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Recreational Activities- Activities that are mostly done for relaxation, fun/play, and enjoyment. These will
help you gain enough skills to find joy and deep satisfaction that you become recreated, refreshed, and
revitalized for the demands of work and daily living.

Physical Recreation- people exerts efforts and bodily functions in performing the action.

Mental Recreation- the mind is doing the functions with less body movement.

Classifications of Recreational Activities

1. Spectator Type-people spend their time watching the event and derive enjoyment from it.

2. Participant type- People who participate in an activity.

Types of Recreation

A. Passive Type- people have no excessive movement in performing the task or action. Ex. Reading,
Painting, Photography, Fishing and Board Games

B. Active Type- people have to function effectively in performing the action. Ex. Basketball, Skateboarding,
Bicycling, and Patintero (Laro ng Lahi

Indoor activities are also a part of the recreation programme. Indoor recreation activities are undertaken
on the comfort of one’s home or more specifically indoor and they are to recreate the mind and soul.

Outdoor Activities sports like the ones mentioned also provide us with the means to exercise and hence
happen to be one of the best forms of recreation. Outdoor recreation sport examples include nature
walks, river rafting, cycling, camping, fishing, hiking, adventure park, surfing, and sports.

Tumbang preso- “Presohan. “A game played in backyards, parks or even in streets with less vehicular
traffic. The equipment needed is an empty milk can, slipper or a piece of flat stone as "pamato."

 IT- the one that guard the preso, defending a can and Tagging the opponents
 Pamato- materials that hitters use to hit the can
 the game requires 3 or more players

Patintero- try to cross my line without letting me touch or catch you, the aim of the game is to accumulate
as many points as possible. This game promotes teamwork and camaraderie it also fosters a sense of
belonging and pride

 Equipment: Chalk or paint, a scoreboard, whistle, stopwatch, and powder

Sipa- Sipa (game of kick) - The object being used to play the game is also called sipa. It is made of a washer
with colorful threads, usually plastic straw, attached to it. The sipa is then thrown upwards for the player
toss using his/her foot.

 Technique: Perfecting precise aiming for targeted kicks.

CHESS- It originated in India before the 6th century AD. “ROMANTIC ERA OF CHESS” was predominant
chess playing style down to the 1880s. It is characterized by SWASHBUCLING ATTACKS. Second half of
19th century Modern Chess tournament began. 20th century the establishment of the WORLD CHESS

How to play Chess is a two-player game, where one player is assigned white pieces and the other
black. Each playerhas 16 pieces to start the game: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two
knights and eight pawns

The object of the game is to capture the other player's king. This capture is never actually
completed, butonce a king is under attack and unable to avoid capture, it is said to be checkmated and
the game is over.

The game is started in the position shown below on a chess board consisting of 64 squares in an
8x8 grid. The White player moves first. Then each player takes a single turn. In fact, a player must move
in turn. In other words a move cannot be skipped



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