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Presented by:
Alishba F2022370030
Sobia Shafique F2022370034
Maleeha Ilyas F2022370035
Areeba Muskan F2022370009
Hanzala Saleem F2019370175
■ Definition, Function, Purpose
of an abstract
■ Qualities, Types and
Components of an abstract
■ Stylistic Consideration
■ Writing an abstract: Dos and
Don’ts, and voice
■ Examples of a Good Abstract
An abstract is a self contained outline or
brief summary of:
■ A paper
■ A large documents
■ A study
■ A presentation
When do people write an abstract?
1. When submitting article to journals, especially
online journal
2. When applying for research grants
3. When writing a book proposal
4. When complete the Ph.D dissertation or M.A
5. When writing a proposal for a conference
6. When writing a proposal for a book chapter

■ Help reader decide

whether to read the
text or not
■ Summarize the finding
of the text
■ Help scholars find your
Sufficient and
Information Quantitative

Short ABSTRACT Exact

Understandable Self
Types of an Abstract
Descriptive Informative
■ Used for humanities and
■ Used for science
social science papers of
engineering or phycology
psychology essays
■ Describes the major
■ Informs the audience of
points of the project to a
all essential points of the
■ 50-100 words
■ About 200words
Structure of an abstract stand for
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
Stylistic Consideration
■ The abstract should be one paragraph and should
not exceed the word limit. Edit it closely to be sure it
meets the Four C’s of abstract writing:
■ Complete — it covers the major parts of the project.
■ Concise — it contains no excess wordiness or
unnecessary information.
■ Clear — it is readable, well organized, and not too
■ Cohesive — it flows smoothly between the parts.
What makes a
good abstract?
• Coherent and concise
• Covers all the
essential academic
• Not include any
• Contains no
information not
included in the paper
Voice of a good abstract
■ Modern scientific ■ Avoid using I or we,
style prefer the but choose active
Active voice verbs instead of
passive when
■ E.g Gasoline was
sweetened by iron
bauxites in air. ■ E.g The study
tested….. rather
than It was tested
by the study.
Example: Humanities thesis abstract
■ This paper examines the role of silent movies as a mode of shared
experience in the US during the early twentieth century. At this time,
high immigration rates resulted in a significant percentage of non-
English-speaking citizens. These immigrants faced numerous
economic and social obstacles, including exclusion from public
entertainment and modes of discourse (newspapers, theater, radio).
■ Incorporating evidence from reviews, personal correspondence, and
diaries, this study demonstrates that silent films were an affordable
and inclusive source of entertainment. It argues for the accessible
economic and representational nature of early cinema. These
concerns are particularly evident in the low price of admission and in
the democratic nature of the actors’ exaggerated gestures, which
allowed the plots and action to be easily grasped by a diverse
audience despite language barriers.
■ Keywords: silent movies, immigration, public discourse,
entertainment, early cinema, language barriers.

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