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Nowadays, technology is an important part of everyday life for every human being.
Even though technology has upsides,making our lives more covenient it has also
brought a couple of drawbacks we can not overlook.

It is now easier than ever to access the internet, whether you are using a computer or a
phone.However internet has become a really misleading information and a dangerous
place for people because of social media.

Social media makes you addicted to validation from others and it has been claimed by
a British study in 2018 that it leads to mental health damage.

In addition,it makes you compare yourself to others' unrealistically lifestyle, making

you feel unworthy.

On the other hand, on the internet you can learn and develop some skills.For
instance,youtube provides free videos that teach you drawing skills and basics.

Online learning is really effective and compelling because of its visuals and the main
points that are stated.

Other benefits of technology, such as artificial intelligence, are meant to simplify the
lives of humankind. The robots used to clean your house, the self parking system that
decreases the odds of having an accident.

Although, this may not be the proper usage of this technology, robots are being
involved in the medical field where they are performing a more accurate surgery than
a human being.

On the whole, I believe that technology is a two-edged sword that yet we did not
manage to handle it.

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