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Garapati sujith
Report on the solidification of an ingot of Silicon
For many years, silicon has been the standard component used in semiconductor production.
Nonetheless, there has been a need to discover alternatives due to the growing need for faster and
more potent computer circuits.

 improved thermal and electrically conductive materials. It's a good idea to have a backup plan in
place, especially if you're going to be travelling. In the YouTube video, it was shown how computer
chips may be overclocked without melting if a substrate made of synthetic diamond crystals is
utilised. This article will compare the crystallisation of a diamond to that of silicon and examine any
potential effects on the semiconductor market.

A diamond crystal forms differently from a silicon crystal during the solidification process.
Diamond is a covalently linked substance, meaning that each carbon atom is joined to four nearby
carbon atoms by a strong chemical connection forms Tetrahedral configuration. Carbon atoms from
the melt bind to the diamond crystal surface during solidification and create new bonds with the
carbon atoms already present in the crystal lattice. The crystal will continue to develop in this
manner until it reaches the appropriate size.

Diamond can withstand substantially higher temperatures before melting since it has a melting
point that is roughly 3,700°C higher than silicon's. Diamond is a desirable material for a chip
substrate in high-performance computing applications because of this characteristic. Unlike silicon,
which has a melting point of around 1,414°C
The Semiconductor Industry's Repercussions:
The semiconductor industry may undergo a revolution if man-made diamonds are used as a
substrate for computer chips. Chips can operate at higher temperatures thanks to the use of
diamonds, which enables them to be without running the risk of a breakdown. This may lead to
quicker and more potent processing capabilities, which may be advantageous in a number of
applications, including data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific research.

The use of diamonds as a substrate is not without its difficulties, though. , to. A the best to the
same, so long, again and again, again, again. Then again. a third time. the. Furthermore, the
production of diamond substrates is still in its infancy and requires additional research to increase
productivity and lower prices.

In conclusion, a diamond crystal's ability to solidify differently than silicon does has the potential to
transform the semiconductor industry. There are certain difficulties with its acceptance, however
using synthetic diamonds as a substrate for computer chips can lead to faster and more potent
computing capabilities. Added investigation and to fully harness the potential of diamonds in
semiconductor fabrication, further research and development are required.

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