You telegrama teachers OK, 2-3 Thailand talaga nila magusa parrucho annoying
problem and and then Akita panilla done some Monday to to Thursday daluna sakis
days that our learners are still beginning to read.
So in Daniela, you appreciate and reading reading materials.
Unless unless caronan so they can.
You know, like they can others other others can do an activity for syllables a Filipino,
others can do activities for word families.
Basically, the way they do on it.
Ohh my rap and can therefore reading to develop their love for reading.
Whether you wanna read aloud whether Naman, Yuma, wordless books?
That's in a calamondin Selena Bassano nagbabasa still one under the Laguna word.
Don't answer my pictures now.
So you running Salamat says the suggestions they know will taken for Juan.
We will, we will really try to help and I I think Bago coming, I really would like to
encourage everyone manga, manga, chips and supervisors to really assist the school
laluna do on Satish stage one.

Ermelo Escobinas left the meeting

Roselyn O. Sad-en left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:18:41

For me, I beg that a that a collaborative expertise or school based learning action
cells should happen.

ROV_Leo S. Moral left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:18:49

Philippine them total agasha if we really want to address and reading problem OK,
especially with this stage one, the teacher should convene and see what what, what
is, what has not been achieved.

Edna Mendoza left the meeting

Mineilwin Serda?a left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:19:06

We all know Nicola, you oras plus the reading comma.
Time passer rating. Who?
I know you mean been achieved on Union and got the window on sockets up Friday.
I know you reading.
OK, love you and ponhagban and a better windy but talaga.

Virgen Delas Flores HS joined the meeting

Severa Salamat left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:19:23

You have to go back to that kind of kind of activities and make it fun.
You know anyone that's a Clara?
No minions, Ascena, Vinny.
And Hindi marunong magbasa.
How did you and I know you to do on my visa and I don't know what?
That was a critical thinking and it developed so Sir Salamat Sarah, you suggestions?
I hope not.
In the Lamian Namin, well taken, then you take the new chips, the nandito
supervisors, because as I've said, this is our.
This is our program and this is what we have to do to be able to help improve the
reading ability.
Thank you so much, ma'am rose.

Salvador Pelingon 1:20:10

Ah, I'm apollyon Casey.
Yeah, I hope Araling Panlipunan supervisor, Medina salsa and then Langman, Kamiki
say nothing.
That angry solved now of all customer the coming alive.
Like I say, kahit the result reading and science and math coming araling panlipunan I
like in the I thought the casinos, I mean didn't you critical thinking Machado in
emphasizes araling panlipunan better you think is put the leg and Nikita.

Christopher Viernes joined the meeting

MICHELLE LOSANEZ left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon 1:20:38

It's a pardon.
So I've become easier to dial.
Are you in maggots?
Upcoming Kasama Partner piece education.
So I'm in Papa.
Socks are Alpine Pero and it's also come back to keep Apple and emphasis when it
comes time.
Allotment and those among our core areas?
Not then.
Science, math, and English fatass Halos one hour and you about 50 minutes.
Elementary 7 talinka Miss Aaral Pan 40 minutes Long, Pero Park in the problem.
That's I'm.
I'm in the on the.
Yeah, it's.
See, that's the announcer.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:21:12

Uh, all teacher should be reading teacher, so meaning to say that that bataller again
supervisor you finally new reading materials that La Gamit Nang feature?
I said that, but reading materials now, Angela, man, I araling panlipunan.
And you know, that's all about that.
Not the total diction of concept to normal araling panlipunan, Romanian like Lupa
and your dad.

Severa Salamat joined the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:21:39

But Cassie, Reading is a tool to learning, other to learning other learning areas.
Try calling structure OK and so like yourself, too long, too long. Ohh.

Salvador Pelingon 1:21:54

And I got NASA Baba.

Mark Anthony Papa 1:21:56

Of open OK.

Salvador Pelingon 1:21:58

Rose Mae Makiki and not coming back.
And those are reading.
I know yours.
Yes, you know, you like my parent joined force.
I thought concept to NASA army Papa and which is union coolant materials.
Thank you. So.
Mark Anthony Papa 1:22:20
Apple said before your mother, your mother, content content and also supervisors
But I'm gonna pay you pasted level that you can involve upon grade one my shop
and Grade 2 mashup from grade grade.
We can use some.
Some gonna do to run and reading.
That's about only one bus.
And bad that takes too long.
Araling panlipunan.
I know that you want suck it nayun Cassidy bar reading is the vehicle to all learning.
Reading 1st and everything follows.
If you get learning, you don't content.
OK, Salamat summer suggestions again.
Too long, too long time.
You program it, talk in dinner DEP.
That's and DEP.
Ed, it don't add in my building at my building in your building, Longyan and DEP.
Ed style.
So for Hindi Tayo of Vita, you must work Walla and the end.
So your neon so Salamat talaga at I know at open.
Can you some suggestions at Sakasama?

David M. Nuay (Guest) left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa 1:23:27

So thank you so much, ma'am.

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:23:29

Who's taking so much?


Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:23:29
Our dear participants for actively participating for on our open forum.
So yes, it's it, but that ends our morning session.
Our dear participants?
So we we will be expecting everyone to be to be back, I think exactly it's 12:15 at
exactly 115 per hour afternoon session because we have we line up our our very
competent specialist to discuss about the integrative approach in.
But I guess education, health, education and peace education.

VON CHRISTIAN OCAMPO left the meeting

Gaudencio Luis Serrano 1:24:05

So again, let's take our lunch.
See you later.

Dennis B. Valdez left the meeting

John Chavez left the meeting

Salvador Pelingon left the meeting

Rosziel Rosales left the meeting

Henry Garcia left the meeting

Ma. Lucila Anatalio left the meeting

Heidilyn Tolentino left the meeting

LOUIE ERNI (Guest) left the meeting

Elena D. Hubilla left the meeting

MARICEL DELOS SANTOS left the meeting

Rogie Montiveros left the meeting

Ariel Vicedo left the meeting

Richard Ponhagban left the meeting

Rosarie Carlos left the meeting

Ma. Esperanza Malang left the meeting

Victoria Burgos left the meeting

JONATHAN MENDOZA left the meeting

Joey Jader left the meeting

Rechie Salcedo left the meeting

Rogelio Falcutila left the meeting

Gerime Decena left the meeting

Dennis Bermoy left the meeting

SOLEDAD BAYLON left the meeting

Edna Oabel left the meeting

Edna C. Caserial left the meeting

Palestina Randy left the meeting

Milanie De Castro left the meeting

SDO Bacoor Alexander left the meeting

Modesta Jaurigue left the meeting


Maria Ruena R. Yaptangco left the meeting

GLORIE MARIE PACHONG left the meeting

Rafael Rubio left the meeting

REMELYN ACLIBON left the meeting

Melvin Lazaro left the meeting

Francis Jeremiah Serra left the meeting

Jowell Pilotin left the meeting

Zenaida Roberto left the meeting

Charlie Tapales Carreon left the meeting

MICHELLE LOSANEZ joined the meeting

KRISSEL QUEMQUEM left the meeting

Rafael Rubio joined the meeting

JESSICA TELEGRAPO left the meeting

edwin (Guest) left the meeting

digna.teodoro003 left the meeting

Juliet Ragojos left the meeting

Mineilwin Serda?a joined the meeting

Jaspher Laorino joined the meeting

Christopher Viernes left the meeting

JENNIE G. CASAUAY left the meeting

MARILOU TAÑADA left the meeting

Peter John Frial left the meeting

Joel Valdez left the meeting

Gerime Decena joined the meeting

clarisa (Guest) left the meeting

Mark Anthony Papa joined the meeting

Miguel Ularte left the meeting

Myrna G Adduru left the meeting

Norhainie Macatoon left the meeting

LESLIE DENOSTA left the meeting

Miguel Ularte joined the meeting

GRIZELDA R. SANGLITAN left the meeting

Mary Jane B. Gonzales left the meeting

Juanita N. Morato (Guest) left the meeting

Ferdie left the meeting

Region III_Teresita Alquiza left the meeting


Ruby Baniqued left the meeting

WILFREDO DELOS SANTOS left the meeting

Elizabeth Berdadero left the meeting

JHOMAR SOR joined the meeting

Region V_Maria Grecia Renolayan left the meeting

Modesta Jaurigue joined the meeting

Jackelyn Aguinaldo left the meeting

Sarahjane Delostrinos left the meeting

Gemima Estrabillo left the meeting

JHOMAR SOR left the meeting

Joel Valdez joined the meeting

MA. LORENA CARDENAS joined the meeting

Gerry Goze left the meeting

Cherrilyn Nabor joined the meeting

Marilou Syjueco left the meeting

Belinda Mendoza left the meeting

Rustico Abalos left the meeting

Wilma S. Carrera-Pangasinan I left the meeting

Maria Venancia Causon left the meeting

Lilibeth Salvador left the meeting

R4A_Henry P. Contemplacion left the meeting

NCR Manila FR ALVIN GACOS left the meeting

Ronkyle Soriano left the meeting

DAISY B. JULIAN left the meeting

DIANA C. BAGUIO left the meeting

MA. LORENA CARDENAS left the meeting

Jaspher Laorino left the meeting

Margerie Bathan left the meeting

Edgar Sor Belmonte joined the meeting

Racquel D. Salazar left the meeting

NCR_Reena Orquina left the meeting

Edgar Sor Belmonte left the meeting

Ronkyle Soriano joined the meeting

Jocelyn Castillo left the meeting

Mirasol Rongavilla left the meeting

NCR - SDO Manila - Ebenezer Beloy left the meeting

Rowela Caperina left the meeting

Ronkyle Soriano joined the meeting

Ronkyle Soriano joined the meeting

Ronkyle Soriano stopped transcription

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