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The graph presented below illustrates the quantity of shops that ceased operations and the

number of newly established within a specific country during the period spanning from 2011 to

Although there were some fluctuations, it is clear that the quantity of shop closures and openings
was reduced. ("Despite some fluctuations, the overall trend indicates a reduction in both shop
closures and openings.")
Despite the first half of 2011 and the duration from 2014 to 2016, the number of shop closures
was higher than the amount of shop openings. "The number of shop closures consistently
exceeded the number of shop openings in the first half of 2011 and from 2014 to 2016."

In 2011, the amount of shop openings reached a peak of 8,500, but it suddenly decreased to
4,000 by 2012.
After 2012, more newly established shops appeared and the quantity of them rose to over 6,000,
approximately the same as the number of shops that ceased operations. "From 2012 onwards,
the number of newly established shops increased significantly, reaching over 6,000, which was
approximately the same as the number of shops that closed down."
During the period from 2014 to 2018, the number of shop openings continued to fall, eventually
reaching only 3,000."Between 2014 and 2018, the number of shop openings consistently
decreased, eventually reaching a low point of only 3,000."

The peak number of the shops that closed was 7,000 in 2013, while this particularly country had
5,000 new shops. "In 2013, the number of shop closures peaked at 7,000, whereas the country
experienced the establishment of 5,000 new shops."

Between 2014 and 2016, the quantity of shop closures experienced both a plunge and a sudden
rise, and reaching an all-time low of about 600 in 2015. "Between 2014 and 2016, the number of
shop closures experienced a significant drop, followed by a sudden rise, reaching an all-time low
of approximately 600 in 2015."

However, after 2016, the amount of shop closures rose to 5,000 and remained at this level for
the rest of the period.

The first line graph compares the percentage of families with electrical

devices, while the second line graph shows how much hours that
people do housework every weekin the same country over a period of

99 years.

It is clear that refrigerator and vacuum cleaner have become the most

popular devices after 1980. In the meanwhile, washing machine have

become the third place. In 1920, washing machines were the main

electrical devices that helping people to do housework, for about 40

percent. Vacuum cleaners accounted for 30 percent with the second

place while people hardly had the refrigerator in their house. In the

meanwhile, people spent amount of time doing housework for 50 hours

every week. Between 1945 and 2000, the amount of households that

have refrigerators rose to a peak of 100 percent,.And refrigerators over

took washing machines and vacuum cleaners as the primary appliances

of doing housework. The number of vacuum cleaners over took

washing machines in 1960 and become the most popular devices in

2000 as the same as refrigerators. By contrast, washing machines saw a

samll decrease to approximately 60 percent by 1980. As there were

many kinds of electrical appliances appeared in this country's families,

the time that people spent on housework down to 10 hours per week in


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