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- To study the concept of green Banking

-To make awarness among consumer and Financial Institution

-To understand how consumers respond to green Banking

-To Identify the challenges by Financial institution when implementing green Banking

- To Identify enviromental benefit's From green Bunking.


- Age



1) Are you aware of the concept of green Banking?



2) if yes How did you receive information about green Banking ?

1) online

2) in-branch

3) Do you currently use a bank that promotes green Banking ?

1) yes

2) No
4) Are you aware of any green banking Products offered by your Current Bank?


2) No

5) How do you feel about enviromental impact of your Banking Activities.


2) better

3) Average

6) What would encourage you to choose a green Bank?

1) better investment

2) eco -Friendly Activities

7) Would you be able to use green Banking Financial Products ?

1) yes

2) NO

8) would you able to pay fee for banking Activities?

1) Yes

2) NO

9) Are there any problems to adopting green Banking Practices ?


2) No

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