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Movie Review

Children of Heaven:
 Directed by Majid Majidi, an Iranian film director, producer, and screenwriter.
 Premiered on February 1997 at the Tehran Fajr Film Fes val
 Iranian Family Drama
 Budget: US$180,000 ~ INR 14,881,797.
 The movie is about a brother and sister, Ali and Zahra, who live in a poor sec on of Tehran
and have to share one pair of shoes a er Ali loses Zahra’s shoes by accident. They try to keep
this a secret from their parents and face many challenges and adventures along the way.
 The movie shows love, perseverance, and compassion in the midst of the poverty of Ali
(Brother) and Zahra (sister). Ali enters a race to win a new pair of shoes, but he faces many
obstacles and challenges along the way. He finishes third in the race, but the climax has an
interes ng twist.
Ac ng:
 The ac ng in Children of Heaven has been widely praised for its emo onal depth. Amir
Farrokh Hashemian (Ali) and Bahare Seddiqi (Zahra), deliver powerful performances as
brother and sister, bringing to life the struggles and joys of childhood. Mohammad Amir Naji
(Father) and Fereshte Sarabandi (Mother) also give moving performances as the children’s
parents, portraying the challenges of raising a family in poverty.
Direc on:
 Majid Majidi has spectacularly directed this movie. He captured the innocence of childhood,
as well as the struggles of family life. The screenplay was awesome. The Shoe has been
repeated in many shots as it shows it plays an important role in the movie.
 The music in Children of Heaven was composed by Keivan Jahanshahi. The film’s soundtrack
is filled with heightened naturalis c noises, it was essen al for the powerful storytelling.
Making Technique:
 The film’s audio-visual language is simple and unadorned, which adds to emo onal depth.
The film’s cinematography, music, and performances all contribute to its powerful
storytelling. Overall, the making technique in Children of Heaven is one of the many
elements that make it a beloved and appreciable movie.
 This movie is a beau ful movie, in which the beauty of the brother and sister rela onship is
served to the audience. This is a must-watch movie. I would recommend it to the audience of
Family Drama.
Ra ng:
 4.3 out of 5 (as per me)

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