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CULTURE AND ITS RELATED CONCEPTS resulting disruption of the integration and

equilibrium of the culture.

• Culture integration. It refers to the bringing
together of conflicting cultural elements, • Cultural survival. It is related to cultural lag in
resulting in a harmonious, and cohesive that it represents a traditional way that has
whole. It also refers to the mutual adjustment not changed with the times. However, it is a
of diverse or conflicting culture traits to from distinct concept in the sense that it is used to
a harmonious cultural system. designate a practice which has lost its
functional significance completely and which
• Cultural variation. Each culture has a unique
survives solely on the basis of custom.
character. Despite the presence of cultural
universals, there is still great diversity among • Culture Universal is an element, pattern, trait,
the many cultures, even within a nation, or institution that is common to all
certain segments of the populace will develop human cultures worldwide.
cultural patterns which differ from those of
the dominant society.

• Ethnocentrism. It refers to the tendency to

assume that one’s culture and way of life are
superior to all others, the ethnocentric person
sees his/her own group as the center or
defining point of culture and views all other
cultures as deviations from what is normal.

• Cultural relativism. It refers to the viewing of

people’s behaviour from the perspective of
their own culture. It stresses that different
social contexts give rise to different norms
and values. It places a priority on
understanding other cultures, rather than
dismissing them as strange or exotic unlike
ethnocentrism. It also employs the kind of
value neutrality in scientific study.

• Xenocentrism. It is the belief that products,

styles, or ideas of one’s society are inferior to
those that originate elsewhere, or simply, the
rejection of the culture of one’s own group.

• Culture shock. It describes the occupational

disease of people who have been suddenly
transplanted in different culture than their
own. It refers to the feeling of surprise and
disorientation that is experienced when
people witness cultural practices different
from their own.

• Subcultures. They are groups whose values

and related behaviours are so distinct that
they set their members off from the general

• Culture lag. It refers to the situation when

one or some parts of a culture change at a
faster rate than other related parts, with a

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