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Naming of Chemical Compounds

 Transition metals —The Group B Elements

Atoms and ions

 Atoms are electrically neutral.

 Same number of protons and electrons.
 Ions are atoms, or groups of atoms, with a charge.
 Only electrons can move.
 Gain or lose electrons.


 A negative ion.
 Has gained electrons.
 Non metals can gain electrons.
 Charge is written as a super script on the right.
 F-1 Has gained one electron
 O-2 Has gained two electrons


 Positive ions.
 Formed by losing electrons..
 Metals form cations.
 K+1 Has lost one electron
 Ca+2 Has lost two electrons.

Two Types of Compounds

1. Molecular compounds
 Made of molecules.
 Made by joining nonmetal atoms
 Together into molecules.

2. Ionic Compounds
 Made of cations and anions.
 Metals and nonmetals.
 The electrons lost by the cation are
 Gained by the anion.
 The cation and anions surround each other.

Charges on ions

 For most of the Group A elements, the Periodic Table can tell what kind of ion they will form
from their location.
 Elements in the same group have similar properties.
 Including the charge when they are ions.

Chemical formulas represent Compounds.

 Oxidation numbers are used to determine the ratio in which elements combine to form
 Oxidation numbers tell the number of electrons an atom gained or lost when forming the
Formula Writing: The Criss-Cross Rule
Metal with fixed Oxidation number + Nonmetal

1. In naming binary compounds containing metals with fixed oxidation number, the metal is
named first, followed by the nonmetal with the ending –ide.

 Name of Metal (Root of Non-metal) -ide


NaCl = Na+ Cl- = sodium chloride

MgBr2= Mg+2 Br- = magnesium bromide

Metal with Variable Oxidation number + Nonmetal

2. In naming binary compounds containing metals with variable oxidation numbers, the oxidation
number must be specified.

Two types of naming system

1. Stock system – the oxidation number is indicated by Roman numeral in parentheses.

2. Classical system – the suffixes –Ous and -ic are used to denote the lower and higher oxidation

Classical Method (for elements that have Latin names and only have two possible oxidation numbers)

Rule: stem name of metal + -ous or –ic + Stem name of nometal + ide
Note: The suffix –OUS is used if the metal is iin its lower oxidation state; an IC if it is in its higher
oxidation state.

Example: FeS – Ferrous sulfide

Fe2S3 – Ferric sulfide

 Stock Method

Rule: name of metal (oxidation number in Roman numeral) + stem name of Nonmetal + ide


CuCl – Copper(I)cholride

CuCl2 – Copper(II)Chroride

Binary compounds Containing two non-Metals

 1 mono-
 2 di-
 3 tri-
 4 tetra-
 5 penta-
 6 hexa-
 7 hepta-
 8 octa
 9 nona-
 10 deca-

 To write the name write two words

 Prefix name Prefix name -ide
 One exception is we don’t write mono- if there is only one of the first element

Metals with Polyatomic Ions

 Polyatomic ion is a stable group of atoms that carries an overall electrical charge.
 Metals with a single Oxidation Number Bound to Polyatomic Ions
 Naming these compounds is just like rule 1, Except we do not add –ide to the end of the
polyatomic ion.
 Name of Metal ( Name of Poly atomic ion)

 Transition Metals Bound to Polyatomic Ions

 When the metal has more than one possible oxidation number, more than one
compound can be formed.
– We must use Roman Numerals to indicate which oxidation number the metal is using

 Name of Metal (Metal’s Oxidation State as a Roman Numeral) Name of Polyatomic Ion

You must memorize these.

 Acetate C2H3O2-¹
 Nitrate NO3-¹
 Nitrite NO2-¹
 Hydroxide OH-¹
 Permanganate MnO4-¹
 Cyanide CN-¹

Polyatomic ions

 Sulfate SO4-²
 Sulfite SO3-²
 Carbonate CO3-²
 Chromate CrO4-²
 Dichromate Cr2O7-²
 Phosphate PO4-³
 Phosphite PO3-³
 Ammonium NH4+¹

Things to look for

 If cations have (), the number is their charge.

 If anions end in -ide they are probably off the periodic table (Monoatomic)
 If anion ends in -ate or -ite it is polyatomic

Have two parts:

1. Reactants = the substances you start with

2. Products = the substances you end up with
 The reactants will turn into the Products.
 Reactants → Products

 In a chemical reaction

Atoms aren’t created or destroyed (according to the Law of Conservation of Mass)

A reaction can be described several ways:

#1. In a sentence every item is a word copper reacts with chlorine to form copper (II) Chloride.

#2. In a word equation some symbols used copper + chlorine → copper (II) chloride

 Symbols in equations

the arrow (→) separates the reactants from the products (arrow points to products)

–Read as: “reacts to form” or yields

 The plus sign = “and”

 (s) after the formula = solid: Fe(s)
 (g) after the formula = gas: CO2(g)
 (l) after the formula = liquid: H2O(l)

 Symbols used in equations

 (aq) after the formula = dissolved in water, an aqueous solution:
— (aq) is a salt water solution

 used after a product indicates a Gas has been produced: H2↑

 used after a product indicates a Solid has been produced: PbI2↓
 double arrow indicates a Reversible reaction (more later)
 shows that Heat is supplied to the reaction
 is used to indicate a Catalyst is supplied (in this case, platinum is the catalyst)

What is a catalyst?

 A substance that speeds up a reaction, without being changed or used up by the Reaction.
 Enzymes are biological or protein catalysts in your body.
The Skeleton Equation

 Uses formulas and symbols to describe a reaction

— doesn’t indicate how many; this means they are NOT Balanced
 All chemical equations are a Description of the reaction.

Write a skeleton equation for:

1. Solid iron (III) sulfide reacts with gaseous hydrogen chloride to form Iron (III) chloride and
hydrogen Sulfide gas.
2. Nitric acid dissolved in water reacts with solid sodium carbonate to form liquid water and carbon
dioxide gas and sodium nitrate dissolved in water.

Balanced Chemical Equations

 Atoms can’t be created or destroyed in an ordinary reaction:

— All atoms we start with we must end up with (meaning: balanced!)
 A balanced equation has the same number of each element on both slides of the equation.

Rules for balancing:

1) Assemble the correct formulas for all the reactants and products, using “+” and “→”
2) Count the number of atoms of each type appearing on both sides
3) Balance the elements one at a time by adding coefficients (the numbers in front) where
you need more
4) Double-Check to make sure it is balanced.
 Never change a subscript to balance an equation (You can only change coefficients)
– If you change the subscript (formula) you are describing a different chemical.
– H2O is a different compound than H2O2

 Never put a coefficient in the middle of a formula; they must go only in the front
— 2NaCl is okay, but Na2Cl is not.


There are five types of chemical reactions

1. Synthesis reactions
2. Decomposition reactions
3. Single displacement reactions
4. Double displacement reactions
5. Combustion reactions

Steps to Writing Reactions

Some steps for doing reactions

1. Identify the type of reaction

2. Predict the product(s) using the type of reaction as a model
3. Balance it, don’t forget about the diatomic elements!

(BrINClHOF) For example, Oxygen is O2 as an element.

 In a compound, it can’t be a diatomic element because it’s not an element anymore, it’s a

 Combination Reactions

Synthesis reactions occur when two substances (generally elements) combine and form a compound.
(Sometimes these are called combination or addition reactions.)

 Reactant + reactant → 1 product

 General Equation: A + B → AB

We can predict the products, especially if the reactants are two elements.

 Mg + N2 → Mg3N2 (symbols, charges, cross)

Depending on the reactants involved, a combination reaction may follow different patterns.

1. Metal + nonmetal --→ salt

— (s) + S(s) → FeS(s)

2. Nonmetal oxide + water → oxyacid

— SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3(aq)

3. Metal + Oxygen → metal oxide

— 2Mg(s) + O2(g) → 2MgO(s)

4. Metal Oxide + water → metal hydroxide

— CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq)

5. Nonmetal + oxygen → nonmetal oxide

— (s) + O2(g) → SO2(g)

6. Metal Oxide = nometal oxide → salt

— + SO3 → MgSO4


 occur when a compound breaks up into the elements or in a few to simpler compounds
 1 Reactant → Product + Product
— General Equation: AB → A + B
 one reactant breaks apart into two or more Elements or compounds.
 Note that energy (heat, sunlight, electricity, etc.) is usually required


 T are 8 elements that never want to be Alone.

 They form diatomic molecules.
 H2
 N2
 O2
 F2
 Cl2
 Br2
 I2
 At2

 The –ogens and the –ines

 1 + 7 pattern on the periodic table


 We can predict the products if it is a binary compound (which means It is made up of only two
 If the compound has more than two elements you must be given one of the products
— The other product will be from the missing pieces


 Single Replacement Reactions occur when one element replaces another in a compound.
 A metal can replace a metal (+) OR A nonmetal can replace a nonmetal (-).
 Element + compound→ product + product
— + BC → AC + B (if A is a metal) OR
— A + BC → BA + C (if A is a nonmetal)

(remember the cation always goes first!)

 We can even tell whether or not a single Replacement reaction will happen:
— Because some chemicals are more “active” than others
— More active replaces less active

 Activity Series of Metals

— on the list replaces those lower.
Combustion Reactions

 Combustion reactions occur when a Hydrocarbon reacts with Oxygen gas.

 This is also called Burning!!! In order to burn something you need the 3 things in the

“fire triangle”:
1) A Fuel (hydrocarbon)
2) Oxygen to burn it with
3) Something to ignite
 The reaction (spark)


 Lewis (Electron) Dot Structures

 Lewis Structure: atoms represented using the Element symbol and dots for valence electrons
 – Two shared e- equals one bond
– e not used to form a bond are called “lone pairs” or “nonbonding pairs”
 Cations (positive ions) have Lewis structures without valence electrons
 Anions (negative ions) have Lewis structures with 8

 Created by Gilbert Lewis in 1916

 Shows structural formulas for compounds
- Arrangement of atoms and bonds within a compound

 Uses valence electrons

 One dot = one valence electron
 One dash = a covalent bond = two electrons

 Lewis Structures

1) Find your element on the periodic table.

2) Determine the number of valence electrons.
3) This is how many electrons you will draw.

 Find out which group (column) your element is in.

 This will tell you the number of valence electrons your element has.
 You will only draw the valence electrons.

 Each column is Called a “group”

 Each element in a Group has the same number of electrons in their outer orbital, also
known as “shells”
 The electrons in the outer shell are called “valence electrons”

Ionic Bond: a total transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another

 Ionic compounds form into crystals of repeating formula units

 Ionic bonds are extremely strong
 Reactions between metals and nonmetals (representative) tend to form ionic bonds

— A positively charged ion (CATION) is attracted to a negatively charged ion (ANION)—

attraction between ions is due to their opposite charges
— Example: Na+ + Cl- → NaCl


 Chemical Bond: the force of attraction between nuclei and valence electrons of neighboring
atoms that binds the atoms together
 Interactions involving valence electrons are responsible for the chemical bond (only valence
electrons are transferred or shared in chemical reactions)
 Valence electrons are outermost s and p Sublevels
– Bonds form in order to…
 decrease PE
 increase stability

In covalent bonding, atoms still want to achieve a Noble gas configuration (the octet rule). But rather
than losing or gaining electrons, Atoms now share an electron pair.


 Covalent Bond: attractive forces due to the sharing of electrons between atoms
 A group of covalently bonded atoms (with no overall Charge) is called a molecule

Result from sharing of electrons (so that all atoms have filled outer energy levels  stable)

In addition to hydrogen, atoms in Groups 4A, 5A, 6A, & 7A often form covalent bonds.

Covalent compounds can contain single, double or triple bonds between atoms
– Single covalent bond: formed by a shared pair of electrons between two atoms
– Bond strength increases as the number of bonds between the atoms increases


 Empirical Formula: Shows the relative numbers of Atoms in a compound (ratio of atoms to each
 Molecular Formula: Shows the exact formula of the compound (the number of atoms of each
element in the compound)
 Structural Formula: Identifies which atoms are bonded to which in a molecule
– Dashes (in structural formulas) indicate a pair of shared electrons (dashes are NEVER
used to show ionic bonds)


 Most bonds are a blend of ionic and covalent characteristics

 Nonpolar Covalent Bond

— e (negative) are shared equally

— symmetrical e- density
— usually identical atoms

 Polar Covalent Bond

— e (negative) are shared unequally
— asymmetrical e- density
— r in partial charges (dipole)

 Electronegativity
— Attraction an atom has for a shared pair of electrons.
— e-neg atom
— lower e-neg atom

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