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By Ms Safra Lareef

Course name: Diploma in Teacher Training

Module: Counselling Skills
Batch No:
Date of Commencement: June 15, 2023
Submission Deadline: June 29, 2023
Word Count: 1000-1500

Title: Enhancing Counseling Skills in the Classroom: Exploring Effective

Strategies for Teacher-Student Interactions

Question for Assignment:

“Discuss the significance of counseling skills in the context of teacher-student

interactions. Identify and critically evaluate three specific counseling skills that
teachers can utilize to create a supportive and conducive learning environment.
Reflect on the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating counseling
skills into teaching practices.” Support your arguments with relevant research
and practical examples.

Instructions for the assignment

1. Define the concept of counseling skills within the context of teacher-

student interactions and explain their importance in promoting a positive
learning environment.
2. Select three specific counseling skills that teachers can employ to
enhance their interactions with students. Examples may include active
listening, empathy, effective communication, building rapport, problem-
solving, or conflict resolution. Provide a rationale for why these skills are
essential for fostering meaningful connections with students.
3. Describe each selected counseling skill in detail, highlighting its key
components and techniques for implementation. Support your
descriptions with scholarly literature and relevant theoretical frameworks.
4. Discuss the potential positive outcomes that can result from employing
these skills in various student-teacher interactions.
5. Referencing should be done strictly using APA referencing

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