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Marasigan, Mark Daniel P.





1.When you hear the word "crime," what comes to your mind?
When I hear the word "crime," I think of actions that violate laws and regulations, leading to legal
consequences. Crime evokes thoughts of actions that defy established laws and regulations,
encompassing a broad spectrum of unlawful behaviors. It includes offenses ranging from petty theft
to more severe acts like assault or fraud, each carrying its own legal ramifications. The concept of
crime extends beyond individual transgressions, involving societal implications and the need for
justice systems to maintain order. When contemplating crime, considerations of motives,
consequences, and the impact on both individuals and communities often come to mind. Ultimately,
the term signifies a breach of established norms that requires legal intervention and societal

2. When someone studies criminology, how do they explain the causes of crime or criminal
In the field of criminology, criminologist explore the multifaceted nature of criminal behavior by
examining various theories that attempt to explain its causes. Some focus on individual factors, such
as psychological traits or biological influences, suggesting that certain characteristics may predispose
individuals to criminal conduct. Social theories, on the other hand, emphasize the role of external
factors like poverty, social inequality, and environmental conditions in shaping criminal behavior.
Additionally, criminologists often consider the interplay between genetics, environment, and
individual choices to gain a comprehensive understanding of why crimes occur. The study of
criminology thus involves a nuanced examination of both personal and societal elements contributing
to criminal conduct.



1.Describe criminology and crime in your own words.

Criminology is the scholarly exploration of crime, seeking to understand its origins, patterns, and
societal implications. It delves into the complex web of factors that contribute to criminal behavior,
ranging from individual traits to broader social and economic conditions. Criminologists employ
various theories and methodologies to analyze crime, aiming to decipher its root causes and propose
effective strategies for prevention and intervention. Crime itself refers to actions that violate
established laws, encompassing a diverse range of behaviors from minor offenses to more severe
transgressions. The study of criminology plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of
criminal dynamics and informs efforts to create safer, more just societies.

2. What would be your reaction if someone is involved in the commission of a crime? Why would
you react that way?
In general, society typically expects individuals to report or intervene in criminal activities to uphold
the law and ensure the safety of others. Ethical considerations and legal obligations often guide
people to report crimes to the authorities, fostering a sense of responsibility and contributing to the
maintenance of social order. Ultimately, responses to someone involved in criminal activities are
shaped by societal norms, legal obligations, and the pursuit of justice.

1.Why is there a need to study about crimes?
Studying crimes is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps society understand the root causes of
criminal behavior, enabling the development of effective prevention and intervention strategies.
Secondly, criminological research contributes to the improvement of legal systems by informing
lawmakers and policymakers about emerging trends and areas requiring attention. Thirdly, studying
crimes enhances public safety by providing insights into patterns, allowing law enforcement to
anticipate and address potential threats. Additionally, it fosters a deeper understanding of societal
issues such as poverty, inequality, and systemic factors that may contribute to criminality. Ultimately,
the study of crimes is instrumental in creating informed, evidence-based approaches to fostering a
safer and more just society.

1.What comes to your mind when you read the phrase "schools of thought in criminology"? In the
space provided below, write down all your ideas.
When I encounter the phrase "schools of thought in criminology," my thoughts turn to the diverse
theoretical perspectives that criminologists employ to understand and explain criminal behavior. It
encompasses classical theories, emphasizing rational choices and deterrence, as well as positivist
perspectives that explore biological, psychological, and social factors influencing criminal conduct.
The interactionist school focuses on the symbolic meanings attached to criminal acts within societal
contexts. Marxist criminology delves into the relationship between crime and socio-economic
structures, highlighting issues of power and inequality. Overall, the concept evokes a rich tapestry of
intellectual frameworks, each contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the complex
phenomenon of crime.
1.What is the importance of the schools of thought in criminology?
The schools of thought in criminology play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of criminal
behavior. These theoretical frameworks provide diverse lenses through which scholars analyze and
interpret the root causes of crime, offering insights into the complexities of human conduct. By
exploring different perspectives such as classical, positivist, interactionist, and Marxist theories,
criminologists can develop a more nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature of criminality.
These schools of thought not only contribute to academic discourse but also inform the development
of effective crime prevention strategies and criminal justice policies. Ultimately, the importance lies
in their ability to guide both research and practical applications, fostering a more informed and
holistic approach to addressing issues related to crime and societal well-being.

2. Differentiate the schools of thought in criminology.

The schools of thought in criminology can be differentiated based on their core principles and
perspectives. Classical criminology, rooted in the works of figures like Cesare Beccaria, emphasizes
free will, rational choices, and the concept of deterrence as essential elements in understanding
criminal behavior. Positivist criminology, in contrast, explores external factors such as biology,
psychology, and social environment to explain why individuals engage in criminal activities.
Interactionist theories focus on the symbolic meanings attached to criminal acts, examining how
societal reactions and labeling contribute to the development of criminal identities. Marxist
criminology, influenced by Marxist social theory, highlights the role of socio-economic structures
and power dynamics in shaping criminal behavior. These distinct schools of thought provide varied
lenses for comprehending the causes and consequences of crime within society.




1.What comes to your mind when you read the phrase "criminological theory"? In the space provided
below, write down all your ideas.
When I encounter the phrase "criminological theory," I think of systematic frameworks and concepts
developed to explain and understand the root causes, patterns, and consequences of criminal
behavior. Criminological theories aim to provide insights into why individuals engage in illegal
activities, exploring factors such as social, psychological, economic, and environmental influences.
These theories serve as intellectual tools for scholars in the field of criminology to analyze and
interpret various aspects of crime, contributing to a deeper understanding of the complexities
involved. Criminological theories can be categorized into different schools of thought, each offering
a unique perspective on the dynamics of criminal conduct. Overall, the phrase evokes a rich and
evolving body of knowledge that informs research, policy-making, and practical strategies in
addressing and preventing crime.

1.What is the importance of a theory?
The importance of a theory lies in its ability to provide a structured framework for understanding and
explaining phenomena. In any field, a theory serves as a guiding principle that helps organize
observations, make predictions, and generate new knowledge. In criminology, for instance, theories
help elucidate the complex dynamics of criminal behavior, offering insights into causes and potential
interventions. The application of theories is crucial for developing evidence-based practices, shaping
policies, and fostering a deeper comprehension of various aspects of human behavior. Overall,
theories contribute to the advancement of knowledge, facilitating a systematic approach to inquiry
and problem-solving in diverse disciplines.

2. Differentiate criminological theory from other theories.

Criminological theory specifically focuses on explaining the causes, patterns, and consequences of
criminal behavior within society. Unlike more general theories, criminological theories delve into the
unique factors influencing criminal conduct, such as social, economic, and psychological elements.
These theories aim to provide a specialized understanding of criminal phenomena, offering insights
into the motivations behind illegal activities. While other theories may encompass broader concepts,
criminological theories are tailored to address the complexities of crime and deviance. The
differentiation lies in the specificity and depth with which criminological theories analyze the
intricacies of unlawful behavior within the context of social structures and individual dynamics.



1.Describe theory in your own words.

A theory, in essence, is a systematic framework that helps us make sense of and explain observed
phenomena. It serves as a conceptual model or set of principles that organize information and guide
our understanding of a particular subject. The role of a theory is to provide a structured basis for
interpretation, prediction, and further exploration within a given field of study.
2. Identify one theory in criminology and list down its main idea and discuss it with a classmate.
One prominent theory in criminology is the Social Learning Theory. Its main idea revolves around
the concept that individuals learn criminal behavior through social interactions and associations with
others who endorse or engage in such activities. Discussing this theory with a classmate could
involve exploring examples of how social environments and peer influences contribute to the
acquisition of criminal behaviors, fostering a deeper understanding of how interpersonal dynamics
shape criminal conduct.

1.What is the importance of theories in studying criminology?
Theories in criminology are essential for providing systematic explanations of criminal behavior,
helping researchers and practitioners understand the complexities involved. These theoretical
frameworks guide the formulation of hypotheses, drive empirical research, and contribute to
evidence-based practices in crime prevention and intervention. Importantly, criminological theories
offer a structured foundation for comprehending the root causes of crime, informing policies and
strategies aimed at fostering safer and more just societies.


1.Look for two theories: one in criminology and the other one in other fields of study. Make a
comparison. Report in class your answers.
In criminology, one notable theory is Social Control Theory, which posits that individuals conform to
societal norms due to the various social bonds and controls in place. Contrasting this with a theory
from a different field, in psychology, the Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes the role of
observational learning and modeling in shaping behavior. While Social Control Theory centers on
social influences to explain conformity, Social Cognitive Theory extends this idea to encompass a
broader range of behaviors influenced by observational processes. Discussing these theories in class
could highlight the interdisciplinary nature of social science theories and how they address behavior
from distinct perspectives.

1.What is the purpose of a theory in the field of criminology?
The purpose of a theory in criminology is to provide a systematic and organized framework for
understanding the causes, patterns, and consequences of criminal behavior. These theoretical
frameworks help researchers and practitioners make sense of complex phenomena, guiding the
formulation of hypotheses and empirical studies. Ultimately, criminological theories contribute to the
development of effective crime prevention strategies and policies by offering insights into the
underlying dynamics of criminal conduct.


1.What comes to your mind when you hear the words "theory testing"? In the space provided below,
write down all your ideas.
When I hear the words "theory testing," I think of a systematic process aimed at evaluating the
validity and reliability of a theoretical framework. This involves empirical research and experiments
designed to examine whether the predictions and principles outlined in a theory hold true in real-
world situations. The concept underscores the importance of practical application and empirical
evidence to validate or refine theoretical concepts within a given field of study.
1.What is the role of theories in explaining crime and criminal behavior?
Theories in criminology play a pivotal role in explaining crime and criminal behavior by providing
structured frameworks to understand the underlying factors influencing unlawful conduct. These
theories help identify and analyze the root causes, patterns, and consequences of criminal behavior
within society. By offering systematic explanations, criminological theories contribute to the
development of evidence-based strategies for crime prevention, intervention, and the enhancement of
criminal justice systems.

2. Why is there a need for a theory to be tested?

Testing a theory is crucial to validate its accuracy, reliability, and applicability in real-world
situations. Through empirical testing, researchers can assess whether the predictions and principles
outlined in a theory align with observed phenomena, enhancing the theory's credibility. This process
ensures that theories in various fields, including criminology, are grounded in evidence and can
withstand scrutiny, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the development of effective


1.What comes to your mind when you are asked about "research." In the space provided below, write
down all your ideas.
When asked about "research," I think of a systematic and organized process aimed at generating new
knowledge or expanding existing understanding in a particular field. It involves the exploration of
questions or hypotheses through data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Research is a
foundational activity across various disciplines, contributing to advancements, problem-solving, and
informed decision-making.

1.What is the importance of the role of research in criminology?
The role of research in criminology is paramount as it allows for the systematic investigation and
analysis of crime-related phenomena. Through empirical research, criminologists can identify
patterns, understand causal relationships, and develop evidence-based strategies for crime prevention
and intervention. Research in criminology is essential for shaping policies, improving criminal
justice systems, and contributing to a deeper comprehension of the complex dynamics surrounding
criminal behavior.


1.What do you mean by research?
Research refers to a systematic and methodical process of inquiry aimed at discovering, interpreting,
or revising knowledge within a specific field. It involves the collection and analysis of data to answer
questions, test hypotheses, or explore new ideas, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject
under investigation. Research can take various forms, including experimental studies, surveys,
observations, and literature reviews, providing a structured approach to acquiring reliable
information and contributing to the advancement of knowledge.
2. How important is research in criminology?
Research in criminology is crucial as it provides the empirical foundation for understanding the
causes, patterns, and consequences of criminal behavior. It enables the development of evidence-
based strategies for crime prevention, intervention, and policymaking. The significance of research in
criminology lies in its capacity to inform effective practices within the criminal justice system and
contribute to the creation of safer and more equitable societies.

1.Analyze the meaning of research based on your experience during your high school days.
Research is important because you may know what the people needs. Research needs a critical
thinking skills. And it gathers information.

1.What comes to your mind when you read the phrase "research designs"? In the space provided
below, write down all your ideas. Read out your answers to the class.
When I read the phrase "research designs," I think of the structured plans or frameworks that guide
the systematic investigation of questions or hypotheses. Research designs encompass various
methodologies, such as experimental, observational, or survey designs, outlining the procedures for
data collection and analysis. These designs are essential in shaping the reliability and validity of
research studies, providing a blueprint for conducting investigations in a systematic and organized

1.Analyze the role of a research design in a research study.
The research design plays a pivotal role in guiding the entire research study, providing a
structured plan for data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It helps researchers make
informed decisions about the methods they will employ to address their research questions or
hypotheses. A well-designed research plan enhances the study's reliability, validity, and overall
quality, ensuring that the results contribute meaningfully to the field of inquiry.

2. Explain the importance of research design in the success of a study.

The importance of research design in the success of a study cannot be overstated; it serves as the
blueprint that shapes the entire research process. A well-thought-out research design ensures that the
study is methodologically sound, helping to minimize biases and errors in data collection and
analysis. The success of a study is intricately linked to the appropriateness and rigor of its research
design, influencing the reliability and validity of the findings and contributing to the overall
credibility of the research.



1.What happens to a person if he/she is charged of a certain crime?
If a person is charged with a crime, they typically go through legal proceedings, which may include
arrest, booking, and an initial court appearance. Depending on the severity of the charges, the person
may be released on bail or held in custody until trial. Subsequent steps involve court hearings, the
presentation of evidence, and potential sentencing if the individual is found guilty, emphasizing the
importance of due process within the legal system.

2. How will it affect a person's life when charged of a crime?

Being charged with a crime can have profound effects on a person's life, impacting their reputation,
relationships, and overall well-being. The stigma associated with criminal charges may lead to social
isolation and strained personal connections. Additionally, the legal consequences, such as potential
fines, imprisonment, or probation, can have lasting repercussions, influencing employment
opportunities and future prospects.

1. What is the distinction of crime and sin?
Crime and sin are distinct concepts rooted in different frameworks. Crime is a legal term referring to
an act that violates established laws and regulations within a specific jurisdiction, often resulting in
legal consequences. On the other hand, sin is a religious or moral concept, denoting actions that
transgress divine or ethical principles and may lead to spiritual consequences. While crimes are
defined by societal laws, sins are often interpreted within the context of religious or moral doctrines.


1. How will authorities determine that a specific crime was committed?
Authorities determine that a specific crime was committed through a systematic investigative
process. This involves gathering evidence, conducting interviews, analyzing forensic findings, and
employing various techniques to reconstruct the sequence of events. The culmination of these efforts
allows authorities, such as law enforcement and prosecutors, to build a case that establishes the
commission of a crime, presenting the evidence in a court of law for legal proceedings.

1. What is the importance of determining the elements of a crime?
Determining the elements of a crime is crucial for ensuring justice and maintaining the integrity of
legal systems. It provides clarity on the specific actions or conditions that constitute criminal
behavior, guiding law enforcement, prosecutors, and the judiciary in their roles. By establishing and
proving these elements, authorities can fairly and consistently apply the law, protecting the rights of
individuals and upholding the principles of due process.


1. What comes to your mind when you read "classification of crimes." In the space provided below,
write down all your ideas.
When I read "classification of crimes," I think of the systematic categorization of criminal offenses
based on their nature, severity, and legal implications. This involves organizing crimes into different
classes or categories to aid in understanding, analysis, and legal proceedings. The classification helps
law enforcement, legal professionals, and policymakers address diverse criminal activities with
tailored approaches and appropriate legal consequences.

1. Explain the importance of classifying crimes.
The classification of crimes is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a systematic
framework for understanding and organizing a wide range of criminal behaviors. Secondly, it aids
law enforcement in prioritizing and addressing different types of crimes based on their severity and
societal impact. Thirdly, the classification assists in the development of targeted legal responses and
policies, ensuring a more effective and nuanced approach to crime prevention and intervention.

2. What do you think will happen if the law doesn't have classification of crimes? Support your
Without a classification of crimes, legal systems would lack the necessary structure to differentiate
offenses based on their nature and severity. This could lead to inconsistencies in legal responses,
making it challenging for law enforcement and the judiciary to appropriately address varying levels
of criminal behavior. A lack of classification might result in ambiguous legal consequences,
hindering efforts to establish a fair and just legal system that effectively deters, punishes, and
rehabilitates offenders.


1.In the space provided below, write down all your ideas about a criminal.
A criminal is an individual who has been convicted of committing a crime, an act that violates
established laws. The term encompasses a wide range of offenses, from minor infractions to more
serious felonies, and is applied upon legal determination of guilt. Criminals may face various legal
consequences, including fines, probation, imprisonment, or a combination thereof, depending on the
severity of the committed crime.

1.What is the role of a criminal in the study of criminology?
In the study of criminology, the role of a criminal is to serve as a subject of analysis and examination.
Criminologists aim to understand the factors that contribute to criminal behavior, examining the
motivations, patterns, and consequences of criminal acts. By studying criminals, researchers gain
insights that inform the development of theories, strategies for crime prevention, and policies within
the criminal justice system.

2. How an individual becomes a criminal? Support your answer.

Criminological theories suggest that various factors contribute to an individual becoming a criminal.
These factors may include biological influences, such as genetic predispositions, psychological
factors like personality traits, and social elements such as family environment and peer associations.
Additionally, socio-economic conditions, education, and systemic inequalities are often considered in
understanding the pathways that lead individuals to engage in criminal behavior.



1. In the space provided below, write all your ideas about crime statistics.
Crime statistics provide quantitative data on the prevalence and types of criminal activities within a
given jurisdiction. These statistics are typically compiled by law enforcement agencies and
government entities to track trends, assess the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies, and
allocate resources. While crime statistics offer valuable insights, their accuracy and reliability can be
influenced by reporting practices, societal factors, and the level of trust in the criminal justice system.

1.Explain the significance of collecting data about crimes and criminals.
Collecting data about crimes and criminals is significant as it enables informed decision-making
within the criminal justice system. These data help identify patterns, trends, and hotspots, allowing
law enforcement to allocate resources efficiently and develop targeted crime prevention strategies.
Additionally, data collection aids researchers and policymakers in assessing the effectiveness of
interventions, shaping evidence-based policies, and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the
factors influencing criminal behavior.

2. How do crime statistics help in the prevention of crimes in the society?

Crime statistics play a crucial role in crime prevention by providing insights into the patterns and
trends of criminal activities within a society. Law enforcement agencies can use this data to allocate
resources strategically, focusing on areas with higher crime rates or emerging trends. Additionally,
policymakers can develop targeted prevention programs and policies informed by the analysis of
crime statistics, contributing to more effective measures for reducing criminal incidents.


1.What is the importance of collecting crime and criminal data to law enforcement organizations?
Collecting crime and criminal data is vital for law enforcement organizations as it allows them to
identify crime trends, allocate resources effectively, and enhance overall public safety. Through
detailed data analysis, law enforcement can strategically deploy personnel to areas with higher crime
rates, improving response times and preventing criminal activities. Moreover, this information
enables agencies to assess the impact of their interventions, adapt strategies, and collaborate with
other stakeholders to develop targeted initiatives for crime reduction.

2. How do law enforcement organizations collect data to be used in the national perspective?
Law enforcement organizations collect data for national perspectives through various means,
including crime reports, incident records, and arrest data. These organizations often collaborate with
other agencies and participate in national crime reporting systems to contribute to comprehensive
databases. The collected data is then standardized and submitted to national databases, allowing for
the analysis of crime trends, patterns, and comparisons on a broader scale.

1. Why do law enforcement organizations need to have a uniform process in collecting and recording
crime and criminal data?
Uniform processes in collecting and recording crime and criminal data are essential for ensuring
consistency, accuracy, and reliability in law enforcement information. Standardized procedures help
avoid discrepancies in reporting, enabling agencies to share data seamlessly and contribute to
national crime databases. A uniform approach facilitates meaningful analysis, aiding law enforcement
organizations in identifying trends, allocating resources effectively, and collaborating on a broader
scale to address crime comprehensively.



1.What comes to your mind when you are asked about the data collection of the PNP when it comes
to crimes and criminals? In the space provided below, write down all your ideas.
Philippine National Police (PNP) likely utilizes a comprehensive data collection system for crimes
and criminals. This system would involve the documentation of crime reports, incident records, and
arrest data through standardized processes. The PNP's data collection efforts are likely geared
towards analyzing crime trends, allocating resources efficiently, and contributing to national
databases for a more coordinated approach to law enforcement.

1.How important are the uniform crime periodic reporting system adopted by the PNP and its effects
in data collection system in the country?
The uniform crime periodic reporting system adopted by the PNP is of paramount importance as it
standardizes data collection processes across different regions and localities in the Philippines. This
uniformity enhances the accuracy and reliability of crime data, allowing for consistent analysis and
comparison of crime trends nationwide. The adoption of such a system contributes to a more
cohesive and comprehensive understanding of crime patterns, enabling effective policy-making,
resource allocation, and collaborative efforts in addressing criminal activities at the national level.


Crime mapping and crime trends play a crucial role in crime prevention strategies by providing law
enforcement with valuable insights into the spatial and temporal patterns of criminal activities.
Through mapping, agencies can identify high-crime areas and allocate resources strategically to
enhance patrols and surveillance. Understanding crime trends allows for the development of
proactive measures, targeted interventions, and community engagement efforts, contributing to more
effective and responsive crime prevention strategies.



1.What comes to your mind when you hear the word "victims"?
When I hear the word "victims," I think of individuals who have experienced harm, injury, or
injustice as a result of criminal acts, accidents, or other adverse circumstances. Victims often endure
physical, emotional, or financial consequences, and their needs for support and justice are crucial
considerations within legal and societal frameworks. The term "victims" highlights the human impact
of various situations and underscores the importance of empathy, assistance, and advocacy in
addressing their experiences.

2. Can we predict when a person is at risk of victimization and can be a crime target? Support your
Predicting with absolute certainty when a person is at risk of victimization and may become a crime
target is challenging due to the complex and dynamic nature of criminal behavior. However, certain
risk factors, such as socio-economic status, neighborhood conditions, and individual vulnerabilities,
can be identified through statistical analysis and research. Prevention strategies often focus on
addressing these risk factors, implementing community-oriented programs, and enhancing public
awareness to reduce the likelihood of victimization.

1.How are victims being treated under our criminal justice system?
Treatment of victims under the criminal justice system varies, but efforts have been made to
prioritize their rights and well-being. Many legal systems now recognize the importance of providing
victims with information, support services, and the opportunity to participate in legal proceedings.
Victim impact statements, victim compensation programs, and victim advocacy services are among
the measures aimed at acknowledging and addressing the needs of victims within the criminal justice


1.What comes to your mind when you heard the word "victims"? In the space provided below, write
down all your ideas.
When I hear the word "victims," I think of individuals who have suffered harm, injustice, or trauma
as a result of criminal acts or adverse circumstances. These individuals may experience physical,
emotional, or financial consequences, and their rights and needs become crucial considerations
within legal and societal frameworks. The term "victims" emphasizes the human impact of various
situations and underscores the importance of empathy, support, and justice in addressing their

1.How does society classify an individual as a victim?
Society generally classifies an individual as a victim when they have experienced harm, injustice, or
adverse consequences due to criminal acts, accidents, or other detrimental circumstances. This
classification acknowledges the individual's suffering and underscores the importance of recognizing
their rights and needs. Legal and societal frameworks often formalize this classification, providing
avenues for support, restitution, and seeking justice for those who have been victimized.

2. What are the roles of victims in the commission of a crime?

Victims play a crucial role in the commission of a crime as their actions or circumstances may
influence the dynamics of the criminal event. In some cases, victims may inadvertently contribute to
the opportunity for a crime to occur, such as through vulnerable situations or lack of security
measures. Understanding the roles of victims is essential in developing comprehensive crime
prevention strategies that address both the vulnerabilities of potential targets and the root causes of
criminal behavior.



1.In three sentences, give your idea about the reasons why certain individuals are prone to become
victims of crime.
Certain individuals may be more prone to becoming victims of crime due to various factors,
including socio-economic disparities, neighborhood conditions, and individual vulnerabilities. These
vulnerabilities can manifest as lack of access to resources, limited educational opportunities, or
residing in areas with higher crime rates. Understanding and addressing these risk factors are crucial
in developing effective crime prevention strategies and fostering a safer and more equitable society.

1.What is the importance of understanding the causes why individuals become victims of crime?
Understanding the causes of why individuals become victims of crime is vital for developing targeted
and effective crime prevention strategies. It allows for the identification and mitigation of risk
factors, addressing social inequalities, and creating policies that enhance overall community safety.
Additionally, this understanding fosters empathy, encourages support for victims, and contributes to a
more comprehensive approach to criminal justice that focuses on prevention and intervention.


1.Discuss with your partner your ideas on what causes individuals to violate a law or commit a crime.
1.Why is there a need to understand offending behaviors?
Understanding offending behaviors is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention
strategies within the criminal justice system. It allows authorities to address the root causes of
criminal conduct, implement targeted rehabilitation programs, and reduce recidivism. Moreover,
gaining insights into offending behaviors contributes to a more informed and empathetic approach,
fostering a society that addresses the underlying issues driving unlawful actions.

2. How will society benefit from knowing and understanding offending behaviors?
Society benefits significantly from knowing and understanding offending behaviors as it enables the
development of proactive measures for crime prevention. With insights into the root causes, patterns,
and motivations behind criminal conduct, policymakers can create more effective rehabilitation
programs, leading to reduced recidivism rates. Additionally, a comprehensive understanding of
offending behaviors promotes empathy and informed decision-making, contributing to the creation of
a fair and just criminal justice system.



1.Describe punishment in your own words.
Punishment, in essence, involves imposing consequences or penalties on individuals who have
committed wrongful acts. It is a societal response aimed at discouraging undesirable behavior,
seeking retribution, and promoting adherence to established laws. Punishments can take various
forms, ranging from fines and imprisonment to community service, with the overarching goal of
maintaining order, justice, and deterring future transgressions.

2.What would be your reaction if someone commits a crime and no punishment was given to him/her
after finding out that he/she is guilty of the act?
in a societal context, the lack of punishment for a guilty individual might raise concerns about
justice, deterrence, and maintaining social order. Punishment, often administered through legal
systems, is intended to deter criminal behavior and uphold the rule of law, so the absence of
consequences could be perceived as a failure in achieving these objectives. It's a complex matter that
involves considerations of fairness, rehabilitation, and the overall effectiveness of the criminal justice
1.What would be your reaction if someone commits a crime and no punishment was given to him/her
after finding out that he/she is guilty of the act?
Punishments are administered to individuals who commit crimes for several reasons. Firstly, they
serve as a deterrent, discouraging both the offender and others from engaging in criminal behavior.
Secondly, punishments are a form of societal retribution, seeking a sense of justice and balance for
the harm caused. Lastly, punishments may aim at rehabilitating offenders, guiding them toward
reintegration into society by addressing the underlying causes of their criminal actions.


1.What is the purpose of punishing people who violated the law and were found guilty of it?
The purpose of punishing individuals who violate the law and are found guilty serves multiple
objectives within the legal system. Firstly, it acts as a deterrent, discouraging both the offender and
others from engaging in unlawful behavior. Secondly, it seeks retribution or justice, providing a
consequence proportional to the harm caused by the criminal act. Lastly, punishment can serve
rehabilitative purposes, aiming to reform offenders and facilitate their reintegration into society as
law-abiding citizens.

2.Is punishment an effective way of restoring order in the society and making an individual a law-
abiding one?
The effectiveness of punishment in restoring order and fostering law-abiding behavior is a complex
and debated topic. While punishment can act as a deterrent and establish consequences for
wrongdoing, its efficacy depends on various factors, including the severity of the punishment, the
individual's mindset, and the presence of rehabilitative measures. A comprehensive approach that
combines appropriate punishment, rehabilitation, and preventive strategies is often considered more
effective in promoting long-term societal order and individual adherence to the law.

1.Why do we give punishment to someone who committed a crime?
Punishment is administered to someone who committed a crime for several reasons. Firstly, it acts as
a deterrent, discouraging both the offender and others from engaging in unlawful behavior. Secondly,
it serves a retributive function by providing a consequence that is proportionate to the harm caused
by the criminal act. Lastly, punishment may aim at rehabilitating the offender, addressing the
underlying causes of their criminal behavior to facilitate their reintegration into society as law-
abiding individuals.


1.When you hear the word “prison” what comes to your mind?
When I hear the word "prison," I think of a secure facility designed for the confinement and
rehabilitation of individuals who have been convicted of crimes. It brings to mind the notions of
incarceration, restriction of freedom, and the implementation of justice within the legal system.
Additionally, the word evokes the societal debates surrounding the purposes of imprisonment,
including punishment, deterrence, and rehabilitation.

2.When someone is in prison, how do you describe them and why?

When someone is in prison, they are often described as an inmate or a prisoner due to their legal
status as individuals serving a sentence for a criminal conviction. This terminology is used to
categorize individuals undergoing confinement within a correctional facility. The use of such terms is
neutral and reflects the legal and institutional context of their status during the period of


1.What comes to your mind if your mind if you are asked about “classification of prisoners”? In the
space provided, write all your ideas and share it in class.
When asked about the "classification of prisoners," I think of the systematic categorization of
incarcerated individuals based on various factors such as security risk, behavior, and rehabilitation
needs. This process helps correctional systems manage and address the diverse characteristics and
needs of the inmate population. Classification is essential for tailoring interventions, security
measures, and rehabilitation programs to enhance the overall effectiveness of the prison system.

1.What is the purpose of classifying prisoners?
The purpose of classifying prisoners is to systematically categorize them based on factors such as
security risk, behavior, and rehabilitation needs. This classification aids correctional institutions in
managing diverse inmate populations effectively, allowing for tailored approaches to security
measures, housing arrangements, and rehabilitation programs. By understanding the unique
characteristics of each prisoner, authorities can implement targeted strategies that promote safety,
reduce recidivism, and address individual rehabilitation requirements.

2.How classification of prisoners is done?

The classification of prisoners is typically done through a systematic process that assesses various
factors to determine their appropriate housing, security level, and program placement within a
correctional facility. This process often involves evaluating the nature of their offense, criminal
history, behavior in prison, and potential risk to themselves or others. The gathered information is
then used to assign each prisoner to a specific classification, facilitating the implementation of
tailored interventions and management strategies based on their individual needs and circumstances.


1.What does treatment means among inmates?
In the context of inmates, treatment refers to the various programs, interventions, and services aimed
at addressing their needs, promoting rehabilitation, and facilitating reintegration into society.
Treatment may encompass educational programs, vocational training, counseling, and mental health
services, addressing the underlying factors that contribute to criminal behavior. The goal of inmate
treatment is not only punishment for the committed offense but also fostering positive changes to
reduce the likelihood of reoffending upon release.

2.Does the punishment of imprisonment not enough for the inmates to be rehabilitated?
Imprisonment alone may not be sufficient for effective rehabilitation of inmates. While incarceration
serves punitive and deterrent purposes, rehabilitation requires addressing the underlying issues
contributing to criminal behavior. Comprehensive rehabilitation programs, including education,
vocational training, and mental health support, are essential to equip inmates with the skills and
mindset needed for successful reintegration into society, reducing the likelihood of recidivism.

1.How do inmates undergo treatment and reintegration programs?
Inmates undergo treatment and reintegration programs through structured interventions tailored to
their individual needs. These programs often include educational opportunities, vocational training,
counseling, and mental health services. The goal is to equip inmates with the necessary skills,
support, and mindset to facilitate a successful reintegration into society upon release, reducing the
risk of recidivism.

2.What are the advantages and/or benefits that the inmates get when undergoing treatment and
reintegration program?
Inmates undergoing treatment and reintegration programs benefit from improved skills, education,
and mental health support, enhancing their prospects for successful reintegration into society. These
programs provide opportunities for personal growth, reducing the likelihood of recidivism by
addressing the underlying issues contributing to criminal behavior. Additionally, successful
reintegration benefits society as a whole by fostering a more rehabilitative approach to criminal
justice and promoting the potential for positive contributions from formerly incarcerated individuals.



1.In the space provided below, write down all your ideas about why you think some people commit
Some people may commit crimes due to socio-economic disparities, lack of access to education and
employment opportunities, or systemic inequalities. Personal factors such as psychological issues,
substance abuse, or a history of trauma may also contribute to criminal behavior. Additionally,
environmental factors, peer influence, and the absence of positive role models can play a role in
shaping an individual's likelihood of engaging in criminal activities.

1.Why do we need to understand the causes of crime?
Understanding the causes of crime is crucial for developing effective crime prevention strategies and
fostering a more just and equitable society. It allows policymakers and law enforcement to address
root issues, implement targeted interventions, and create social policies that mitigate the factors
contributing to criminal behavior. By comprehensively understanding the causes of crime, society
can work towards creating environments that promote positive outcomes, reducing the prevalence of
criminal activities.

2. What can an ordinary person do to prevent crime?

An ordinary person can contribute to crime prevention by being vigilant and aware of their
surroundings, promoting community engagement and communication, and supporting local
initiatives aimed at addressing social issues. Building strong community bonds fosters a sense of
collective responsibility, making it harder for criminal activities to thrive. Additionally, promoting
education and addressing socio-economic disparities can have a positive impact on reducing the root
causes of crime.


1. What is the difference between punishments before and now?
The difference between punishments before and now lies in the evolving philosophies of criminal
justice. Historically, punishments were often harsh and focused on retribution, aiming to inflict
suffering as a deterrent. In contemporary times, there is a shift towards a more rehabilitative
approach, emphasizing the reform and reintegration of offenders into society through education,
vocational training, and mental health support.

2. How did earlier times render punishments to violators?

In earlier times, punishments for violators were often characterized by severity and brutality.
Practices included physical punishments like flogging, mutilation, or public humiliation, aiming to
deter others from committing similar offenses. The focus was on retribution rather than
rehabilitation, reflecting a harsh and punitive approach to maintaining order and justice.

1. What is the purpose of giving punishment to persons who violated the law?
The purpose of giving punishment to persons who violated the law serves several objectives within
the legal system. Firstly, it acts as a deterrent, discouraging both the offender and others from
engaging in unlawful behavior. Secondly, it serves a retributive function by providing a consequence
that is proportionate to the harm caused by the criminal act. Lastly, punishment may aim at
rehabilitating the offender, addressing the underlying causes of their criminal behavior to facilitate
their reintegration into society as law-abiding individuals.

2. How would the society look like if violators were not being punished?
A society without consequences for law violations would likely face challenges in maintaining order
and justice. The absence of punishment might lead to increased criminal activity, reduced deterrence,
and a breakdown of social norms. Such a scenario could erode public trust in the legal system,
impacting the overall sense of security and fairness within the community.


1. What do authorities do to individuals who committed a crime?
Authorities take various actions against individuals who commit crimes, starting with the
investigation of the offense. If found guilty, the legal system imposes punishments, which may
include fines, probation, imprisonment, or a combination thereof. Additionally, authorities may
implement rehabilitation programs to address the underlying causes of criminal behavior and reduce
the likelihood of reoffending.

2. How does the government process an individual into the criminal justice system?
The government processes individuals into the criminal justice system through a series of steps. It
typically begins with an investigation by law enforcement agencies, followed by arrest if there is
sufficient evidence. The individual then goes through legal proceedings, including arraignment, trial,
and sentencing if found guilty, marking their formal entry into the criminal justice system.

1.Why is there a need to undergo a process in the criminal justice system?
The process in the criminal justice system is essential for ensuring fairness, due process, and justice.
It provides individuals accused of crimes with the opportunity to present their case, challenge
evidence, and be judged based on established legal procedures. This structured process is crucial for
safeguarding the rights of the accused and maintaining the integrity of the legal system. based on
established legal procedures. This structured process is crucial for safeguarding the rights of the
accused and maintaining the integrity of the legal system.



1. When you hear that someone is a criminologist, what comes to your mind?
When I hear that someone is a criminologist, I think of an expert who studies the causes, patterns,
and effects of criminal behavior. Criminologists often analyze crime data, conduct research, and
contribute to the development of policies aimed at preventing and addressing criminal activities. The
field encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, combining elements of sociology, psychology, and
law to understand the complexities of crime in society.

2. When someone is a criminologist, what do they do for a living and what are their functions?
When someone is a criminologist, they typically work in various roles focused on understanding and
addressing criminal behavior. Their functions include conducting research to analyze crime patterns,
studying the root causes of criminal activities, and contributing insights to the development of crime
prevention strategies. Criminologists may also work in academia, law enforcement, policy
development, or as consultants, applying their expertise to enhance our understanding of crime and
improve societal responses to criminal behavior.
1. Analyze the work of a criminologist based on what you have experienced and what you have
observed on television. What qualities must a criminologist possess?
Based on observations and common portrayals on television, a criminologist's work involves
conducting in-depth research on criminal behavior, analyzing crime data, and offering expertise to
develop effective crime prevention strategies. A criminologist must possess qualities such as
analytical skills, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of social and psychological factors
influencing criminal activities. Additionally, effective communication and the ability to work
collaboratively with law enforcement, policymakers, and communities are essential for a
criminologist to contribute meaningfully to the field.

2. Among the qualities identified, why do you think it would be important to a criminologist?
The identified qualities, such as analytical skills and a deep understanding of social and
psychological factors, are crucial for a criminologist to excel in their work. Analytical skills aid in
dissecting complex data and patterns related to criminal behavior, while a profound understanding of
social and psychological factors allows for more nuanced insights into the root causes of crime.
Effective communication and collaboration are vital for translating research findings into practical
policies and fostering cooperation with law enforcement and community stakeholders.


1.What comes to your mind when you hear the word "criminologist"? In the space provided below,
write down all your ideas.
When I hear the word "criminologist," I think of a professional who specializes in studying and
analyzing criminal behavior, seeking to understand its root causes and contributing to crime
prevention strategies. Criminologists, in my perception, are researchers who delve into crime
patterns, analyze data, and offer expertise to inform policies aimed at addressing and mitigating
criminal activities. The term also brings to mind a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of
sociology, psychology, and law to comprehensively explore the complexities of crime in society.

1. What is the importance of the criminology profession in the Philippines?
The criminology profession in the Philippines holds significant importance in shaping the country's
criminal justice system and contributing to the overall safety and well-being of its citizens.
Criminologists play a crucial role in analyzing crime data, understanding the root causes of criminal
behavior, and developing effective crime prevention strategies. Their expertise is instrumental in
informing policies, guiding law enforcement practices, and fostering a more informed and equitable
approach to addressing crime within the Philippine context.

2. How does criminology differ from other profession?

Criminology differs from many professions as it specifically focuses on the study of criminal
behavior, its causes, and the societal responses to crime. Unlike other professions that may have
broader scopes, criminologists specialize in understanding the dynamics of criminal activities,
analyzing data, and contributing to the development of strategies for crime prevention. The
multidisciplinary nature of criminology, incorporating elements of sociology, psychology, and law,
distinguishes it in its comprehensive exploration of the complexities surrounding crime.

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