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There are different types of social media services that cater to different needs and accommodate
various types of content. Social media can be defined as any platform that allows you to share media
such as pages, videos or text in different formats. These platforms allow you to connect and
communicate with people you know and even those you don’t know. Social media are now being used
in different purposes. The main factor that distinguishes the different types of social media is the type of

1. Social Networking Sites

 These are sites mainly used for connecting with friends and family.
 They focus more on person to person conversations.
 These platform also encourage knowledge sharing.
 Accommodate the different types of content formats from texts to photos and videos.
 Center of communication
 Jack of all trades

EXAMPLES: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

2. Image- based sites

 Designed to amplify the sharing of images
 Infographics, illustrations and images

EXAMPLES: Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat

3. Video sharing/streaming platforms

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