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I. Nội dung
Thông thường dạng bài điền từ vào chỗ trống bao gồm 1 đoạn văn (khoảng 150 – 200 từ)
với các chỗ trống để điền từ. Đi kèm là các phương án cho học sinh lựa chọn để điền vào các chỗ
trống trong đoạn văn. Đây là dạng bài tập có phạm vi kiến thức rất rộng, nhằm kiểm tra kiến thức
ngôn ngữ tổng hợp của học sinh trong rất nhiều lĩnh vực ngữ pháp như:
1. Từ loại (danh từ, tính từ, động từ…)
2. Từ vựng (nghĩa của từ…)
3. Các cụm từ/ đặc ngữ
4. Cấu trúc ngữ pháp
5. Liên kết câu

II. Các bước tiếp cận

1. Đọc kỹ toàn bộ bài một lượt để hiểu nội dung chung của bài,
2. Xác định từ loại cần điền tại mỗi ô trống (danh từ, tính từ, động từ, liên từ...)

III. Các dạng câu hỏi

1. Xác định từ loại
Trong tiếng Anh có 3 loại từ cơ bản là danh từ, động từ, tính từ; và đây cũng chính là các từ
loại được hỏi nhiều nhất.
Nhận biết các từ loại này không khó, nhưng để chọn đúng từ cần điền vào chỗ trống, các em
cần nhớ những quy tắc sau:
• Danh từ thường đứng đầu câu đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ, hoặc đứng sau động từ làm tân ngữ cho
động từ đó.
• Tính từ dùng để bổ sung ý nghĩa cho danh từ và thường đứng trước danh từ.
• Động từ thường được bổ nghĩa bởi trạng từ (có thể đứng sau hoặc trước động từ).
• Ngoài ra, trạng từ có thể bổ nghĩa cho tính từ (đứng trước tính từ).

Khi làm bài, các em cần xác định vị trí của từ cần điền so với các từ xung quanh và đoán
xem đó là loại từ gì, sau đó mới nhìn xuống phần phương án lựa chọn. Với cùng một gốc từ, nếu có
xuất hiện một từ loại đang cần thì các em có thể chọn luôn. Trong trường hợp có hơn 1 từ cùng từ
loại thì ta phải cân nhắc về nghĩa.
Ví dụ:
a) […]. There are doubts about the _____ of the new drug in treating the disease. […]
A. effect B. effective C. effectiveness D. effectively
Chỗ trống cần điền đứng sau mạo từ “the” nên chắc chắn phải là danh từ. Trong 4 phương
án trên có tới 2 danh từ là effect và effectiveness nên ta phải dựa vào nghĩa của câu và từ để chọn.
Có những hoài nghi về tác dụng chữa bệnh của loại thuốc mới nên effectiveness là đáp án đúng.

Lưu ý:
• Trạng từ có thể đứng trước tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ nên cần đọc kỹ để chọn tính từ hay
trạng từ khi đứng điền từ trước một tính từ. Hay xem xét các ví dụ sau:
Ví dụ:
(1). The weather got _____ cold, especially when it started snowing.
A. increasing B. increasingly C. increased D. increase
Trong ví dụ trên, tư cần điền là trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ cold nên chúng ta phải chọn đáp án B
(increasingly cold: ngày càng lạnh)

(2) She bought a ______ old Indian lamp

A. beautifully B. beautiful C. beauty D. beautify
Trong ví dụ trên, đáp án phải là B (beautiful), là một tính từ, đứng trước một tính từ khác (old) bổ
nghĩa cho danh từ chính (lamp) chứ KHÔNG phải là một trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ.

• Khi chọn tính từ cùng gốc từ, các em cũng lưu ý tính từ đuôi –ing chỉ bản chất, đặc điểm của
người, sự vật hiện tượng còn đuôi –ed chỉ cảm giác bị tác động của người như trong hai ví dụ sau:
(1) Jessie looked so ______ in that white costume with long black hair.
A. frightening B. frightenened C. frighten D. fright
Trong ví dụ (1), đáp án phải là A (look frightening: trông cô ấy đáng sợ khi), để chỉ đặc điểm của
Jessie khi mặc đồ trắng toát và xõa tóc dài đen.

(2) Jessie looked so ______ when she witnessed the robbery.

A. frightening B. frightened C. frighten D. fright
Trong ví dụ (2) đáp án phải là B (frightened) để chỉ cảm giác hoảng sợ của Jessie khi chứng kiến vụ

• Khi chọn động từ để điền, các em cần lưu ý thời (quá khứ, hiện tại, tương lai…đơn, hoàn thành
hay tiếp diễn), thể (chủ động hay bị động), và hợp số ít, số nhiều với danh từ.
• Giới từ trong tiếng Anh cũng là một mảng hay gây nhầm lẫn cho người học. Khi chọn giới từ, các
em cũng nên chú ý:
(1). Ngày dùng on (on Monday, on the second/2nd of May), tháng dùng in (in January…), giờ dùng
at (at 7a.m) và dịp nào đó dùng at (Christmas, Easter) nhưng on occasion.
(2) Giới từ chỉ vị trí: người Việt Nam hay định vị sự vật hiện tượng theo chủ quan vị trí của mình
(nên nói: Mẹ cháu ở dưới vườn nếu người nói ở trên nhà cao tầng hoặc cái quạt trần ở trên trần nhà
vì trần nhà ở trên cao hơn họ). Tuy nhiên, trong tiếng Anh, vị trí của sự vật hiện tượng được tư day
trong tương quan với các sự vật hiện tượng khác. Vì vậy ta có:
- The fan is under the ceiling.
- The lady is in (inside) the garden.
- He is swimming in the lake.
(3) Các cụm từ đôi khi đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu:
At… At present/ at times/ at first/ at once/ at least/ at once…
So…So far/ so on/ so much/ so well…
ON time/ ON board/ IN time

2. Từ cần điền không cùng một gốc từ,

Khi từ cần điền không cùng một gốc từ, chúng ta xét đến nghĩa của từ như trong ví dụ sau:
b) […] an airliner was making a flight from France. After making a ______ in Greece, it took off
again with over two hundred passenger. […]
A. stopover B. break C. recess D. turn
Chỗ trống cần điền là danh từ, tuy nhiên cả 4 từ được cho trước đều là danh từ nên ta xét đến nghĩa
của từ. Trong trường hợp trên, từ cần điền xét theo nghĩa phải là A (stopover: điểm dừng ngắn giữa
hai chặng bay). Break có nghĩa là nghỉ giải lao (của buổi học), recess là nghỉ giữa giờ (của một vụ
xử trên tòa hay của một buổi làm việc của cơ quan chính quyền); turn là một lượt.
Bây giờ, các em hãy thử sức mình với bài tập sau đây!
New opportunities with an Open University degree

Like any other university, the Open University can give you a degree. However, you don’t
have to (1) _______working to study. It can also open up a whole variety (2) ______ _
If you have (3) _______ studied before, you will enjoy the special, new pleasure of (4)
_______ your knowledge. You will make friends of (5) _______ kinds. You may also (6)
_______ that qualification provides new career opportunities.
You don’t actually (7) _______ to the Open University for lectures, but study at home,
using television, radio and computer software. You can (8) _______ one class a mouth if
you wish at an Open University centre. Of course, there are exams to take, as in (9) ____ ___
If you (10) _______ like to know more, all you have to do is complete the form below. It
could be the start of a wonderful new period in your life.
1. A. stop B. end C. break D. leave
2. A. from B. of C. in D. for

3. A. ever B. never C. often D. always

4. A. growing B. changing C. adding D. increasing
5. A. all B. each C. both D. every
6. A. suggest B. find C. wish D. want

7. A. join B. enter C. arrive D. go

8. A. give B. attend C. learn D. study
9. A. any B. some C. many D. most
10. A. did B. will C. would D. can

The first women scientist
Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt in 370 A.D. For many centuries she was (1)
_______ only women scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (2) _______ sure his
daughter had the best education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few
(3) _______ to study. After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria
(4) _______ she began teaching mathematics. She soon became famous (5) _______ her
knowledge of new ideas.
We have no copies of her books, (6) _______ we know that she wrote several important
mathematical works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (7) _______ several
scientific tools to help with her works.
At the (8) _______ many rulers were afraid of science and (9) _______ connected with it
was in danger. One day in March 415, Hypatia (10) _______ attacked in the street and

1. A one B. the C. a D. an
2. A. could B. made C. said D. put
3. A. classes B. customs C. opportunities D. teachers
4. A. where B. how C. there D. which

5. A. from B. by C. for D. in
6. A. because B. but C. or D. as
7. A. did B. experimented C. invented D. learnt
8. A. day B. period C. year D. time
9. A. anyone B. nobody C. all D. something

10. A. was B. had C. have D. is

The Rockies Mountains run almost the length of North America
They start in the North-west, but lie only a (1) _______ hundred miles from the centre in the
more southern areas. Although the Rockies are smaller (2) _______ the Alps, they are no
less wonderful.

There are many roads across the Rockies, (3) _______ the best way to see them is to (4)
_______ by train. You start from Vancouver, the most attractive of Canada’s big cities.
Standing with its feet in the water and its (5) _______ in the mountains, this city (6)
_______ its residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the city (7) _______.

Thirty passenger trains a day used to (8) _______ off from Vancouver on the cross-
continent railway. Now there are just three a week, but the ride is still a great adventure.
You sleep on board, (9) _______ is fun, but travel through some of the best (10) _______ at

1. A. many B. lot C. few D. couple

2. A. from B. to C. as D. than
3. A. but B. because C. unless D. since
4. A. dive B. travel C. ride D. pass

5. A. ear B. hand C. head D. nose

6. A. lets B. allows C. offers D. give
7. A. centre B. circle C. middle D. heart

8. A. leave B. get C. take D. set

9. A. when B. which C. who D. where
10. A. scenery B. view C. site D. beauty


Would you like a job where you could eat chocolate (1) ______ day? Well, such a job does
exist! Did you know that most chocolate factory (2) ______ chocolate tasters? Their job is
to taste the chocolate while it is being (3) ______ and say if it is too sweet or too bitter. You
have to be very good at tasting different (4) ______ and you have to comment on (5)
______ the chocolate feels as well. Is it smooth or crunchy? Unfortunately, you can't just go
along and say you like chocolate - that, I'm afraid, is not enough! Most chocolate tasters
have a degree (6) ______ food technology and you will not be able to work (7) ______ you
have had lots of training. Then you have to go through several (8) ______ before you can be
selected. If you think you would be good at chocolate tasting then try to develop your taste
buds by tasting different chocolate (9) ______ blindfold. See if you can tell what type of
chocolate it is. If you get a job like this, you will not be well-paid but most tasters enjoy
their job so much that (10) ______ is not very important.
1. A. whole B. all C. entire D. each

2. A. employ B. use C. utilize D. rent

3. A. carried out B. done C. made D. fabricated
4. A. scents B. odours C. smells D. flavours
5. A. what B. why C. how D. if

6. A. of B. about C. on D. in
7. A. when B. until C. although D. after
8. A. experiments B. trials C. tests D. exams

9. A. bars B. sticks C. rods D. pieces

10. A. income B. payment C. wage D. pay
Summer work in Reykjavik
If you take a walk through Reykjavik – the capital of Iceland – this summer, you’ll see
groups of young people working in parks, gardens and green areas around the city. Most (1)
______ these kids are in high school but they (2) ______ the summer keeping the city green
as part of a program (3) ______ as ‘work school’.
The ‘work school’ (4) ______ of a surprisingly large (5) ______ of Reykjavik’s teen agers.
Roughly 75% of Reykjavik’s 14-year-olds and 60% of the city’s 16-year-old take (6)
They get paid for their work, and at the same time they (7) ______ the environment of their
They also learn (8) ______ to work as a member of a team which is (9) ______ by an adult.
This experience provides them with useful skills for (10) ______ they leave education and
enter the world of work.
1. A. for B. of C. from D. with
2. A. take B. do C. spend D. make

3. A. called B. known C. noted D. said

4. A. involves B. consists C. employs D. contains
5. A. number B. level C. lot D. size
6. A. away B. place C. part D. up
7. A. prepare B. improve C. produce D. attend
8. A. how B. where C. why D. then

9. A. moved B. help C. kept D. led

10. A. although B. when C. unless D. white
It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are.
One thing you have to be (1) _______ of is that you will face criticism along the way. The
world is (2)_________ of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If
you’ve made up your (3)_______ to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel,
(4)_________ the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let
the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you’re
totally in the (5)______ of talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If (6), __________,
someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you
should consider their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars (7)__________ were
once out of work . There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their
first novel – or who didn’t, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before
they could get it (8) ________. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (9)________
extent. But things are more likely to (10) ________ well if you persevere and stay positive.
1. A. alert B. clever C. intelligent D. aware
2. A. overflowing B. packed C. filled D. full
3. A. idea B. brain C. thought D. mind
4. A. shouldn’t let B. won’t let C. didn’t let D. don’t let
5. A. absentee B. shortage C. missing D. lack
6. A. hence B. whereas C. otherwise D. however
7. A. which B. whom C. they D. who
8. A. publish B. to publish C. publishes D. published
9. A. plenty B. numerous C. definite D. certain
10. A. sail through B. come into C. deal with D. turn out

Statesmen define a family as “a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related
by blood, adoption or marriage, (1) ______________includes common-law relationships.”
Most people are born into one of these groups and (2) ______________live their lives as a
family in such a group.
Although the definition of a family may not change, (3) ______________.relationship of
people to each other within the family group changes as society changes. More and more
wives are (4) ______________paying jobs, and, as a result, the roles of husband, wife and
children are changing. Today, men expect to (5)______________ for pay for about 40 years
of their lives, and, in today’s marriages (6)______________ which both spouses have
paying jobs, women can expect to work for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This mean
that man must learn to do their share of family tasks such as caring for the children and
daily (7)______________chores. Children, too, especially adolescents, have to
(8)______________with the members of their family in sharing household tasks.
The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having (9)____________ __
is as matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has become a
choice. As alternatives (10)______________ common-law relationships and single-parent
families have become socially acceptable, women will become more independent.
1.A. which B. that C. what D. it
2.A. must B. need C. would D. will
3.A. a B. any C. some D. the
4.A. taking B. making C. keeping D. performing
5.A. live B. work C. hope D. ask
6.A. in B. for C. with D. to
7.A. home B. family C. house D. household
8.A. carry B. deal C. cooperate D. combine
9.A. time B. families C. happiness D. children
10A. similar to B. like C. such as D. or else
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they
need for such everyday (1)_______ as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It
also gives them the specialized training they may need to (2)_______ for a job or career. For
example, a person must meet certain educational requirements and obtain a (3)_______ or
certificate before he can practice law or medicine. Many fields, like computer operation or
police work, (4)_______ satisfactory completion of special training courses.
Education is also important (5)_______ it helps people get more out of life. It increases
their knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills that make
life more interesting and enjoyable, (6)_______ the skills needed to participate in a sport,
paint a picture, or play a musical (7)_______ . Such education
becomes (8)_______ important as people gain more and more leisure time.
Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because
social changes today take place with increasing speed and (9)_______ the lives of more and
more people. Education can help a person understand these changes and provide
him (10)_______ the skills for adjusting to them.
(1)A. works B. jobs C. actions D. activities
(2)A. do B. prepare C. make D. work
(3)A. license B. card C. diploma D. paper
(4)A. requires B. requiring C. require D. to require
(5)A. therefore B. despite C. although D. because
(6) A. such as B. for instance C. such that D. for example
(7)A. appliance B. equipment C. instrument D. device
(8)A. increased B. increasing C. increase D. increasingly
(9)A. effect B. affect C. affective D. effective
(10)A. with B. for C. in D. to
Tattooing is an old art. In ancient Greece, people who had tattoos were regarded as members
of the (1) __________ classes. On the other hand, tattooing was (2) _ _________ in Europe
by the early Christians, who thought that it was a sinful thing to (3) __________. It was not
until the late 18 th century, when Captain Cook saw South Sea Islander decorating their
bodies with tattoos that attitudes began to change. Sailors came back from these islands with
pictures of Christ on their backs and from then on, tattooing (4)__________ in popularity. A
survey by the French army in 1881 (5) __________ that among the 387 men (6)
__________ there were 1,333 designs.
Nowadays, not everybody finds tattoos acceptable. Some people thing that getting one is
silly because tattoos are more or less permanent. There is also some (7) __________ about
(8) __________ a blood disease from unsterilized needles. Even for those who do want a
tattoo, the (9) __________ of getting one is not painless, but the final result, in their eyes, is
(10) __________ the pain.
1. A. upper B. greater C. high D. extreme
2. A. blamed B. exported C. banned D. finished
3. A. be B. create C. do D. make
4. A. gained B. won C. earned D. made
5. A. declared B. showed C. explained D. said
6. A. questioned B. inquired C. demanded D. spoken
7. A. danger B. concern C. trouble D. threat
8. A. gaining B. infecting C. having D. catching
9. A. progress B. system C. pace D. process
10. A. worth B. due C. owed D. deserved
I was raised on a farm in a remote village in the 1950s. The winter months were endless and
everything was covered in snow. I was always (1) ________ for the warmer weather to
come. When spring arrived, everything came alive- flowers would bloom and the animals
would come out of hibernation. I would follow the bear tracks and search for them. Once,
however, I (2) ________ an angry mother bear who saw me (3) ________ a threat. (4) -
________ the sight of the bear, I did what my father had told me. I stood still until she
stopped growling and walked away. The trick was effective, but looking back now, I
realized that the situation was (5) ________ more serious than I thought at the time. By the
age of twelve, I had lots of camping (6) ________, as I used to go camping with my dog on
my school holidays. We would spend days (7) ________ the forest, catching fish for dinner,
(8) ________ at the frogs and the (9) ________ of birds and the insects hopping up and
down on the surface of the water. Of course, this was possible only during the warm months.
When the autumn came, everything went quiet, which was quite usual in those parts. It
wasn’t long before the animals disappeared, the birds (10) ________ south and the snow
took over. The place became deserted once again.
1. A. willing B. keen C. eager D. enthusiastic
2. A. found out B. came across C. dealt with D. reached
3. A. as B. same as C. such as D. like
4. A. By B. At C. On D. In
5. A. very B. quite C. far D. so
6. A. experience B. skills C. qualities D. qualifications
7. A. investigating B. detecting C. researching D. exploring
8. A. watching B. looking C. noticing D. observing
9. A. sets B. swarms C. bunches D. flocks
10. A. fly B. flying C. flew D. flight

1.A 1.B 1.C 1.B 1.B

2.B 2.B 2.D 2.A 2.C

3.B 3.C 3.A 3.C 3.B

4.D 4.A 4.B 4.D 4.B

5.A 5.C 5.C 5.C 5.A

6.B 6.B 6.B 6.D 6.C

7.D 7.C 7.A 7.B 7.B

8.B 8.D 8.D 8.C 8.A

9.A 9.A 9.B 9.A 9.D

10.C 10.A 10.C 10.D 10.B


1.D 1.A 1.D 1.A 1.C

2.D 2.D 2.B 2.C 2.B

3.D 3.D 3.A 3.C 3.A

4.D 4.D 4.C 4.A 4.B

5.D 5.B 5.D 5.B 5.C

6.D 6.A 6.A 6.A 6.A

7.D 7.D 7.C 7.B 7.D

8.D 8.C 8.D 8.D 8.B

9.D 9.D 9.B 9.D 9.D

10.D 10.C 10.A 10.A 10.C


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