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The Role of Social Media in Career Decision-Making

of ABM Students: A Qualitative Study



June 2023
Research Problem

The investigators explored what students perceived influenced their career decision-making
within the intricate context of ABM education settings in (YOUR ENVIRONMENT).
The aim was to identify the role of social media in ABM students' career decision making. The
investigators sought to explain the students' career decisions and experiences. The term “career
decision making” is used here to describe students' educational experiences and the
circumstances, individuals, and actions that influence their career decision making. The major
question of this study was how the role of social media helped ABM students to make the
decision to pursue a career in ABM? The question contains many entrenched and intersecting
occurrences that require clear examination in order to understand and explain the main
phenomenon of this study.


Social media is a powerful tool for quickly providing and sharing information, allowing
career practitioners to reach a large number of people. People use social media to share their
experiences, reviews, information, advice, cautions, recommendations, and/or any other topic
that their "connections" or friends find interesting. This information is useful and may impact the
career decision making

This study aims to dive deeper into the role of social media in the career decision-
making of ABM students at (name of the respondents' school). Traditional contacts and
relationships between guidance practitioners and young people are being challenged by social
media. Control is shifting away from the 'expert' and toward a hybrid of expert and socially
generated knowledge. As a result, social media can play an important role in altering career
advice procedures and reaching out to young people who need help with job exploration and

Social media is not all about fun; it can also assist students develop their careers and
make the best job choices. Making the right decision is the first step toward a successful career.
Most people do not have their jobs figured out right away and thus require some help and
support to choose the proper professional path. Making an informed job choice entails knowing
about several career alternatives in depth in order to choose what works best for you.
Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the role of social media in career decision-making of
ABM Students

Specifically, the paper aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the respondent's profile in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Social Media Used

2. What are the effects of of social media to the respondents towards career decision making
according to:

2.1 credible source of information

2.2 fast learning

3. What are the top 3 course preferences of the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and
Management students?

4. Is there any significant relationship between role of social media on ABM students of (NAME
OF SCHOOL) and career decision making?

Scope of the limitation

This research was focused on the study of role of social media in Career Decision-Making of
ABM Students. This study was conducted in (NAME OF THE SCHOOL OF
RESPONDENT/ENVIRONMENT). This study focuses on gathering information about the role
of social media in career decision-making of ABM students. The researchers were able to gather
the needed data using survey questionnaires. Only those who were present during the survey
were involved in the study.
Significance of the study

This study serves its significance to the following:

Students will consider enough alternative choices in career selection to justify making an
informed decision and to help the student form a comprehensive plan or outline.

Teachers could provide students with relevant formation earlier in their schooling, and they
could be more aggressive in giving students information they could test and use in their daily
studies and apply to their career choice.

Industry they could examine where, why, and when it could be beneficial for them to invest
resources to train and educate students.

Future researchers can use this research as the basis for their studies and can continue this

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